Since the popular thread from 2011 has gone to hell with outdated images, false page redirections and 4 blank pages of deleted posts, I think it's time to start anew for the 2012 community.
I'll start out by posting some strange (but real) sodas I found on Google. You can be the ones to determine whether or not you'd ever try any of them.
The label on the last one is real, but the flavor is fake. You'll have to learn the Jones way of doing things.
Chips are another favorite when it comes to bizarre flavors.
^ Those BLT chips are actually not too bad.
And, of course, the Canadian classic...
If you know of any strange flavors or you just happen to find some online, post them here. Pictures are always appreciated.
found another one! this is known as the "oop coffee"
open the link in a new tab xD fficial&biw=1760&bih=934&tbm=isch&tbnid=BrC5x_VikHrbbM:&imgrefurl=" alt="" />
The English language does not posses words to describe how utterly repulsive that is
Luckily, we don't need to worry about using words like that, because we probably won't be seeing this outlandish product on the market any time soon. There are very few people out there who would be willing to accept human fecal matter as a source of food, so the demand is far too low for this product to even be controversial.
See I dont like diet coke but this looks GREAT!!BACON!! This looks GROSS!!
I was thinking about Pepsi Kick earlier today (page 28) and how it contained traces of nicotine, and it made me think, is it possible to quit smoking just by drinking smaller and smaller amounts of Pepsi Kick every day?
First, a soft drink called Orbitz. It was a fruit-flavored beverage with small balls floating in it.
I'm not sure if I would drink something like that, but to be honest it is a nice decorative element. I'd like to have one or two in my living room.
The next one is one of these strange products from Japan. It's called Diet Water, which I assume has all the taste and none of the calories of the water I usually drink.
The floating balls in Orbitz are edible, and the flavors actually sound pretty interesting. I'd definitely try it if it were still on the market.
Diet Water reminds me of another very strange Japanese beverage; only, instead of being made by Japanese beer giant Sapporo, this one is made by Coca-Cola: