This thread is a place to discuss quests for Epic Battle Fantasy 4. Here is a list of the current quests available for this quirky and fun adventure game...
Chicken Molester Seriously stress out a chicken. Just don't stab it. Hardness: Easy
The Gang's All Here Find all of your missing party members. Hardness: Easy
Death Penalty Kill a foe with an instant-death attack. Hardness: Easy
Blacksmith Fully upgrade any item of equipment. Hardness: Easy
NPC Helper Complete 10 quests for NPCs. They can't do anything by themselves. Hardness: Medium
Keen Eye Discover 30 secrets. There's actually way more than that though. Hardness: Medium
Level 30 Reach level 30. Should be strong enough to take on the final boss. Almost. Hardness: Medium
Lost Ruins Find the hidden ruins in the jungle. Hardness: Medium
Treasure Hunter Collect 280 treasure chests. There's more, but getting all of them could be frustrating. Hardness: Hard
3M Damage Deal 3,000,000 damage with a single hit. That's a lot! Hardness: Hard
The World is Saved Beat the game and save the world. Hardness: Hard
Leet Hacker Defeat the glitch on any difficulty. Hardness: Hard
Hmm interesting. I think I will give most the food to Natalie, as she will be able to dodge and withstand more attack. She should survive longer in battle and then she can be used to revive fallen comrades.
I devide the food between them, the one with the lowest stat gets it. They get a lot of HP later in the game, they all can survive nearly everything without big problems, to survive fallen comrades you can surely use Nat, but it can also be done with coffee.
@Reton8 She does not need all the food, it would be better to properly distribute food to 3 characters that you're going to lead, Matt is a necessary and extremely useful. Think about it!
She does not need all the food, it would be better to properly distribute food to 3 characters that you're going to lead, Matt is a necessary and extremely useful. Think about it!
In order to get the 3M quest it is easiest to give her all of the cakes (cakes raise magic damage). That makes the most sense because she does primarily magic damage and she can hit very hard in this game.
Giving all the regular attack to a different character also seems to make sense as well (I gave mine to Matt) as they will be able to do much stronger physical damage instead of distributing the attack raising food amongst all the players (weakening it's overall effect).
Giving all the foods for magic defense, evade, accuracy, and defense (if there is one for that), to Natalie makes the most sense to me right now because she can cast revive and healmore. Keeping her alive the longest makes more sense than keeping any other party member alive. It seems it would be best to give Natalie a stronger defense, evade, and accuracy. Not only does she do a lot of damage, she also can revive fallen players. If she stays alive, so do my party members.
So the only two foods I wouldn't give Natalie are the one that raises attack, and the one that gives additional MP (She rarely runs out for me at her normal amount).
@Reton8 Matt need to cast 3 key spells in order to get 3 m dmg, look at page 14 http:/community/thread/11434295/epic-battle-fantasy-4-quests/page/14 second post This was done with a level 33
My recommendation is to give Matt a better chance to avoid attacks. After on, only he can defeat glitch.
By the way you are going to find the equipment that casts auto revival. So you do not have to worry about it. Also, there is a coffee.
@ivanxxxxxxx Crud, I already enacted my original plan. I'll see what happens when I get to glitch. Right now I've got all attack raising food and MP raising food going to Matt, the rest of the food is going to Natalie.
But, what stat(s) will affect Matt's spell casting for buffs? If I follow all the steps you provided, shouldn't I still get the 3M damage?
â¢Give Natalie all the Cake (x1.6~ damage) â¢Give Natalie the equips with the highest magic attack (x2.7~ damage) â¢Give Natalie Hela's Staff to boost Dark skills (x1.5 damage) â¢Give Natalie Black Hole (500 power)
â¢Find a foe that's really weak against Dark (x1.8~ damage) â¢Buff Natalie's magic attack to 70% (x1.7 damage) â¢Debuff foe's magic defence to -50% (x2 damage) â¢Give Foe weakness status (x1.5 damage) â¢Freeze the foe (x2 damage)
â¢Use Black Hole with Natalie â¢Get a critical hit (either stagger the foe or use brave status) (x1.5 damage)
Huh, the guide was a lil bit too late for me (finaly i got this 3m dmg badge... with a lil over 5 m dmg...^^), was able to do it woithout seeing that thread... but know, after a look, i must say: that one would be a great help for some others.
In the waste disposal plant (bottom right of the map), you must beat the plants boss, the preatorian. After defeated him you have access to several chests, one of them holds the hammer.