Knight's Blade

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Dec 24, 2022


Knight's Blade is an Action RPG in a Medieval Fantasy Setting where you slay enemies, upgrade your equipment, and move to different areas to find stronger enemies and upgrades. All packed into a game with a unique combat system like no other.


Chapter 1: Prologue

[History of The Mana Cave]

A few centuries ago, A group of slimes had occupied a local un-inhabited cave near a human settlement.

The group was lead by a huge slime that wore a golden-ruby crown also, known as the slime king that ruled over the Mana Cave.

The nearby human settlement didn't give much of a thought to the slimes as they saw them as non-hostile creatures.

So, The group of slime occupied the cave for a long time where they peacefully multiplied into a greater force.

Until one day when, A prospector found out that the cave had an abundant amount of mana crystals;

that had been formed due to the presence of the slimes.

This piece of information lead the king of the human settlement to dispatch a squadron of his most elite soldiers.

and his most powerful and renowned knight for clearing the Mana Cave.

The Knight's party was unfortunatly defeated in the battle for the Mana Cave where the king lost not only his best Knight but

also a legendary weapon by the name of "Knight's Blade" that was wielded by the defeated Knight.

The disappointed king put out a reward for whoever brings back the legendary weapon.

The quest also stated that whoever brings the legendary weapon was given Knighthood in this kingdom.


WASD / Left-Click on target position = Movement
E = Interact / Talk with people.
Hold space = Run/Sprint
Left-click and Mouse = Interact with UI.

December 27, 2022

v1.9 - Super Bug Fixes and tweaks! Attack Stamina starts from the top. No more tutorial bugs! A sell all button that allows you to sell all your loot at once at the guild. Chest Bug removed ( literally ) Removed any potential tutorial exploits Removed any potential double enemy encouters.

December 25, 2022

Christmas Patch 2 (v1.7) Fixed the gold display. Fixed some dialogues.

December 25, 2022

Christmas Patch (v1.6) Minor AI changes and few quests tweaked. More changes en route!
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