I am sure that you could make a short animation for each one
That sounds great! Do you know how to animate? lol
Ralph pukes while David cries.

Mario throws Luigi off cliff.

Rainbow Shoes.

Beetle wets the bed. (intentionally supposed to be Beatle)

Burn the witch!

Apple cherry bomb

Vader drops lightsaber and grows tentacles.

Karate Kid in space

The Peace, Love, and the Ice Cream Mafia. (my personal favorite)

Giant bee scares campers.

Tree is toaste (to be taken literally)

Cheerful man gets incinerated.

Zombie sits under tree.

Black hole loves ketchup.

Gold fish angry, gold fish stab!

Adam the Pirate teases man about being a loser.

Baby God looks at world at its superior.

Dealing drugs will kill you.

Surprise! It's salad!

Doctor sells eye for 1 dollar.

Some dude raises fish in joy.

Fantastic! I'll take a dozen!

Even the devil enjoys a morning coffee...

Drug addict feels blue.

Couple waits for the world to develop.

Big Bird walks into black hat.

Lost between two universes.

So, that's the previous ones. But I will post more as soon as some other games finish up! So, keep commenting!