It is built and can hold over 800 50k word novels (one novel per small chest). Over 900 if I optimize it. Over 1000 if they ever make bookshelves functional like chests.
Did you cheat for the resources used in construction (coloring the wool could be tricky) or did you earn them by the sweat of your brow? I have to decide whether or not I respect you.
Minecraft is totally relevant to NaNoWriMo, if you go by demographics. Though I never got into Minecraft, it's just not a good idea given my work commitments...
I will not be doing nanowrimo this year, due to said working commitments. I don't think I'll be doing it until at least 2014, and that's provided I pass my FRACP exams first go. And even then, usually as an advanced trainee, fellow or consultant one finds way for work to keep them busy...
...actually you know what, I'm starting out with a pretty cushy nights rotation, you know this may be doable... and I really do need a reason to finish the main ending of the WoM by Halloween...
Minecraft is totally relevant to NaNoWriMo, if you go by demographics. Though I never got into Minecraft, it's just not a good idea given my work commitments...
I'm willing to bet the Minecraft demographic is more skewed toward (middle-aged) males and NaNoWriMo toward (middle-aged) females.
I will not be doing nanowrimo this year, due to said working commitments. I don't think I'll be doing it until at least 2014, and that's provided I pass my FRACP exams first go. And even then, usually as an advanced trainee, fellow or consultant one finds way for work to keep them busy...
So I take it you learned from that one time you did all 50000 in a week or so only to scrap everything you wrote.
It already appears I'm drifting back into old habits with the way I'm writing out notes on the plot. It's probably going to turn out really bad like it always does before I don't finish.
Alright, I'll try this. The fact that Gantic is probably also going to do a horrible job and then fail inspires me to do the same.
Three options help me pick one: -The Loner is a science fiction story about philosophy and physics. It loosely centers on the development of its titular character, a Boltzmann brain. -The American Dreamer is about a girl who whines for like 200 pages until she gets what she wants randomly. The story is about how she finds love without really trying, and that's terrible. More broadly, it's about failing to find meaning in life. -Dog Girl is a fantasy piece. First of all, if no one knows my feelings on fantasy, I think it's pretty much a waste of the paper its printed on. Fit for teaching children to read and that's about it. Anyway, Dog Girl is a narrative poem about a gay zoophilic elf, which I suppose is a little redundant. It's about good and evil, and dharma and tao. More broadly, it's about how everything you like is terrible and I hate you. Chalk it up as satire.
So pick one for me!
And Strop, stop being a baby and write a novel in a month.
-The Loner is a science fiction story about philosophy and physics. It loosely centers on the development of its titular character, a Boltzmann brain.
It's been done. Sequels, movies, and movie sequels.
-The American Dreamer is about a girl who whines for like 200 pages until she gets what she wants randomly. The story is about how she finds love without really trying, and that's terrible. More broadly, it's about failing to find meaning in life.
It's also been done. Sequels, movies, and movie sequels made for the trash can.
-Dog Girl is a fantasy piece. First of all, if no one knows my feelings on fantasy, I think it's pretty much a waste of the paper its printed on. Fit for teaching children to read and that's about it. Anyway, Dog Girl is a narrative poem about a gay zoophilic elf, which I suppose is a little redundant. It's about good and evil, and dharma and tao. More broadly, it's about how everything you like is terrible and I hate you. Chalk it up as satire.
Need I say it again?
Honestly Xzeno, you should write a book pointing out stupidity. That'd be pretty funny, and you'd be good at it.