66 | 27K |
Play game
May 18, 2021
You're a crazy pirate brought back to life and you urge to blow stuff up. Strategically.
A / D: move left / right
Left click: throw BOMB*
*You launch 2 types of bomb, alternately:
PINK BOMB: being close to the explosion thrusts you in the direction of the explosion (either left, right, up, down -no diagonals!-)
BLACK BOMB: destroys fragile walls, but being close to the explosion blows you up!
NOTE: You can see your current bomb type on the cursor.
Additional controls:
[Shift] : (experimental) slows down the game speed, adds 2 seconds penalty
Right click : use monocular
T : display notes (instructions)
E : toggle cronometer
[P] / [Escape] : saves and goes back to the main menu
You can slowly slide down walls by going towards them (while up in the air)
About the game:
Art / sfxs / design / coding by Saantonandre (me!)
Original soundtracks by Gamemaker Tim (check him out!)
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