This thread is a place to discuss quests for Strike Force Heroes 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this awesome side-view shooter...
Duty Calls Activate a killstreak. Hardness: Easy
Climbing the Ranks Reach level 5 with any 1 soldier. Hardness: Easy
Ready for Battle Equip a primary weapon, secondary weapon, attachment, and armor that are all at least level 10. Hardness: Easy
Survivor Complete a mission (campaign and challenge) without dying. Hardness: Medium
The End? Beat the campaign on Normal. Hardness: Medium
Rampage Get 3 kills during a killstreak. Hardness: Medium
Party Time Reach level 10 with all 5 soldiers. Hardness: Medium
Compulsive Gambler Get a Jackpot at the slot machine. Hardness: Medium
Strike Force Hero Complete all missions (campaign and challenge) on hard. Hardness: Hard
Master Reach level 50 with 1 soldier. Hardness: Hard
@Jacen96 Well, it's definitely you playing, BUT the video not fills the agreed requirement, namely: We don't see you play on Armorgames.
The game looks not just a little bit hacked for these reasons: - suddenly ALL the AI spawns with pistols (except one with a granade launcher, and yes, in the hand of the AI it is pretty much work like we see, meaning can't hit an upper platform). - your team gains a killstreak. That is practically impossible. In the 100+ tries of me, it never happened, thus it is pretty much unbelievable, especially combining with the previous "oh I'm godly lucky" part. - the enemy AI is practicall dumb in the video, never shooting. Kinda dubious for an Insane diff. - at 6:40-6:44 you get hit close on the head with a full tripple-burst, and you almost aren't hurt. In he unhacked armorgames version, at that moment you'd be dead as rock. - the same place you kill an entire group of enemy. Now in real life we should see at least the first-to-die respawning while you leave the screen. - finally just to add, although you have only an average weapon, you 1HKO everyone, what is again a surprise.
So as you failed to fulfill the required criterias for the video, I reject it.
@twilight2 - you forgot to mention that the game is running so slowly that a slug has faster reflexes than the bots. If people slowed the game down that much 50 times as many would be able to get the quest.
@Olinser The bots are programmed to head to "waypoints" on the map, and they shoot anything that gets into range (hence the avoiding enemy sniper rifles). Now also notice that all sniper rifles give you 150% vision, so in some cases they COULDN"T EVEN SEE ME.
- at 6:40-6:44 you get hit close on the head with a full tripple-burst, and you almost aren't hurt. In he unhacked armorgames version, at that moment you'd be dead as rock.
AR bullets tend to hover in the 30-40 damage range, so a max of 120 damage on a character with 297 health, 3 shots is far from death.
- suddenly ALL the AI spawns with pistols (except one with a granade launcher, and yes, in the hand of the AI it is pretty much work like we see, meaning can't hit an upper platform).
Magnums are extremely powerful weapons, and also only availble to the Generals, so no, not everyone has pistols.
We don't see you play on Armorgames.
Using online save AG only site with online save "definitely not using ag", cuz, f logic right.
- your team gains a killstreak. That is practically impossible. In the 100+ tries of me, it never happened, thus it is pretty much unbelievable, especially combining with the previous "oh I'm godly lucky" part.
And dies IMMEDIATELY afterward, Merc has good dps if he gets in range, and the enemy classes did not have very much health (generals are second lowest i believe, engi is mid, and the merc is second highest)
- the enemy AI is practicall dumb in the video, never shooting. Kinda dubious for an Insane diff.
They don't shoot what they can't see, any time they got in visual range, they dealt Terrible Terrible Damage.
- finally just to add, although you have only an average weapon, you 1HKO everyone, what is again a surprise.
- the same place you kill an entire group of enemy. Now in real life we should see at least the first-to-die respawning while you leave the screen.
The most I ever kill at one time when grabbing the flag is 3, the last one as I drop down into the base area, that's is 4 seconds, 3 kills, flag already on my back and heading back to base.
"Online save" is just another save. It goes for hacked.
Magnum is a pistol, period.
3 shot on Insane Diff is definitely at least more than removing PART of your REGENERATIVE (= low amount) armor. But that happens there and than.
Dunno sudden which are AR-bullets. Armor Piercing? Oh, and you KNOW what bullets the COMPUTER is using? Epic Fail, you just proved you hacked the game.
Dunno sudden which are AR-bullets. Armor Piercing? Oh, and you KNOW what bullets the COMPUTER is using? Epic Fail, you just proved you hacked the game.
If you can't figure out what AR stands for (Assault rifle, but the wep may be an smg, but I think it was an AR), I think you need to reevaluate the value of your opinion.
3 shot on Insane Diff is definitely at least more than removing PART of your REGENERATIVE (= low amount) armor. But that happens there and than.
120 damage from 3 bullets does not kill anyone, especially if the bullets miss (which they do at such long range)
"Online save" is just another save. It goes for hacked.
And Armor Games is the only site that appears to have them (only one announced, I'm using my AG account (as evidenced by my armatar), and the only other one that was supposed to have online was notdoppler, which has local only).
So basically you are saying you won't accept any proof.
Magnum is a pistol, period.
Yes it is, 2 pistols that fire extremely fast and do as much if not more than an AR (i only used general for pacifism, so I don't have much experience with him)
On Insane Diff one bullet from the weapon in question tears more than 1/3 of your HP+armor, meaning an armor with +30 armor (and not some weak regenerative junk what you used).
On Insane diff the weapon in question from that distance is instant death.
I say I accept ONLY if you provide what is agreed upon. These were the terms: - show your skills (check) - show your equipment (check) - show the difficulty-setting, and game mode (check) - show you play on, "record even the game loading" (fail)
I ment Kevlar Armor, what has 50 more armor then the armor you used.
Now THIS is how a one-bullet hit on Insane diff from that type of weapon causes (and it is VERY uncommon to get hit by only one of the tripple shot WHEN you are moving - but on the video you stand still). This shows with 1/3 more armor then yours, you loose 50% of HP+Armor. IF the Insane setting of the Custom Game matches the Insane setting of the Campaign/Challenge mode, and not the Impossible setting (what has the lvl 50 suggestion what matches the suggestion for the Campaign/Challeenge levels' suggestions, what means you'd suffer even higher dmg). As you can see the distance is no problem for the AI in Insane diff.
- show you play on, "record even the game loading" (fail)
So, show the game loading, even though that looks EXACTLY THE SAME IN EVERY SITE.
Also, setting up recording windows with hypercam, they can't be changed, so its easier to just show the AG ONLINE SAVE THAT IS ONLY ON AG
This shows with 1/3 more armor then yours, you loose 50% of HP+Armor.
If you are comparing the damage from an automatic sniper rifle like that g3, to an ar that is most likely a famas, sorry to say, but you aren't helping your credibility.
IF the Insane setting of the Custom Game matches the Insane setting of the Campaign/Challenge mode, and not the Impossible setting (what has the lvl 50 suggestion what matches the suggestion for the Campaign/Challeenge levels' suggestions, what means you'd suffer even higher dmg).
I'm sorry, but what are you even saying? The levels it gives are the levels of your enemies, no matter what mode you are playing in (or atleast very close to the level of your enemies), on insnae difficulty for every level, except perhaps early campaign, every enemy is level 50.
I ment Kevlar Armor, what has 50 more armor then the armor you used.
Anyway, without further addo, here is what I expect to see:
And just to clarify your ununderstanding: For Challange/Cmapaign when you set "Insane" as difficulty it says "recommended level 50", while at Custom Games you only get the same inscription when you set it to "Impossible" difficulty ("recommended level 50)". So if the Campaign Mode's "Insane" equals the Custom Mode's Impossible", then the damage you suffer will highly differ if you set the diff in Custom Game to only "Insane" if we investigate the expected damage. Need a picture for this too?
And just to clarify your ununderstanding: For Challange/Cmapaign when you set "Insane" as difficulty it says "recommended level 50", while at Custom Games you only get the same inscription when you set it to "Impossible" difficulty ("recommended level 50)". So if the Campaign Mode's "Insane" equals the Custom Mode's Impossible", then the damage you suffer will highly differ if you set the diff in Custom Game to only "Insane" if we investigate the expected damage. Need a picture for this too?
Impossible and Insane are the same thing, all enemies are level 50 (except for perhaps early campaign levels, those might be in the 40 range)
Anyway, without further addo, here is what I expect to see:
Why, there is no reason for me to show that, unless YOU can proof that AG isn't the only site with online saves.
1) See this picture: As you can see they are NOT the same thing. "There goes your credibility."
2.) I (and others if you read back this thread) state you use an offline hacked version, where the online save is in real just another regular save slot. BUT THIS DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. The burden of proof is on you. If you can't fulfill the mutually agreed terms, that means you are a fake.
As you can see they are NOT the same thing. "There goes your credibility."
I'm sorry, I forgot there was a setting in custom also titled insane, and though you were just comparing the two hardest difficulties.
2.) I (and others if you read back this thread) state you use an offline hacked version, where the online save is in real just another regular save slot.
The burden of proof is on me to prove that the slot for online save is an online save? Ok, done, notice how it says ONLINE above the save, and it shows my account.
Again I tell you: just because it has the name "online" it doesn't mean it is online.
Also again: It is not me trying it out. It is not you posting random stuff. It is about even me believing. It is about you doing what you agreed to do. Until now you failed to do that.