@Cenere.. Look I am not posting my art just to please you. I can do it however I want to. I really don't have to give the source. I don't really know how to anyway. I just googled the images and printed them out.
No, and you don't need to log onto your account either, do you? Mods don't like people pretending they did the art. In this is included eyeballing something and pretend you made up the concept and the composition. And, look, I am not saying this, just because it's you. I would tell anyone to remember to cite their sources, just as I would cite my sources myself. Because I would be pissed off if someone used my art without crediting me. And you yourself stated that you don't want people to trace your art, so why would it be different from the people you are taking concept and composition from?
As for the googling and printing, save the url, perhaps? If I can find your source images with a little bit of effort, you should be able to save your sources as well. Or, at the very least do what Bronze suggested, and state you are not the original artist of the concept/composition, and that you have been eyeballing the art.
So, let's just take it like this: Pretty please save your sources so you can give proper credit to the original artist. Or, at the very, very, very least state you eyeballed it and you couldn't be bothered to credit the artist that did a good deal of the work for you.
Why? Because you cannot be bothered to include a small disclaimer in your post? Seriously, none of us would want you to stop posting your art, we need more artists in this section, and more so, I think we would all love to jump at your service and help you improve, as has already been done. All we are asking is that you acknowledge that you are copying someone else's work. As Bronze said, there is no shame in it. Heck, I did it a lot back when I was really bad at, well.. Everything. Even worse, I traced. You at least have the decency to put yourself into the work and only eyeball, which, btw, is an important skill if you are going to be a good artist. More so, it might give you confidence in making more complex art later on, not to mention it is a fine practice ground for getting more confident with doing lineart and using a pen.
But, if you are going to ragequit because some old fart tells you to please follow the rules because they don't want to see you go, or worse, because that same old fart isn't praising you to the skies but instead tries to help you get better, then, by all means, ragequit. Because then obviously you are saving yourself from ban, and saving your pride from the realisation that you can improve.
I, personally, would just be sad that you would do this, because there is no reason to react like a spoiled brat that can't get to do whatever they want and get butt kissed and so on and so forth. Because you have potential and you are an artist, and the forumgods know we need more artist in this poetic hole.
So, to sum up: Fine, be done, but if you give up because you are told to include a single little credit to your posts, or because you aren't praised, then you probably shouldn't have made this to begin with. And more so, you should probably not consider yourself an artist either. So, come on, kid. Show me you are serious about doing art. Or at least serious enough to show a blunt idiot that you want this.
@Cenere.. OH MY GOD.. I did not intend to copy someone else's art. I didnt save the url. But I will next time. And I am not doing this to get praised. God you are making me sound like a conceited little *****. I'm not. And the way I see it... Is that everyone can be an artist. No matter how crappy they can draw, sculpt, paint whatever. T_T I appreciate your little tips and comments, but I get to fricking lazy to read them because they are like a page long.
@stormwolf722 Well if your photography is anything like your drawing then I would love to see it. Also I hope you keep drawing too.
Now on to you and Cen... I hate getting into this stuff but I feel I should.
@stormwolf722 You are a good artist, there is no doubt about that. We are just trying to make you better. If you want to take our advise then great. If not then that is fine too. We know that you are not trying to take someones art and call it your own. If you really do not want to say where you were drawing from then add something(s) to make it more of your own. Cen does write a lot but he is just trying to help you(or at times ranting). You should be proud that someone has so much to say and cares enough to type all that out to make you better.
@Cenere You told me yourself that you hate people commenting on your art. You will then see what is wrong with it more then what is good with it. The same thing is probably happening to stormwolf. Remember to say all the good things as well. It makes the person feel better and they will probably take your critiques more.
I love ranting. Well, Daleks, I generally want critiques. Usually, the hate-people-commenting is when I am already kinda beaten down, but for once is actually somewhat proud of a picture I have used hours upon hours on. Which is when people point out something is wrong, but won't help me fix it. Then I get frustrated. I appreciate critiques, but I rarely, if ever, get any constructive ones. (as for adding something positive, well... I am not a very positive person)
@Storm: I will retreat now, but, well, as mentioned, I would rather see another artist than anything else. I would offer you some help with the credit thing, like where to find free stock images and so on, where the permission is already included (though most artists still appreciate the credit), but I guess I have been doing way too much about nothing. Or something.
Also, considering your post: I meant no harm. I still don't. I have just seen way too many young artists ruin their career by being brats one way or another on subjects similar to this, and that is my association, not something you should be bothered by. That said, you have said you are copying/eyeballing the art, so you can't deny that the basic composition and concept is not originally yours. Which is all I want you to acknowledge in your posts, both for your own sake and for some kind of respect towards the other artist.
@Cenere. In the first place I was clueless to acknowledge giving the credit idea to the original artist. My apologies for that. I was clearly not thinking. I have never posted ANY art on here before this. Even though I did not save any url for my pictures I print out, I will trace my steps to find the artist with the idea.
@daleks. I will post 2 more pictures :P .. But after that I will post photography I do. They are kind of like my art. A bit dark. But they can sometimes be luminous.
I was bored in Algebra class.
This one I eyeballed from a statue photograph. Which was not a drawing.
@cooldownman. The rose, wolf one are not from my ideas. The tree one was my idea and the mourning angel statue I eyeballed from a photograph of one. d:
It was raining outside and I got excited :3 (I know my hand is fat ish dont judge)
ok cool i do alot of eyeballing too, you said you dont want people tracing your drawings, do you mind if i just look at it and try and draw it?? i really enjoy doing it and i love your pics, and the pic you just posted, i like it, what type of peddle is that?
oh btw i like the Luke 6:44 part in the tree one and please keep posting! i will defiantly come back to this thread! keep it up!