This thread is a place to discuss quests for Epic Battle Fantasy 4. Here is a list of the current quests available for this quirky and fun adventure game...
Chicken Molester Seriously stress out a chicken. Just don't stab it. Hardness: Easy
The Gang's All Here Find all of your missing party members. Hardness: Easy
Death Penalty Kill a foe with an instant-death attack. Hardness: Easy
Blacksmith Fully upgrade any item of equipment. Hardness: Easy
NPC Helper Complete 10 quests for NPCs. They can't do anything by themselves. Hardness: Medium
Keen Eye Discover 30 secrets. There's actually way more than that though. Hardness: Medium
Level 30 Reach level 30. Should be strong enough to take on the final boss. Almost. Hardness: Medium
Lost Ruins Find the hidden ruins in the jungle. Hardness: Medium
Treasure Hunter Collect 280 treasure chests. There's more, but getting all of them could be frustrating. Hardness: Hard
3M Damage Deal 3,000,000 damage with a single hit. That's a lot! Hardness: Hard
The World is Saved Beat the game and save the world. Hardness: Hard
Leet Hacker Defeat the glitch on any difficulty. Hardness: Hard
Just kill a monster in one blow -- one magic blast, one sword swipe, one magic. To be honest, this one just came naturally while playing the game. That is, I didn't intentionally set out to accomplish this quest, it just happened while battling monsters.
For an instant kill you will need to have some not elementary magic in your arsenal. Or you could just use regular attack without magic which is superior compared to the enemy.
Matt has a lot of of skills that can cause instant kill. Try out his saw-blades for example
well, i'm missing the quest completion for the assembling of the four characters... which is weird, because I've beaten godcat already, and i'm pretty sure assembling the team happens before then.
You need to find 3 teammates for the complete team. You start off with Anna, and you need to find Matt,Natalie and Lance.
When the team is formed,you will get in-game achievement, and also the AG quest.
@MysticalPhantom, @bakkart
If you have in-game achievement and you dont have AG quest. Go to game/ game achievements / stay about 10 seconds on that page and you will receive AG quest.
By the way,If you have any problems with the 3M quest,take a look at this guide:
Bottom left, you can see your 4 chars, the lower right is not active, to switch them just click on this charfield, new window opened, each of the 4 chars has a lil "arrwoicon" in the upper irght corner, click on that "arrowicon" and you can move the char to another location in this window, just place him wherre you want and click on that "arrowicon" again, voila chars changed.
This can be used to change the chars order in battle and to set one on the sideline.
you can salso switch chars while into battle, --> "tactics" --> "switch to backup", this let you backup char replace the choosen char.
Just did the 3M damage at level 35 - without a critical hit, no less. Definitely possible to do it a level or two before that.
What you need to do is:
1) Equip Natz with: Hela Staff (+Dark Damage, inflicts Curse), Dark Bauble (most Magic Attack), Dark Gown (most MA) and Balance Badge (10 extra MA).
2) Give Natz every Cake in the game, buy as many from the Rare Shop in Whitefall that you can. At the end of the game, I had +70% on her from Cake. Total MA with equipment and cake at level 35 = 2148.
3) Have the following skills maxed on Natz - Judgement (inflicts Weaken), Charm (buffs MA), Black Hole (limit break, 500 power).
4) Give somebody else the following skills Temper (Brave), Absolute Zero (limit break, high chance of Freeze).
5) Charge Natz Limit Break.
I did this fighting the Gold Dragon on the bridge one screen left of Godcat. I used the Dragon because he has -100% Dark resistance, and has enough HP that you can hit him with things like Absolute Zero and not die.
Progression for the fight:
1) Start the battle, and kill off the 2 Monoliths that come in the first wave with him.
2) Attack the Dragon with Judgement to heal him to full. Any time the Dragon dips anywhere near half health, use Judgement on him again to heal him, so a counter attack doesn't kill him.
3) Attack the Dragon in melee with Natz to auto inflict Curse (Hela Staff) to start draining his Magic Defense. You may want to hit him 2 times so he gets a long-lasting stack.
4) Hit the Dragon with Judgement until he has a long lasting stack of Weakness on him (doubles Dark damage).
5) Buff Natz MA with Charm or the item Milk, use Temper to give her Brave.
6) At the start of every round, use your other 2 members to try and Freeze the Dragon - I used Absolute Zero first, then just spammed the Frost Sprite summon (you can use it 6 or 7 times so don't worry about the SP). The Dragon has decent Freeze resistance, it may take a couple turns (took me 3 turns), but it will freeze eventually. If he isn't frozen when it is Natz turn, just alternate buffing her MA back to full and using Judgement to heal and extend his Weaken, and if absolutely necessary, reapply Curse. Be careful about hitting him with Hela Staff melee attacks once he is debuffed - I actually killed him in 1 shot with a critical hit when he was fully debuffed.
7) When the Dragon is inflicted with Weakness, full Magic Defense debuff (-50 from stacking Curse) and Freeze, use Natz Black Hole. Collect Achievement!
With the above strategy, I did 3,229,108 WITHOUT a Critical Hit, even though I had Brave.