54 | 24K |
Play game
May 24, 2021
It’s a stormy night when you decide to crawl up into the attic and take a look around. Finding an old decaying computer, you turn it on and to your surprise, it works. It only runs an old chatbot - Clarity - who asks you to play with her. Why does this computer know so much about you? And why can you only use Copy and Paste to reply?
Like the game? We're working on a sequel! Sign up to our e-list to get updated about when it's available to play
Credit for the CRT screen effect goes to Mattias
Credit for the glitch effect goes to Staffan Widegarn Åhlvik
Left Click + Drag : Select text
Ctrl + C: Copy text
Ctrl + V: Paste text
Enter: Send message
Esc: Menu
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