
78 104K
ZS Dead Detective vs Nine Deaths Cat
Holyday City Reloaded

Play game

Oct 27, 2017


Optika is the frenziest light-beamed puzzle-solving videogame which pushes your logic skills to the limit. Redirect the colored thunderbolts towards their respective receivers using optic devices. Charge all receivers at the same time to complete the puzzles!

Optika is a puzzle game where you control light with 14 different optic devices to complete levels.
Be ingenious and lead the right color to the Receivers with the help of Professor Opticus and Sofia!
Decompose and move the light thanks to lenses, mirrors and prisms. Take your time and ultimately guide the photons to their goals!

▶️ Festival of lights!
▶️ Discover 14 different optical devices
▶️ Play with light and colors
▶️ Use lenses, mirrors and prisms
▶️ Soothing soundtrack
▶️ 160 levels of fun!

Discover the world of light physics: play with lasers, prisms, mirrors, magnets and dozens of other optical devices.
Explore the world of Optika with Prof. Opticus and his assistant, Sofia! Research and complete more than one hundred challenging puzzles!
All of the puzzles you are about to experience are inspired by real world physics.


Mouse only (Explained in-game)

March 19, 2018

The Big Bang - level 8 fixed Play level - Menu - Back - ads buttons remain on screen fix
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