Space Order Mine

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Sep 29, 2023


Welcome to Space, Order, Mine! A 2D pixel-art inventory management with reverse minesweeper in space. Collect items, organize inventory, mine for energy and vanquish your foes!

Currently in early development and looking for feedback. Working on adding new items, combos, enemies, mining map...

V0.36 Small Update (2024-05-28)
- Added steam cloud save
- Added a rare Energy Remover II that hits all sections of the selected enemy
- Fix some bugs
- The Excavation Drone should work a bit better
- Excavation Drone not drill 4 tiles

V0.35 Small Update (2024-04-15)
- Added the ability to sort component during gameplay
- Small fix and update to full game

V0.34 Small Changes (2024-04-02)
- Shield Drone graphic was stretched a little bit
- Mouse scroll wheel will scroll the section much more
- Fragile Scanner I is back... In the main game, this is ok but it's too overpowered for the infinite mode
- Quick Scanner is now a one time use item
- Changed the logic that is used to move the overworld map
- Allow right-click drag on the overworld map
- Added the game version on the statistics page
- The font for the enemy life will be reduced if the enemy has over 10,000 life
- Fix a problem with the Drill Shooter

V0.33 Statistics (2024-03-23)
- Added new items
- Infinite mode can only be played with the normal ship
- Some fixes in the full game
- Added achievements in the full game
- Show statistics and inventory when the game end
- Saving the player's health
- Added more special orbs (+shield, 3x3 drill)
- Energy Disruptor is now affected by damage increase accessories

V0.32 Quick Fix (2024-03-19)
Reduce memory usage

V0.32 General Update (2024-03-18)
- Added a tutorial planet for first time player
- Volume is saved
- Brought back the "Scanner I" to unlimited use
- Disabled items will have a red lines in the inventory
- Little particle when Energon is generated
- Added an image around the highlighted mining cell
- Added a repository of all items that the player has seen
- Added a little color effect on the screen depending on the type of mining
- An X cell cannot be modified (ex: have electric)
- Tooltip show a little bit faster
- Added the option of selecting different type of ships (to make the game easier)
- Rework some of the tooltip
- Change the bullet image on some weapons

V0.31 Fixes and items (2024-03-12)
- Infinite mode only show the first zone
- The info box of the selected enemy section will be on top
- Moved the "Skip Loot" button a bit higher
- Changed the screen when ending a level
- Finished the base content for the full game!
- Brought back the "Scanner I" to unlimited use
- The Corruptor can be boosted
- Changed the algorithm that choose loot
- Corruption info is now added beside the ship info box
- Ergon weapon will be displayed in the component list
- L Solar Panel now take 3 space instead of 4
- Changed\fix some tooltips
- Added new items
- "Are You Sure" dialog if a new game is created with a previous save

When there weren't a lot of items, players would often get the same really good items. Since there are more items, it's more difficult to get the same items on each play. I think it's ok to bring back powerful items like the old Scanner I.

I made an exception for ArmorGames where the infinite mode will still show all zones for now.

V0.30 Small Updates (2024-02-24)
- Display the amount of xp gained in the event
- Shield Drone gets the bonus from the Shield Chip
- Computer Shield won't affect the Corruptor (it gets too powerful)
- The action that converts shield to damage will not boost
- The Energy Remover now removes 4 energy
- New, small\medium\large solar panel
- The Shield Capacitor now gives 30 shields
- Fix arrows when sorting components
- Added an option to skip the loot and gain 5 health

Two new project concepts have been added. They are currently "common". If this works, the idea will be expanded to more items.

- Strong weapon that only works if there is no shield
- Energon weapon that needs to be beside an energon producer. Energon is generated from excess energy and given to all energon items.

V0.28 New Features (2024-02-11)
The version number in the game was not increased. It will be changed an other day. All the new changes are there.

- The diagonal map now can show in two directions
- Enemy with corruption now properly gets destroyed
- Enemy that loose corruption will see the graphic disappear
- Changed some logic on the Debris, hopefully it works
- Save\Load. Both are done in the overworld and not in battle
- Accessories that increase damage work on missiles
- When managing the inventory, arrow buttons will appear to change the order of components
- Changed the main menu a little bit
- Change the music

V0.28 Updates (2024-01-29)
- Rebalance different parts of the game
- Change the event of the store
- Changed the ? events
- Added new items
- Show the amount of waves
- Fix bugs

Started the work on achievements and saves.


1- Drag items in the ship inventory. You can rotate them.

2- Click on the mining area to find energy cells (a bit like minesweeper except the mine are energy cells).

3- Use different abilities to destroy the enemies.

4- You can click on the enemies to target them.

March 12, 2024

0.31 Fixes and items ------------- - Infinite mode only show the first zone - The info box of the selected enemy section will be on top - Moved the "Skip Loot" button a bit higher - Changed the screen when ending a level - Finished the base content for the full game! - Brought back the "Scanner I" to unlimited use - The Corruptor can be boosted - Changed the algorithm that choose loot - Corruption info is now added beside the ship info box - Ergon weapon will be displayed in the component list - L Solar Panel now take 3 space instead of 4 - Changed\fix some tooltips - Added new items - "Are You Sure" dialog if a new game is created with a previous save When there weren't a lot of items, players would often get the same really good items. Since there are more items, it's more difficult to get the same items on each play. I think it's ok to bring back powerful items like the old Scanner I. I made an exception for ArmorGame where the infinite mode will still show all zones for now.

November 19, 2023

0.24 Infinite mode ------------- - Added infinite mode. - Increased the life of the last boss. - Changed the logic when the drill changes during the game. Now it will allow a list of temporary drills (e.g., using the 3x3 drill twice will allow you to use it twice). - Fixed the problem with the Shield chip, energy amplifier, First boss, Scanner, and other bugs. - Now highlight the cells the item affect (ex: Shield chip will highlight the surrounding cells on hover). - Added a few new items. - Finished the second zone. Will start working on the 3rd zone. Hope to give a preview of the new zone by the end of the year.

November 4, 2023

0.23 More Items! ------------- Part of this version was to redesign some part of the code and fixing bugs. Also took the time to add a good amount of new items. - Fix some bugs - Refactoring part of the code - Reduce the amount of time the cell shooter appear - Added new items (now at 78!) - Support more than 4 visible drones - Continue the work on the second zone - Removed the second zone for the demo
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