ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Competition: Fire and Water (page 56)

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Welcome to the Art Skills Competition.

As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.

Competition Rules
- All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy.
- Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced
- Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version.
- Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds.
- Entries can be drawn in any medium available.

  • 565 Replies
3,174 posts

then the contestant has failed to find a subject or theme and convey it.* within the contest rules at least.

10,816 posts

There was one little issue. When this was attempted for the haiku contest (the roster thing), the contest ended up in smoke, with Murasaki and Emp left to pick up the pieces. Basically, every roster judge ended up vanishing or quitting, and there wasn't a back up plan to fall back on.

Agreed, I'm aware that it's often difficult to maintain a sense of commitment here. There's no substitute for being able to deliver when the time comes but the best laid plans of mice and men... so yes we'll need a backup. After registrations of interest, we'll talk about who's available when. A model of permanent judge with backup may be the way to go. Or I may simply encourage people to be vocal about their unavailability early rather than later. It may end up being like a round of job interviews lol.

As for judging:

The Art Skills Competition is only as strong as the skills of the judge

This pretty much summarises the various ups and downs of the contest. The ASC is busiest when the judge makes incisive and detailed comments on each piece. People also complain the most (or participate the least) when they feel they were ignored or glossed over, which indicates that the judge should ideally be somebody who is at least versed in art. I'm somewhat with reton8 on this one, in that it's worth using industry-standard concepts (I wouldn't strictly adhere to the terminology), but at the same time I also think that it may not be 100% relevant to this particular contest to attempt to judge objectively via industry standard, so much as using those concepts to enhance people's understanding of why one might highlight the virtues of one piece over the rest. That's what I was shooting for in my explanation on the previous page.
2,417 posts

I didn't need to think long with this theme. AG is known for its flash games, so the obvious thing was to draw something related to that. And so I drew up this:

If you can't guess or don't know, that is Galiant the Paladin from the first Sonny and the evil Baron Brixius behind him. My two favorite flash game characters, and they are also a big reason I joined AG.

I tried to keep Galiant as close to as his in game character as possible, but with a few change ups. All in all, I feel like it is just OK. I'm a little iffy on how I managed the shining blues and reds, but they could be worse.

3,766 posts

I respect everyone I know, it's a principle of mine. Do onto others, and all that jazz.

You seem to be harder on yourself than other people Cen. Anyway, isn't this an art thread? More art people! Or talk through art or something.
1,828 posts

If you don't know this character then you lack AG fandom...because its in several games

1,612 posts

Vandheer Lorde, from one of the best games of AG. I know it's terrible and unoriginal, I'm pretty much just uploading it to raise the entry number. :P

5,952 posts

Nice pic. I like it. Dont worry about the glowing part, I wouldnt have noticed anything had you not brought attention to them. My one complaint is that the black left hand is hard to see with the black backdrop, but that isnt a big deal. Good work.
..Good job :P
dont have much else to say.
Thats good too! although, this way it does look like he has an unusually large chest. Maybe moving the arm up a bit could help...?

Nice work overall guys! Im gonna go back to my exams now. Dont expect anything from me. Its funny how anytime I say i might do something, crazy stuff happens that makes me not....

10,816 posts

It'd be nice if we had a few more entries by the close, which is, as you know, the end of Saturday.

3,766 posts

It'd be nice if we had a few more entries by the close, which is, as you know, the end of Saturday.

There have been lots of times though that there were very few posts. Actually the most I think was around 6 or something.
13,657 posts

It'd be nice if we had a few more entries by the close, which is, as you know, the end of Saturday.

Just for you, then, Strop.
^Placeholder until I bother scanning it.

You seem to be harder on yourself than other people Cen

Not my fault no one else wants to uphold such gentlemanly practices, is it.

Anyway, isn't this an art thread? More art people! Or talk through art or something.

The irony of that post, in between two pictures, after several pages of art discussion. And the post includes no art nor art discussion.

I'd post but right now I'm too lazy to go figure out what the rules are.

They pretty much come down to "draw something that fits the theme, for the theme, in time of the theme."
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Heartbroken sushi cat.

10,816 posts

I have a sketch of my character posed as Phoenix Wright and yelling "Objection!" although I'm saving it for when someone posts something in a thread that is completely wrong or irrelevant.

It would be really funny if you had tried to submit that to this round of the competition, because it would have been completely irrelevant to the theme at hand haha.

This said, I'd like to remind people of the aim of the contest (at least as I saw it): like in Iron Chef, the winner is the person who best articulates the theme, which means that it's one thing to draw a subject, but the secret to success lies in the portrayal. You'll see in my commentary that I will focus mainly on whether/how much your submission evokes a sense of greatness or "greatest".

Okay cool, carry on then!
2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

Well, I admit that I had no idea what to draw this round. I tried to think about something, but I wasn't quite successful. So I drew this: me trying to figure out the meaning of the words "AG's greatest". Does this fit the theme?

3,174 posts

Okay I referenced these items:
- This video for Legolas
- This for Legolas also
- This I sort of traced for Strop's head
- This in game elephant I also basically traced for the elephant
- This image of Gollum

Here is the image:

What better way to convey the greatest at AG other than a nod to the original site (which is the cause for such greatness). A farewell to a great employee with some great games (and the very recognizable elephant). And of course I think Strop is a real presence on the forums and they wouldn't be as great without him (and I merged him with Gollum).

3,174 posts

Okay, so I'm disappointed with it, but here it is as a comic, I guess. it would be longer and in one image, but it doesn't fit in the forum and the above is too cramped. So here it is:

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