ForumsQuestsStrike Force Heroes 2 Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for Strike Force Heroes 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this awesome side-view shooter...
Duty Calls
Activate a killstreak.
Hardness: Easy
Climbing the Ranks
Reach level 5 with any 1 soldier.
Hardness: Easy
Ready for Battle
Equip a primary weapon, secondary weapon, attachment, and armor that are all at least level 10.
Hardness: Easy
Complete a mission (campaign and challenge) without dying.
Hardness: Medium
The End?
Beat the campaign on Normal.
Hardness: Medium
Get 3 kills during a killstreak.
Hardness: Medium
Party Time
Reach level 10 with all 5 soldiers.
Hardness: Medium
Compulsive Gambler
Get a Jackpot at the slot machine.
Hardness: Medium
Strike Force Hero
Complete all missions (campaign and challenge) on hard.
Hardness: Hard
Reach level 50 with 1 soldier.
Hardness: Hard

  • 432 Replies
3,087 posts

- you may NEVER miss, as Overkill is always and only added to the next SHOT.
I'm 99.99% sure that you can miss, as otherwise the throwing knife spam i do when carrying the flag would be as deadly.

- with your weapon you'll almost surely not be able to build up dmg for overkill running at the start to the middle of the bottom, as that tactic with that weapon teached me by personal experience is not possible, as you'll be gangbanged.

My experience says otherwise.

What proof I want?
- show that u r playing on armorgames and not some hacked version.
- show all your equipment. Your rifle might be legit while the rest of your stuff not.
- show what abilities you use. Anyone can claim a setup while using another.
- do Defection with your supposed setup on Insane. You said that's easy, you said you solve it. SHOW IT. Not some crappy other map with other settings and such foolishness. Show the real thing!
Fine, I'll do it when I have the time.

- ok, assume you use Overkill. This'll happen: enemy has 100 HP, you shoot it 150. Considering the dmg of your weapon what is somewhat low you'll pray during building the damage you don't encounter a juggernaut, or a heavily armored mercenary, because THEY won't die from your initial damage.
The first enemy will often require two shots, yes, but after that, I can usually one shot one kill. And I suffer no penalty because they still die before getting into range (only problem is enemy snipers with rifles, especially the bolt action rifles)

99% of the players of the game DISAGREE with your preached method.
You have as much proof of this as I have proof of my statement.

~~~Darth Caedus
413 posts

Nope @Jacen96, only you are preaching.

I on the other hand deal in facts.

Just some examples:
(check the comments)

The main guide (first find in browsers, and it is right here on AG):
also says it is most troublesome.

Or take a look on the game's wiki:
"Defection is a challenge in Strike Force Heroes 2, and widely considered to be the hardest one"
also stating, quoting the developer(!):
"In an update to the game, Justin buffed your health by 1.5x, since it was nearly impossible to finish it "

Also don't forget to check the comments at the game itself.

3,087 posts

Ok, like I said, I will create a video when I get the time (don't know when that will be, have to be on the other computer and have my Hearthstone Quests completed)

But in the meantime, Reton posted a link to two videos in his guide, the first one shows and easy to execute way to beat defection with a similar setup (using cloak to get into position, not to grab the flag). Try that strategy, I'll be back later with a vid of mine.

~~~Darth Caedus

3,174 posts

I think the thing about Strike Force Heroes 2 is that there is more than one viable method to do a lot of the challenges. Some people may prefer one method over the other. Some people may be better at one method over the other. Thus, it may feel as if there is only one correct way to complete certain challenges, but there could be more than one. It's too bad there isn't a multiplayer mode because then the predominate methods would surface. Also, if users had any debates they could face each other online to test their skills against each other.

As for the guide. A lot of people said I was biased, and I was rather resistant to them, but in they end I should have realized sooner that there's probably more than one way to do things in the game and still achieve a decent result. I always wanted to redo the guide and go over all the weapons, attachments, classes, and etc. listing pros and cons and giving my personal favorite, but being more clear that it's up to the users themselves to pick the combinations that they see fit as "best".

Also, here is the link to the guy beating Defection on Insane (before it was nerfed to the player keeping 1 ally). Strike Force Heroes 2 Challenge-12 Defection Insane

All this talk about the game makes me want to start playing again. :]

413 posts

@Reton 8 (and Jacen96)
Yes, the video you mention was just referred above.

ALSO it was mentioned, that the video is nearly useless in the reality for showing a very-low-percentage case happening (no juggernauts, enemymostly have very inferior weapons, enemy moving and dying always as whole group, enemy never passing the bottom level to the transporter beam spreading bullets with your team what is hardcoded behaviour for the AI, the throwing knife doing unbleievably hugh damage - we have npo idea of equipmentstats and skills used -).

Also make notice at the video people complaining any other class being totally useless for the challenge aside Sniper.

3,087 posts

He gives his equipment in the description
Throwing knife benefits from overkill
you can just restart until you don't have enemy jugs/snipers
The weps are far from inferior, they just can't hit the guy because he outranges them so bad
I could see engi + HAMR being viable (I believe I first won it as engi when I did my normal playthrough, every mission, always engi)

His equipment was Nitrogen DSR1 (unnecessary, damage is high enough that you kill them before nitrogen takes effect, also 5 levels low)
Perfect Laser Sight (if you want to, can be exchanged for a thermal for more crits and more overkill (if you suck at headshots))
Shredding Throwing Knives (The shredding is actually useful, requires less overkill to gain a kill and provides more overkill from a kill)
Overkill, one shot, one kill
True Stealth, gets you into position to where you can snipe everything at the flag before moving in (if you want, u can wait for the ai to move out a little, and make sure everyone has respawned)
and Flawless Oobleck armor

If you watch the video, you can see evidence of all of these, armor regenerating, him invisible, overkill over people's head, throwing knives bouncing, and DSR1 slaughtering (can't see the laser sight cuz glitch)

I'm gonna leave the video's tip here

Tips: Keep quit when you see Sniper Rifle/Rocket Launcher users on both of allies & enemies (It's up to you since having strong enemies is more exciting. I'm having a Commando user in this video just for fun, he is freaking hooligan lol). I prefer go under route to enemy's side since I felt it's bit easier/quicker to gain true stealth. If you don't have throwing knife as secondary, desert eagle works well too

~~~Darth Caedus
650 posts


Considering he suddenly got almost every achievement on the same day (including getting the level 50 achievement and the level 5 achievement in the same day), and then didn't get the 'raise every soldier to level 10' achievement until the next day, yeah, its a pretty good bet he hacked/cheated for them.

Several people have posted methods on other sites where you can essentially edit the game, set any soldier to level 50 and every challenge to completed, and then import it here, instantly getting the achievements.

3,087 posts

@Olinser, when the game was released the online saves weren't working, so I had to use local saves, which for some other reason weren't rewarding quests.

When I transferred my bank to the online save, it gave me all the quests immediately (except for level 10, might have something to do with me changing equipment that finally awarded it to me)

~~~Darth Caedus

650 posts

Uh huh, just like I'm sure all those guys posting absurd high scores across every game got them 'legitimately' - even the ones that are mathematically impossible in the game.

3,087 posts

Official thread where the bug was first documented

If I was going to hack, I would know how to do it where it gave me everything in one day.

~~~Darth Caedus

1 posts

Lmao I have two sheep cannons cx

199 posts
Grand Duke

Considering he suddenly got almost every achievement on the same day (including getting the level 50 achievement and the level 5 achievement in the same day), and then didn't get the 'raise every soldier to level 10' achievement until the next day, yeah, its a pretty good bet he hacked/cheated for them.

In some cases, if you have already finished the game you randomly end up getting a few quests after starting the game. i got all of the EBF4 quests as soon as the game finished loading but had to create a new profile to get some of SFH2 level quests.
413 posts


Doesn't matter what happened. The guy promised video of playing the level in question, so until that shows up, we reserve the right to stay in doubt.

3,087 posts

Ok, like I said, I will create a video when I get the time (don't know when that will be, have to be on the other computer and have my Hearthstone Quests completed)

I never said I would prioritize it, and I'm still not sure I didn't uninstall hypercam.

I did mean what I said about planning to create a video, and that video will come Soonâ¢. The thing is, SC2 is really fun, and I've been trying to keep up with quests on hearthstone, in addition to all the AP homework I should be doing.

~~~Darth Caedus
3,087 posts

Video is uploading right now, 283 minutes remaining.

~~~Darth Caedus

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