As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.
Competition Rules - All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy. - Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced - Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version. - Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds. - Entries can be drawn in any medium available.
Totes. And I am sorry for the crappy judging, but personal stuff and so on, so forth. It will be better next week.
Anyway, there will be four rounds after this one, ending the ASC the 27-28th of October. At least one of those rounds will be involving redrawing in some shape or form.
If supernatural doesn't get more than three entries, you might as well end it then.
In a critique, I would point out stuff like the wings being flunky or the ghostly face being way too undefined, but it was most likely the point in the first place.
It was the point. I wanted to keep that quick doodle effect for the most part.
If supernatural doesn't get more than three entries, you might as well end it then.
It was the point. I wanted to keep that quick doodle effect for the most part.
Yeah, thought so. Technically it would have been better without the black edge to the site, but the issues with the drawing itself was stuff that you did deliberately. Whether it was a good or a bad thing, well...
Might as well get straight to the point. Attention! I am closing down this contest. My computer has died violently, and I doubt I will be getting it back fixed any time soon. I am sorry about this, but all things considered (one of them being lack of participation this round...) it's probably for the better. No one wants a judging done by some grumpy *** who had to go out to his school at 7 in the morning to judge.
So, this is the end for me. If someone else wants to continue on, they are free to do so.
I don't know if this drawing fits well with the theme. It's the only thing I could draw with so little time. I had better ideas, but the results were too awful to share. It shows one of my childhood fears: a monster living under my bed and turning my toys into evil creatures while I was sleeping.