ForumsForum GamesUnique Country RPG

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435 posts

1.New players are always welcome.
2.Double check to make sure you completely filled out the nation sheet.
3.If I haven't specified something, you can make it up yourself. But nothing too extreme without my permission. For example, if I say your in a forest, you can say that it's made up of only oak and maple trees. What you cannot do is say that there is a native tribe of cannibals hidden in the trees.
4.If you have questions or feel I've done something wrong, feel free to ask or correct me.
5.I'll overlook how your species could have evolved, but not how they currently exist. For example, I'll allow a ants with lungs which allow them to grow very large, but not a chipmunk that's the size of Mt.Everest and only eats a leaf a day. Unless you have an unbelievably good explanation.
6.No aliens.
7.You can do virtually anything in this, but if you do something really stupid that I don't like, for example start a space program when your in the iron age, I'll probaly say a tornado hits and destroys the program.
8. I may change the rules or the character sheet if they need changing. I probaly won't though if your strongly against it.
This country RPG differs from others because you will not play as humans, and you must play as a different species. This species will still be smart enough to eventually build a civilization though. I'd prefer something unique, like a race of giant owls who worship leaf gods, but if you really want to play as elves I'll probaly allow it.
How this works: You will post an action and I will post a reaction. Then you post another action and I post another reaction. You can interact with other players and I may decide to force you to interact with other players, in-game. For example:
You: I send twenty chipmunk gatherers to get nuts.
Me: Your chipmunk gatherers get you enough food to last your entire village about a month.
Another player: I attack the chipmunk tribe to steal their nuts with my elephant warriors.
Your posts will usually be a few sentences though. Everyone will start in a place similar to England, but the exact geography like locations of rivers and forests can change. Everyone will spread out into neighboring areas after the game gets going. You delete everything in brackets in the nation sheet. Those aren't the only questions you answer though, just examples. The more detail you put in the less I make up for you.
Name of Race: (Owleans? Drakkgihn? What will you choose?)
Your Location: ( Are you in a thick forest? Are you on the coast?)
Hierachy: (Does your race elect a president? Do you have slaves? Do you have elders?)
Military: (Do you have spearman? Is it men only? Do you have one big army or smaller squads?)
Physical Description: (This one is pretty straight forward. But genders may differ.)
Mental Description: (Are your people all geniuses, or are they idiots? Do they have innate respect for each other? Are they warmongers naturally?)
Other Anything that doesn't fall into the other categories.)

  • 138 Replies
1,078 posts


435 posts

Name of Race: Rychusiors (preying-mantis beings)
Land Controlled: Stone village and surrounding forest. Is assualted by wolves though.
Other Land Found: Deep, deep forest to the west and south, forest then mountains to the north, forest then ocean to the east.
Technology: Spears, javelins, stone walls, stone huts.
- King
- Council
- Wealthy Peoples
- Mid Peoples
- Poor Peoples
- Slaves
Military: One huge army, and lots of spears!
Physical Description: Silver, three horns on head. They average three feet in height.
Mental Description: Respect, yet love war. Very stubborn.
Population Status: Neutral

After several years with your village mainly focused on training warriors and killing wolven scouting parties, the time has come. A group of elite soldiers two hundred strong marches into the wolves cave. At first the attack appears to be a success, with wolves dying left and right. But then the wolves surrounded you and pressed their advantage of being skilled in darkness whereas your soldiers are virtually untrained in that field. They retreated as fast as they could, without thought for their dead. At the end, a hundred were reported dead and eighty were injured. There were an estimated twenty wolf deaths. With this massive decrease in avaible soldier patrollers, it is dangerous to hunt once more and many have already died.

Name of Race: Lycans
Locations controlled: Dense woods.
Locations found: Very Dense Woods in all directions.
Technology: Nothing whatsoever, as nothing is needed.
Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack
-Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace
-Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta
-Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed
Military: They fight in a berserker style, waiting until the dead of night to attack, and then everyone joins in on the burning and killing.
Physical Description: The Lycans are a society of werewolves. They walk on two legs and have long, sharp claws.
Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the sharpest tools in the shed though.
Population: 350
Other: They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an opportunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight.

Shuwerial is no more, as with the pressing of the old religion, not only is it unofficially illegal it is also shameful to follow the Shuwerial religion. The scouting trips into the forest bring news of only more forest, and it appears you are surrounded on all sides by immensly thick forest. It appears to thin out slightly to the east, so it is assumed that there may be something besides forest in that direction.

Name of race: Riledarions
Land controlled: Hills and forest to the north and east.
Other Lands found: Forest to the south and west, controlled by Frukons.
Technology: Stone axes, spears tipped with stone.
Council (10)
Elite Warriors
Average people
Military: several squads, that use stone axes and stone tipped spears.
Physical description: 2-3 metre tall humanoid lizards
Mental description: Territorial, loyal, warlike, most are not very smart but some are quite smart.
Population: 325
Other: They dig burrows in hills in which they sleep in at night.

*No leather, no slingshots.*

The training sessions with the axes and the spearmen have gone well, with the spear men able to jab the spear at the enemy without even needing to climb over the fallen axemen's body, should the need arise. And the stone throwing sessions work as well, in which the soldiers fling stones and rocks above their allies head's and into enemy lines. Many citizens are pushing for an attack though, before the piece of the northern forest isn't considered recently taken and is instead considered Frukon territory.

Name of Race: Drakonians
Land Controlled: Roughly the center of the island, beside a large lake. Is rivaled by wargs though.
Other Lands Found: Forest surrounding lake.
Technology:Stone axe, stone pickaxe.
Hierachy: Alpha
Omega (almost equal to Alpha)
Counsel members
Military: A lot of Red Warriors.
Physical Description: They don't really have a gender, but most other tribes referred to them as "he". Look kinda like dragons, but more human, they average 2M tall, musculous body and don't have wings (excepting the Alpha and Omega)
Mental Description: They are mostly calm and protective.
Population: 280
Other: They usually fight through their unique draconic arts

The plan to send warriors becomes a small bloodbath. The wargs had about the same amount of people in the area, and it results with many wargs dead and about twenty red warriors dead. As well, it has no doubt enraged the wargs and you may be on the brink of an all-out war.

Name of Race: Dervans
Controlled Location: The hills, slightly to the east of the island.
Found locations: Thick forest to the south, north, and west. To the east are Agalien terrotories of which little is known, besides for that the closest parts are hills similar to your own.
Technology: Wood axes with a stone blade, used purely for battle.
Hierachy:Military General,officers and solders are Dervans who rule rule over slaves-slaves are from your rival race, the Agalies.
General of all armies
Few High Ranking Officers
King Titular Title
Military: Regular army size higly trained for protection of villages,patrols etc and in times of war and Slaves are mobilized
Physical Description: Humanoid about 2,5 m tall and muscular red eyes and black skin,2 horns on head
Mental Description: Xenophobic,Mad for defences and fortifications,Territorial,Sadistic
Other: Dont care for other than their own race. Dark religion which involves sacrifacing slaves

The agaliens have one main city and a few outliying outposts in their territory, similar to your own race, as everyone including Dervan children know. The pillaging trip becomes essentially attacking a few outposts and taking enemy soldiers and turning them into slaves. This provides the bare minimum of slaves to keep our society from collapsing. The agaliens are about to launch a large attack as well, and many think that a preemptive strike would work best in this situation.

Name of Race: Foxlins
Location Controlled: Open field near forest, part of forest, part of river.
Location Discovered: Deep Forest surrounding the field, with a river running through the forest and field.
Technology: Basic stone architecture, basic preservation.
Hierachy: 5 Elders lead the people. They themselves pick who will replace them.
Military: One big army of both genders lead by the youngest Elder.
Physical Description: Fox people. Males are 3 feet tall, females 2,5 feet tall. Often Brown fur, but sometimes they are born with red fur.
Mental Description: They are loyal to each other, but dislikes other speices. This makes them keep to themselves most of the time, but not afraid to fight.
Population: 700
Population: Staying the same.
Other: They are very religious, and worship many different gods. They believe the Elders have a special link with the gods.

Believing the time is right and have been blessed by the gods themselves, with only the temple of forests (Who's a minor temple anyways, consisting of an officialised priest in a small stone hut and volunteers) refusing to have any part in this bloodbath. When you strike however, the rabbits seem to have dissappeared. A main 'city' in which the rabbits gather was found by the scouts, by when your army got their it was deserted. While many rabbits were found and killed, it by no means destroyed them like you had planned.

Name of Race: Furbians
Controlled Locations: Beachy, coasty area. Also adjacent forest.
Discovered locations: Deep forest to the west, ocean to the east, rocky coast to the south, beach then more rocky coast to the north.
Technology: None
Hierachy: Pack Leaders and Elders.
Military: Small packs of the little guys, no weapons except stuff they can throw and shells on their heads.
Physical Description: Small round furry creatures, big eyes and big mouths. Very plump and short, short stubby legs and arms, 2 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand. Sharp teeth but very stubby claws.
Mental Description: They are territorial creatures and are really smart in coordination and organisation but very dumb in common sense and or literacy skills as they have none.
Other: They originate from hedgehogs. They eat leaves and plant and small bugs.
*Huh. Could have sworn I gave someone teepees.*

While it is by no means means needed, as the Furbian's thick fur protects them from the elements much more than the clothing, it becomes this world's first fashion trends. In the millenium to come, children will study the ancient furbians for their seemingly random invention of wearible clothing. Along with these clothes, the sea shells that previously only the slightly unhinged wore became commonly wore as well, properly washed beforehand though. All traces of The Beast seem to have dissappeared, but a large shadow similar to the birds that are often seen in the high branches of trees has been seen.

3,075 posts

Name of Race: dinozatians
Area controlled: grassland
Areas found: None
Tribe Leader (leader of a tribe,definitely a trolodon in all of the tribes)
Elites(protect the leader,sorta like the king's guard)
warriors(do all the fighting with other nations and ravaging bandits.)
guards(are the tribe's police force)
villager(normally a hatchling,just a weak civilian)
Military: most of them can fight.all fighters are armed with weapons.both genders can fight
Physical Description: basically intellegent dinosaurs
Mental Description: carnivores are somewhat warlike,but herbavores are peacefull.
Other:they are not very advanced in tech,dumb brutes...anyway

velociraptors.nuff said

2,188 posts

Name of Race: Dervans
Controlled Location: The hills, slightly to the east of the island.
Found locations: Thick forest to the south, north, and west. To the east are Agalien terrotories of which little is known, besides for that the closest parts are hills similar to your own.
Technology: Wood axes with a stone blade, used purely for battle.
Hierachy:Military General,officers and solders are Dervans who rule rule over slaves-slaves are from your rival race, the Agalies.
General of all armies
Few High Ranking Officers
King Titular Title
Military: Regular army size higly trained for protection of villages,patrols etc and in times of war and Slaves are mobilized
Physical Description: Humanoid about 2,5 m tall and muscular red eyes and black skin,2 horns on head
Mental Description: Xenophobic,Mad for defences and fortifications,Territorial,Sadistic
Other: Dont care for other than their own race. Dark religion which involves sacrifacing slaves

Start preparing for attack like diging trenches,puting wooden spikes etc. but also for counter attack if their sige fail

1,078 posts

Name of race: Riledarions
Land controlled: Hills and forest to the north and east.
Other Lands found: Forest to the south and west, controlled by Frukons.
Technology: Stone axes, spears tipped with stone.
Council (10)
Elite Warriors
Average people
Military: 8 squads, 30 in each, they use stone axes and stone tipped spears.
Physical description: 2-3 metre tall humanoid lizards
Mental description: Territorial, loyal, warlike, most are not very smart but some are quite smart.
Population: 325
Other: They dig burrows in hills in which they sleep in at night.

I prepare all the 8 squads for war and send 2 out to scout the forest again
and pick off a few patrols too.

1,282 posts

Name of Race: Rychusiors (preying-mantis beings)
Land Controlled: Stone village and surrounding forest. Is assualted by wolves though.
Other Land Found: Deep, deep forest to the west and south, forest then mountains to the north, forest then ocean to the east.
Technology: Spears, javelins, stone walls, stone huts.
- King
- Council
- Wealthy Peoples
- Mid Peoples
- Poor Peoples
- Slaves
Military: One huge army, and lots of spears!
Physical Description: Silver, three horns on head. They average three feet in height.
Mental Description: Respect, yet love war. Very stubborn.
Population Status: Neutral

I research a form of light we can use in the tunnels, and to guard our town at night. I also train More elite warriors.

374 posts

Name of Race: Drakonians
Land Controlled: Roughly the center of the island, beside a large lake. Is rivaled by wargs though.
Other Lands Found: Forest surrounding lake.
Technology:Stone axe, stone pickaxe.
Hierachy: Alpha
Omega (almost equal to Alpha)
Counsel members
Military: A lot of Red Warriors.
Physical Description: They don't really have a gender, but most other tribes referred to them as "he". Look kinda like dragons, but more human, they average 2M tall, musculous body and don't have wings (excepting the Alpha and Omega)
Mental Description: They are mostly calm and protective.
Population: 280
Other: They usually fight through their unique draconic arts

They are still fewer than, right? Riiiiiiight???
Anyway, I beg for your tip.

529 posts

Name of Race: Lycans
Locations controlled: Dense woods.
Locations found: Very Dense Woods in all directions.
Technology: Nothing whatsoever, as nothing is needed.
Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack
-Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace
-Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta
-Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed
Military: They fight in a berserker style, waiting until the dead of night to attack, and then everyone joins in on the burning and killing.
Physical Description: The Lycans are a society of werewolves. They walk on two legs and have long, sharp claws.
Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the sharpest tools in the shed though.
Population: 350
Other: They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an opportunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight.

I send a team of 15 fighters to survey the easterly lands. They have provisions for a weeks journey.

651 posts

Name of Race: Foxlins
Location Controlled: Open field near forest, part of forest, part of river.
Location Discovered: Deep Forest surrounding the field, with a river running through the forest and field.
Technology: Basic stone architecture, basic preservation.
Hierachy: 5 Elders lead the people. They themselves pick who will replace them.
Military: One big army of both genders lead by the youngest Elder.
Physical Description: Fox people. Males are 3 feet tall, females 2,5 feet tall. Often Brown fur, but sometimes they are born with red fur.
Mental Description: They are loyal to each other, but dislikes other speices. This makes them keep to themselves most of the time, but not afraid to fight.
Population: 700
Population: Staying the same.
Other: They are very religious, and worship many different gods. They believe the Elders have a special link with the gods.

Let the scouts look for them, and have the army return untill we hear from them. We also tell the tribe that we believe the gods may have chased the Warbits away.

1,078 posts


3,075 posts

bump the bweep out of this thread.

374 posts

Can someone make a remake of this game? I really liked it D:

3,075 posts

bumpa bumba bumpa bumpa BUUUMP BUUUMP! BBUMP!

435 posts

Danwar, I am not going to continue this. Stop bumping.

1,676 posts

I would attempt a remake, but only if everyone was okay with allowing me to limit the number of players that can play to only two.

However, having the limit would no doubt destroy the player interaction, and furthermore, remakes are incredibly hard to do since the person's game whom your trying to remake doesn't share the same brain as you.

Also, there is no way I won't be doing a limit, because I feel like that is what causes most people to just flat out stop these games, just like me. Being overloaded with so many posts to take care of are just crazy.

Jeray, you sure had your work cut out for you buddy. I can't even handle four people.

Showing 121-135 of 138