I've got a killer idea for a political satire, but I think that I'll be too busy with school to put the effort into making an acceptable product. This is something I want to do, but it's either do this kr any number of Lab Relorts and Essays for my AP classes.
I am looking and will conti ue to look forward to reading everyone elses submissions though, yours included Gantic.
I've been hemming and hawing since January about participating, came up with about three different storylines, and threw them all out the window, where they smashed into the concrete and died on impact. Not only that, but November will be crammed with College Apps D: Unless I come up with something spectacular within the next week or so, I won't be participating, though I can't wait to see what ideas others have. I was kind of looking forward to see what Mav could come up with but SOMEONE is getting an education instead of filling a month with caffeine and frenzied writing. Philistine. :P
I have the oldest account here and I've never finished. That's how bad I am at this. I've got a title, and a premise as well as a scene I'd like to write, but that's it. Hopefully I'll have this fully outlined by the end of the month, so I can at least try to finish.
I usually do 12.5k in two days, then miss a day and never get back on track. This year I'm hoping to do a set of short stories and poems built around a theme of some sort rather than a single novel--as long as I'm producing 1667 words per day about something or a closely related set of somethings, I'm fine.
I did it once for a class 3 years ago. Maybe next year. Maybe.
I already have several ideas in mind for a novel. I have a good Western story set up similar to a cliche John Wayne movie, but more in a satirical fashion. It seems like everyone is doing or wants to do satire so I might omit that one. I'm also getting a Sci-Fi mentality going, but I want to create some lore to go along with it before I actually write it. There's also an idea that could easily become a really bad movie, where a guy wakes up and discovers he has a phone with phones numbers to every government agency in the world and he can summon any military to his feet in a matter of minutes. That one's pretty far-fetched though, and I almost haven't any details for it. Lastly I'd like to do something with a superhero type character, but he decides to take a more neutral path and eliminate anything he considers a threat. He's similar to [PRTOTYPE]'s Alex Mercer, meaning he can shift his body tissue into almost anything and can adsorb more tissue to become stronger. That also requires some work because it's a little on-the-nose and it isn't anything different from what most people have seen.
Just for fun, I think I'll write up my NaNo in Minecraft after the month is over. (Assuming I finish.) I've been meaning to create a new library. It'll give me a reason to start gathering resources again (and a reason to finish).
256 characters per page 50 pages ~4.5 characters per word I write >50,000 words I'll need at least 18 books and quills.
Nah. Just the final. I'd probably give myself several blank pages (probably 5?) every book for later corrections. Review and edit several times before I publish. Then I can also just replace a book instead of replacing the entire series.
Ohh, that would make me die. I get so annoyed at the books in Minecraft! At least it would just be reproducing what you have already written, not starting from scratch.