Spring Picto-Hunt (Answers)
![Spring Picto-Hunt (Answers) Spring Picto-Hunt (Answers)](https://files.armorgames.com/blog/2016/03/spring_2016_pictoquiz_header.png)
**NOTE: The Picto-Hunt is over. The answers are at the bottom and the winners are in the comments.**
Instead of an Easter Egg Hunt this year, we will have a Picture Hunt (some with eggs)! How familiar are you with the games on Armor Games? Let’s find out in Armor Games’ Spring Picto-Hunt.
Figure out from which games these twelve Spring and Easter-related images were taken and email Gantic with your answers. Be exact with the name of the game or that particular answer may not count.
E-mail: Gantic@ArmorGames.com
The first three winners will receive
- sweet treats
- a Sushi Cat plushie
- one month of AFG+
The winners will be the first three who submit all correct answers before the end of the deadline (Friday, April 1st, 2016), or the first three who submit the most correct answers. Can you name all of the games?
The Picto-Hunt is over and here are the Answers:
- 1. Sushi Cat-a-pult
- 2. Egg Knight
- 3. Epic Battle Fantasy 4
- 4. Creekwood Forest
- 5. Crystal Story II
- 6. MindScape
- 7. Amorphous plus
- 8. How to Raise a Dragon
- 9. Dino Run
- 10. Castaway 2
- 11. Bad Eggs Online
- 12. Epic Fail