As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.
Competition Rules - All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy. - Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced - Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version. - Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds. - Entries can be drawn in any medium available.
Theme title tweaked in response to Hermit's post, as "gadgets" may be misleading.
To reiterate, though,
I want you to invent, or even reinvent. I'll accept everything from mind-control guns to Tron cycles to space ships to stealth suits to mecha to touchless motion sensitive display arrays etc. etc. I don't care if it's a schematic or a concept sketch or even a fictionalised demonstration.
And I do mean everything, as long as it has that science-fiction "flavour".
My friend is dragging me all over the world this week because he won't have much free time on his hands soon. I'm also close to finally beating persona 3! But don't worry Strop, I'll slip something in. Maybe...
I'm just fiddling with that style right now, though I do wish Paint would let me switch to color. The main gadget is the gun shooting the beam. It shoots a metal spike connected to a wire. The operator then presses the big red button, and wam-mo! You've got a magnetic beam.
Hmmmmmmm some good stuff here, but I was hoping for a slightly greater response, otherwise I'm not going to be able to give 3 podium placings. I'm going to extend the deadline by 4 days to Wednesday, and I will judge on Thursday.
Also gives me more time to kinda polish the draft of my own submission :B
didn't we like, just do somethign on this with "future technology"? and hooray, I can still enter! maybe I should enter dr. professor gunhands, whose hands turn into guns (so he can better punch things)
This is an art thread. You can either submit an image, or stop making useless posts and gawk in wonder at the fully awesome HD spread WIP that I'll be posting when I judge on Thursday :P