ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Competition: Fire and Water (page 56)

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13,657 posts

Welcome to the Art Skills Competition.

As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.

Competition Rules
- All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy.
- Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced
- Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version.
- Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds.
- Entries can be drawn in any medium available.

  • 565 Replies
5,061 posts

That's not mentioning that I don't think any of those images belong to you and you failed to cit any sources for the material.

13,657 posts

@Ernie: Wouldn't mind seeing some of those screenshots. Even if I don't play the game, I might be impressed anyway.

@Punisher: No, it doesn't. Did you possibly not read the OP?
More impressive is the use of obvious stock photos from sites that would like you to pay for use (that watermark thar).

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

@Cenere: thanks. That was the intention: draw something that could fit in with a children's book.

@daleks: I was joking. Of course, the drawing isn't out of theme. It is the first original drawing I've made in years and I'm pretty happy with the result, but I agree with what you say. I wanted to paint it in watercolours, but... busy life, limited free time. As for the background, let's just say I'm not good with backgrounds or maybe I'm just lazy. I prefer drawing floating figures to adding a background that it's likely to ruin the whole thing.

I have to say that I love this week's theme. The last time I made a collage I was probably 10 years old. I didn't remember how fun (and dirty) this is. So here's my second entry: the AG logo made with different armatars. It looked better in my head, though.

5,061 posts

Okay, that's just impressive, bravo sir.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

Well, thanks. However, I am not quite convinced of it. I think it could've been better.

P.S.: can you call "sir" to a female? Just asking. My knowledge of English is limited.

5,061 posts

Oh whoops my mistake.

*Bravo, madam.

There we go fixed, I just assumed you were a male for some reason.

As for the collage, I could be wrong, but it looks like you actually cut/pasted each armatar into the picture. The worst that I can see is that it look slightly crooked at points, but as far as I'm concerned that just adds a feel of texture.

13,344 posts

Wouldn't mind seeing some of those screenshots. Even if I don't play the game, I might be impressed anyway.

As soon as I figure out where they're saved, I'll release them to the public eye.
437 posts

Very well, here's my Submission.

I wonder if this qualify by the way... (I have limited understanding on how to draw collages)

By the way, these aren't original characters but characters from other animes/games.

Here is the list:

Isaac Clarke (Top right hand corner)- Dead Space
Hatsune Miku (Centre)- Vocaloid
Commander Shepard (Middle left hand corner)- Mass Effect
A Dark Templars Terminator (Bottom left hand corner)- Warhammer 40000
Scout (Bottom right hand corner) - Team Fortress 2
Akemi Homura (Beside Scout) - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
USA (Top left hand corner) - Axis Power Hetalia

3,766 posts

I wonder if this qualify by the way... (I have limited understanding on how to draw collages)

I believe it does qualify. I have a loose interpretation of collage, but it is up to Cen.
2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

*Bravo, madam.

Much better now :P

And you're not wrong. I printed some armatars and then cut and pasted each one into the picture.
I don't think it's badly done, but I had a mental image of it and it's quite different from the final result. I guess that happens sometimes...
13,657 posts

I have a loose interpretation of collage

That does explain why you would pick it as a theme.

Let's say it like this: If you think it will fit, it follows the rules and you can get it done by Saturday midnight, it will be in.
So, come to me, little artists, do some stuff with things, post it here, get a free critique!
2,417 posts

Ho yeah! The ASC is back! And I promise not to kill it this time .

It's a collage of characters that seem to always pop up when my friend and me start doodling together. Not as cool as kegauongo's, but it is exactly what I set out to make.

Bigger Version

13,657 posts

Last theme: Collage
(Theme before last: Fairy Tales)

So, this will not be a judging. Or, it will, but there won't be a winner. The reason? There isn't enough material to make a proper judging.

You see... I think Kegaumongo[/url] did the best, and only, entry that was actually a collage of the word's usual meaning.
And it's a nice creation, but not in total tune with the rules of this contest with it not being drawn, and the main focus is made out of un-original material. Yet, this is what collages are. Glued together pictures. And it's a nice collage, it looks good, it's creative (I do think I have seen it before, though??) and it is complex, yet simple and easy to make out. Like the popart with a big image being made out of smaller images that fit the colour, background and all.
But. While this stands out, while it is nice looking and fitting the theme, I can't honestly say I would pitch it against the drawn entries as a contestant, without the judging being biased and wrong. You can't compare spoons and helicopters just because they are both metallic, and while a better judge might overlook the major difference in creation, I can't. And I won't. Sorry.
But it is a good-looking piece of art, the armatars are well chosen for their role and fits into the big picture. It's just not original. In any aspect. And more sadly, you have taken one of the things that might be at fault, a simple logo, and "coloured" it exactly like it is in the image. Which, in this enlarged version, means the shadows of the swords are now easily seen, and wondered upon. Why is the shade were it is, and in this case, why is it so much darker than the light side. While it has most likely been a lot of work, seeing that you might have thought about the basics of light and shadow would have been nice.
But eh, bonus points for using one of my custom armatar.

And on the other side, we now have two contestants, and that is simply not enough to make a proper judgement with a winner, at least not in my little world, which you all stepped into when you entered. Three is fine, two is too few.

Which is a nice character dump, all fit together with guns. Eastern and Western characters together, making a team of... uh, characters. And while the Eastern characters' faces unnerve me in the way they have been drawn, I do believe the worst offence in this drawing might be the lack of shading. It would have lived up the art a lot, and would have explained some of the poses better than however many lines would have done. Not that a certain lack of perspective isn't a problem, but it would perhaps have saved it a little. I will point out some examples of the perspective blunders, if you want to, Chrome.
Either way, more Warhammer guys in full armor, which you do really well, and which stands out compared to the rest of the team. You seem to give those guys more attention than the others, which is good for the Warhammer soldier but not very good for everyone else. But, with a bit of shading and colours, it could have gone to your service somehow.
Keep it up.

Which is arguably the bridge between the glued together version of the collage, and the character dump.
And I honestly don't have a lot to say about it. It's that simple-yet-OMG-chaos type of picture, where every inch has something new to look at, but when looked at from afar looks like a mess of lines. Which it is, but that's besides the point.
In a critique, I would point out stuff like the wings being flunky or the ghostly face being way too undefined, but it was most likely the point in the first place.
No words.
The pacman things with teeth are adorkable, though.

And with that... I guess the fail judging has come to an end.

[b]Theme: Supernatural
Deadline: Saturday 29th

13,657 posts

Last theme: Collage
(Theme before last: Fairy Tales)

So, this will not be a judging. Or, it will, but there won't be a winner. The reason? There isn't enough material to make a proper judging.

You see... I think Kegaumongo did the best, and only, entry that was actually a collage of the word's usual meaning.
And it's a nice creation, but not in total tune with the rules of this contest with it not being drawn, and the main focus is made out of un-original material. Yet, this is what collages are. Glued together pictures. And it's a nice collage, it looks good, it's creative (I do think I have seen it before, though??) and it is complex, yet simple and easy to make out. Like the popart with a big image being made out of smaller images that fit the colour, background and all.
But. While this stands out, while it is nice looking and fitting the theme, I can't honestly say I would pitch it against the drawn entries as a contestant, without the judging being biased and wrong. You can't compare spoons and helicopters just because they are both metallic, and while a better judge might overlook the major difference in creation, I can't. And I won't. Sorry.
But it is a good-looking piece of art, the armatars are well chosen for their role and fits into the big picture. It's just not original. In any aspect. And more sadly, you have taken one of the things that might be at fault, a simple logo, and "coloured" it exactly like it is in the image. Which, in this enlarged version, means the shadows of the swords are now easily seen, and wondered upon. Why is the shade were it is, and in this case, why is it so much darker than the light side. While it has most likely been a lot of work, seeing that you might have thought about the basics of light and shadow would have been nice.
But eh, bonus points for using one of my custom armatar.

And on the other side, we now have two contestants, and that is simply not enough to make a proper judgement with a winner, at least not in my little world, which you all stepped into when you entered. Three is fine, two is too few.

Which is a nice character dump, all fit together with guns. Eastern and Western characters together, making a team of... uh, characters. And while the Eastern characters' faces unnerve me in the way they have been drawn, I do believe the worst offence in this drawing might be the lack of shading. It would have lived up the art a lot, and would have explained some of the poses better than however many lines would have done. Not that a certain lack of perspective isn't a problem, but it would perhaps have saved it a little. I will point out some examples of the perspective blunders, if you want to, Chrome.
Either way, more Warhammer guys in full armor, which you do really well, and which stands out compared to the rest of the team. You seem to give those guys more attention than the others, which is good for the Warhammer soldier but not very good for everyone else. But, with a bit of shading and colours, it could have gone to your service somehow.
Keep it up.

Which is arguably the bridge between the glued together version of the collage, and the character dump.
And I honestly don't have a lot to say about it. It's that simple-yet-OMG-chaos type of picture, where every inch has something new to look at, but when looked at from afar looks like a mess of lines. Which it is, but that's besides the point.
In a critique, I would point out stuff like the wings being flunky or the ghostly face being way too undefined, but it was most likely the point in the first place.
No words.
The pacman things with teeth are adorkable, though.

And with that... I guess the fail judging has come to an end.

Theme: Supernatural
Deadline: Saturday 29th

2,739 posts


hmmmmm,interesting,very very interesting....lets see what kinda sparks can fly with that kinda theme.
Showing 121-135 of 565