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435 posts

1.New players are always welcome.
2.Double check to make sure you completely filled out the nation sheet.
3.If I haven't specified something, you can make it up yourself. But nothing too extreme without my permission. For example, if I say your in a forest, you can say that it's made up of only oak and maple trees. What you cannot do is say that there is a native tribe of cannibals hidden in the trees.
4.If you have questions or feel I've done something wrong, feel free to ask or correct me.
5.I'll overlook how your species could have evolved, but not how they currently exist. For example, I'll allow a ants with lungs which allow them to grow very large, but not a chipmunk that's the size of Mt.Everest and only eats a leaf a day. Unless you have an unbelievably good explanation.
6.No aliens.
7.You can do virtually anything in this, but if you do something really stupid that I don't like, for example start a space program when your in the iron age, I'll probaly say a tornado hits and destroys the program.
8. I may change the rules or the character sheet if they need changing. I probaly won't though if your strongly against it.
This country RPG differs from others because you will not play as humans, and you must play as a different species. This species will still be smart enough to eventually build a civilization though. I'd prefer something unique, like a race of giant owls who worship leaf gods, but if you really want to play as elves I'll probaly allow it.
How this works: You will post an action and I will post a reaction. Then you post another action and I post another reaction. You can interact with other players and I may decide to force you to interact with other players, in-game. For example:
You: I send twenty chipmunk gatherers to get nuts.
Me: Your chipmunk gatherers get you enough food to last your entire village about a month.
Another player: I attack the chipmunk tribe to steal their nuts with my elephant warriors.
Your posts will usually be a few sentences though. Everyone will start in a place similar to England, but the exact geography like locations of rivers and forests can change. Everyone will spread out into neighboring areas after the game gets going. You delete everything in brackets in the nation sheet. Those aren't the only questions you answer though, just examples. The more detail you put in the less I make up for you.
Name of Race: (Owleans? Drakkgihn? What will you choose?)
Your Location: ( Are you in a thick forest? Are you on the coast?)
Hierachy: (Does your race elect a president? Do you have slaves? Do you have elders?)
Military: (Do you have spearman? Is it men only? Do you have one big army or smaller squads?)
Physical Description: (This one is pretty straight forward. But genders may differ.)
Mental Description: (Are your people all geniuses, or are they idiots? Do they have innate respect for each other? Are they warmongers naturally?)
Other Anything that doesn't fall into the other categories.)

  • 138 Replies
2,188 posts

Name of Race: Dervans
Controlled Location: The hills, slightly to the east of the island.
Found locations: Thick forest to the south, north, and west. To the east are Agalien terrotories of which little is known, besides for that the closest parts are hills similar to your own.
Technology: Wood axes with a stone blade, used purely for battle.
Hierachy:Military General,officers and solders are Dervans who rule rule over slaves-slaves are from your rival race, the Agalies.
General of all armies
Few High Ranking Officers
King Titular Title
Military: Regular army size higly trained for protection of villages,patrols etc and in times of war and Slaves are mobilized
Physical Description: Humanoid about 2,5 m tall and muscular red eyes and black skin,2 horns on head
Mental Description: Xenophobic,Mad for defences and fortifications,Territorial,Sadistic
Other: Dont care for other than their own race,Dark religion which involves sacrifacing slaves

Tell 125 solders to hide and prepare for ambush,and rest of solders to try to lure Agaliens into our trap

435 posts

Name of Race: dinozatians
Area controlled: grassland
Areas found: None
Tribe Leader (leader of a tribe,definitely a trolodon in all of the tribes)
Elites(protect the leader,sorta like the king's guard)
warriors(do all the fighting with other nations and ravaging bandits.)
guards(are the tribe's police force)
villager(normally a hatchling,just a weak civilian)
Military: most of them can fight.all fighters are armed with weapons.both genders can fight
Physical Description: basically intellegent dinosaurs
Mental Description: carnivores are somewhat warlike,but herbavores are peacefull.
Other:they are not very advanced in tech,dumb brutes...anyway
Sure, but you'll need say which species you are. And there is a lot of stuff in CS for me just to make up, you might want to add a little more detail.

435 posts

Sorry I accidently hit submit.
Name of Race: Rychusiors (preying-mantis beings)
Land Controlled: Stone village and surrounding forest. Is assualted by wolves though.
Other Land Found: Deep, deep forest to the west and south, forest then mountains to the north, forest then ocean to the east.
Technology: Spears, javelins, stone walls, stone huts.
- King
- Council
- Wealthy Peoples
- Mid Peoples
- Poor Peoples
- Slaves
Military: One huge army, and lots of spears!
Physical Description: Silver, three horns on head. They average three feet in height.
Mental Description: Respect, yet love war. Very stubborn.
Population Status: Neutral

The creation of an elite guard works well. They escort the occasional important hunting trip and even bring in some meat of their own through dead wolves. While it is by no means a steady source of nourishment, any extra food is always welcome. The wolves, once more, seem to have withdrawn, but you don't know how long this'll last. In fact, it almost seems as if they're planning, noticed one of the senior council members.

Name of Race: Furbians
Controlled Locations: Beachy, coasty area. Also adjacent forest.
Discovered locations: Deep forest to the west, ocean to the east, rocky coast to the south, beach then more rocky coast to the north.
Technology: None
Hierachy: Pack Leaders and Elders.
Military: Small packs of the little guys, no weapons except stuff they can throw and shells on their heads.
Physical Description: Small round furry creatures, big eyes and big mouths. Very plump and short, short stubby legs and arms, 2 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand. Sharp teeth but very stubby claws.
Mental Description: They are territorial creatures and are really smart in coordination and organisation but very dumb in common sense and or literacy skills as they have none.
Other: They originate from hedgehogs. They eat leaves and plant and small bugs.
*I've added the technology stat, I think I may have given you teepees or something already but just forgot. Please tell me if I did.*
There isn't really a faster way of travel right now (until riding animals, but such an idea is appearingly insanity to your people right now). There are many well worn trails throughout the forest, and most people go through them almost instinctually at this point. Your people have also brought in many types of berries, leaves, roots and whole plants in to a central gathering area, ready for whatever the elders want to do with it.


Name of Race: Lycans
Locations found: Dense Woods
Locations controlled:
Technology: Nothing whatsoever, as nothing is needed.
Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack -Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace -Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta -Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed
Military: They fight in a berserker style, waiting until the dead of night to attack, and then everyone joins in on the burning and killing all in their wake.
Physical Description: The Lycans are a society of werewolves. They walk on two legs and have long, sharp claws.
Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the sharpest tools in the shed though.
Population: 400
Other: They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an oppurtunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight.

Your plan has positive and negative effects. While it has certainly disrupted the Shuwerial, it has by no means stopped it. In fact, faced with this straight out murder that was not only admitted by announced proudly of many Beta's, many pack members don't know when the violence will stop. The alpha's appear to be completley 'uncorrupted', but it was so shocking that the Beta's were leading it nothing is certain. As well, virtually every omega is a member in various states of devoutness, and most subordnites are as well. Beta members are few though.

I have to go now.

1,282 posts

Name of Race: Rychusiors (preying-mantis beings)
Land Controlled: Stone village and surrounding forest. Is assualted by wolves though.
Other Land Found: Deep, deep forest to the west and south, forest then mountains to the north, forest then ocean to the east.
Technology: Spears, javelins, stone walls, stone huts.
- King
- Council
- Wealthy Peoples
- Mid Peoples
- Poor Peoples
- Slaves
Military: One huge army, and lots of spears!
Physical Description: Silver, three horns on head. They average three feet in height.
Mental Description: Respect, yet love war. Very stubborn.
Population Status: Neutral

I form a group of the elite guard to see if they can find any origins to the wolves.

529 posts

Name of Race: Lycans
Locations found: Dense Woods
Locations controlled:
Technology: Nothing whatsoever, as nothing is needed.
Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack -Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace -Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta -Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed
Military: They fight in a berserker style, waiting until the dead of night to attack, and then everyone joins in on the burning and killing all in their wake.
Physical Description: The Lycans are a society of werewolves. They walk on two legs and have long, sharp claws.
Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the sharpest tools in the shed though.
Population: 400
Other: They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an oppurtunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight.

I make it clear battle is a way of life for our culture. I assign more elder Alphas to teach the young ones of our Dreybuxle deities and train them in combat. More arena fights will be held to draw public attention from the Schuwerial massacre. Although gladiators in the past have mostly been Omegas, in light of recent events, the line-up has been changed to involve all castes. A feast will be held to honor the winner.

1,078 posts


435 posts

Name of race: Riledarions
Land controlled: Hills and forest to the north and east.
Other Lands found: Forest to the south and west, controlled by Frukons.
Technology: Stone axes, spears tipped with stone.
Council (10)
Elite Warriors
Average people
Military: several squads, that use stone axes.
Physical description: 2-3 metre tall humanoid lizards
Mental description: Territorial, loyal, warlike, most are not very smart but some are quite smart.
Population: 325
Other: They dig burrows in hills in which they sleep in at night.

Your plan has worked fairly succesfully, and you now have spears. As well, five hundred spikes have been made and placed along the border, but spread thin it essentially forms a small wall and could be removed easily by the enemy. As well, it took a while to build the spears and stakes so the Frukons were able to stabilisr the region they took over. Most of the time was for research and learning the stone kept on breaking when used for pikes.

Name of Race: Foxlins
Location Controlled: Open field near forest, part of forest, part of river.
Location Discovered: Deep Forest surrounding the field, with a river running through the forest and field.
Technology: Basic stone architecture, basic preservation.
Hierachy: 5 Elders lead the people. They themselves pick who will replace them.
Military: One big army of both genders lead by the youngest Elder.
Physical Description: Fox people. Males are 3 feet tall, females 2,5 feet tall. Often Brown fur, but sometimes they are born with red fur.
Mental Description: They are loyal to each other, but dislikes other speices. This makes them keep to themselves most of the time, but not afraid to fight.
Population: 700
Population: Staying the same.
Other: They are very religious, and worship many different gods. They believe the Elders have a special link with the gods.
Your message works, temporarily. Your people at first just ignored the rabbits, but then what appeared to be an invasion happened. Massive swarms of rabbits just crested a hill near your village, charged the buildings and demolished several. Fortunately for your precations of potato gather watchers, no one was killed. Your people are in a rage now though, thirsty for revenge against the rabbits, now being called Warbits. The general plan is to use the same tactic the rabbits used, but against them. Originaly they had the element of surprise and size, but now you'll be able to use tooth and claw as weapons when your on the offense. On the bright, many Warbits were killed as well and you have a steady supply of food for a couple weeks.

Name of Race: Dervans
Controlled Location: The hills, slightly to the east of the island.
Found locations: Thick forest to the south, north, and west. To the east are Agalien terrotories of which little is known, besides for that the closest parts are hills similar to your own.
Technology: Wood axes with a stone blade, used purely for battle.
Hierachy:Military General,officers and solders are Dervans who rule rule over slaves-slaves are from your rival race, the Agalies.
General of all armies
Few High Ranking Officers
King Titular Title
Military: Regular army size higly trained for protection of villages,patrols etc and in times of war and Slaves are mobilized
Physical Description: Humanoid about 2,5 m tall and muscular red eyes and black skin,2 horns on head
Mental Description: Xenophobic,Mad for defences and fortifications,Territorial,Sadistic
Other: Dont care for other than their own race. Dark religion which involves sacrifacing slaves.

When the ambush was being prepared, the slaves rebelled. It appears in hindsight the silence was simply them being careful, not the rebellion scared off. The slaves escaped into Agalien lands, and are almost certainly boosting their species while your own has been weakened by losing almost every slave. Needless to say, the ambush was cancelled while the generals took time to looke over the events.

Name of Race: Rychusiors (preying-mantis beings)
Land Controlled: Stone village and surrounding forest. Is assualted by wolves though.
Other Land Found: Deep, deep forest to the west and south, forest then mountains to the north, forest then ocean to the east.
Technology: Spears, javelins, stone walls, stone huts.
- King
- Council
- Wealthy Peoples
- Mid Peoples
- Poor Peoples
- Slaves
Military: One huge army, and lots of spears!
Physical Description: Silver, three horns on head. They average three feet in height.
Mental Description: Respect, yet love war. Very stubborn.
Population Status: Neutral

The elite guard was succesful in their mission. They found what appears to be a large cave with many wolves guarding it, with a few pups playing outside. They returned without problem. It is unknown how many wolves are in the cave though, and sending your troops into it could either destroy the threat of the wolves forever while providing enough meat to serve a feast, preferably a feast celebrating the defeat of an enemy, or it could entirely wipe out your nation's military leaving you defenseless.

Name of Race: Lycans
Locations found: Dense Woods
Locations controlled:
Technology: Nothing whatsoever, as nothing is needed.
Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack -Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace -Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta -Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed
Military: They fight in a berserker style, waiting until the dead of night to attack, and then everyone joins in on the burning and killing all in their wake.
Physical Description: The Lycans are a society of werewolves. They walk on two legs and have long, sharp claws.
Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the sharpest tools in the shed though.
Population: 350
Other: They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an oppurtunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight.

The new custom takes on amazingly. Shuwerail has been all but forgotten once the members felt the instinctual thrill of battle, something they have not felt with the time of peace and hunting being so easily for an intelligent race of killing machines. The feast is enjoyed by all as well. And there have been developed categories as well based on rank, and even the reward of an increase of rank for the very best warriors, partially based on wins and partially based on how easily they win. There is all caste battles and free-for-alls where eight are placed in an arena to fight it out. (I forget what they're called.)This becomes rarer and rarer as rank goes up though, as winning becomes harder and harder. Winning an alpha rank is virtually unknown. There have been many deaths because of this, but most people don't notice the decrease in population.

1,282 posts

Name of Race: Rychusiors (preying-mantis beings)
Land Controlled: Stone village and surrounding forest. Is assualted by wolves though.
Other Land Found: Deep, deep forest to the west and south, forest then mountains to the north, forest then ocean to the east.
Technology: Spears, javelins, stone walls, stone huts.
- King
- Council
- Wealthy Peoples
- Mid Peoples
- Poor Peoples
- Slaves
Military: One huge army, and lots of spears!
Physical Description: Silver, three horns on head. They average three feet in height.
Mental Description: Respect, yet love war. Very stubborn.
Population Status: Neutral

I take a while to train up lots of the Elite Troops, and then send my Army into the den to try and obliterate the wolves.

396 posts

free post haha : )

529 posts

Name of Race: Lycans
Locations found: Dense Woods
Locations controlled:
Technology: Nothing whatsoever, as nothing is needed.
Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack -Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace -Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta -Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed
Military: They fight in a berserker style, waiting until the dead of night to attack, and then everyone joins in on the burning and killing.
Physical Description: The Lycans are a society of werewolves. They walk on two legs and have long, sharp claws.
Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the sharpest tools in the shed though.
Population: 350
Other: They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an opportunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight.

Still more time is devoted to religion and education. A great alter for the matriarchal goddess, Veeral, has been placed in the heart of the den. A shrine for her three sons, Vox, Holst, and Grinn, was erected at the arena. More young Lycans have been volunteered on hunting expeditions led by successful gladiators.
Also, two small groups of subordinates and omegas are sent out to scout the surrounding woods.

1,078 posts

Name of race: Riledarions
Land controlled: Hills and forest to the north and east.
Other Lands found: Forest to the south and west, controlled by Frukons.
Technology: Stone axes, spears tipped with stone.
Council (10)
Elite Warriors
Average people
Military: several squads, that use stone axes and stone tipped spears.
Physical description: 2-3 metre tall humanoid lizards
Mental description: Territorial, loyal, warlike, most are not very smart but some are quite smart.
Population: 325
Other: They dig burrows in hills in which they sleep in at night.

I send out 3 squads out to scout the forest and maybe kill a few patrols and I train all the squads to fight by having axe men in front and spearmen behind. I will also try invent slingshots and if I can't maybe just rock throwers or something.

374 posts

Name of Race: Drakonians
Land Controlled: Roughly the center of the island, beside a large lake. Is rivaled by wargs though.
Other Lands Found: Forest surrounding lake.
Technology:Stone axe, stone pickaxe.
Hierachy: Alpha
Omega (almost equal to Alpha)
Counsel members
Military: A lot of Red Warriors.
Physical Description: They don't really have a gender, but most other tribes referred to them as "he". Look kinda like dragons, but more human, they average 2M tall, musculous body and don't have wings (excepting the Alpha and Omega)
Mental Description: They are mostly calm and protective.
Population: 300
Other: They usually fight through their unique draconic arts.

I send like 40 red warriors to fend off the wargs from the forest (hopefully showing them that's our land).

2,188 posts

Name of Race: Dervans
Controlled Location: The hills, slightly to the east of the island.
Found locations: Thick forest to the south, north, and west. To the east are Agalien terrotories of which little is known, besides for that the closest parts are hills similar to your own.
Technology: Wood axes with a stone blade, used purely for battle.
Hierachy:Military General,officers and solders are Dervans who rule rule over slaves-slaves are from your rival race, the Agalies.
General of all armies
Few High Ranking Officers
King Titular Title
Military: Regular army size higly trained for protection of villages,patrols etc and in times of war and Slaves are mobilized
Physical Description: Humanoid about 2,5 m tall and muscular red eyes and black skin,2 horns on head
Mental Description: Xenophobic,Mad for defences and fortifications,Territorial,Sadistic
Other: Dont care for other than their own race. Dark religion which involves sacrifacing slaves.

Send scouts to all direction to look for any city,village etc. that can be enslaved and pilaged

651 posts

Name of Race: Foxlins
Location Controlled: Open field near forest, part of forest, part of river.
Location Discovered: Deep Forest surrounding the field, with a river running through the forest and field.
Technology: Basic stone architecture, basic preservation.
Hierachy: 5 Elders lead the people. They themselves pick who will replace them.
Military: One big army of both genders lead by the youngest Elder.
Physical Description: Fox people. Males are 3 feet tall, females 2,5 feet tall. Often Brown fur, but sometimes they are born with red fur.
Mental Description: They are loyal to each other, but dislikes other speices. This makes them keep to themselves most of the time, but not afraid to fight.
Population: 700
Population: Staying the same.
Other: They are very religious, and worship many different gods. They believe the Elders have a special link with the gods.

The army gets prepared for battle, and gets blessed by the varies temples and then goes near the rabbits. The scouts gets send out to find the perfect moment of attack. When it comes, the attack will go all out, lead by the youngest elder at the front of the attack.

1,179 posts

Name of Race: Furbians
Controlled Locations: Beachy, coasty area. Also adjacent forest.
Discovered locations: Deep forest to the west, ocean to the east, rocky coast to the south, beach then more rocky coast to the north.
Technology: None
Hierachy: Pack Leaders and Elders.
Military: Small packs of the little guys, no weapons except stuff they can throw and shells on their heads.
Physical Description: Small round furry creatures, big eyes and big mouths. Very plump and short, short stubby legs and arms, 2 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand. Sharp teeth but very stubby claws.
Mental Description: They are territorial creatures and are really smart in coordination and organisation but very dumb in common sense and or literacy skills as they have none.
Other: They originate from hedgehogs. They eat leaves and plant and small bugs.

*No you didn't lol*
I get the elders to look at these and pick 3 of the most colourful, then use these as some sort of clothing.

Showing 106-120 of 138