ForumsForum GamesBretwalda (English Dark Ages RPG)

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Oh vassal, who is your lord? Be you Pict? Briton? Irish? Perhaps even a Northman? Are you a virtuous Christian or a Pagan fluent in the rituals and sacrifices?

You are a vassal lord in the realm of Britain around the late 7th early 8th century. Your duties include raising armies to fight when war comes and keeping peace around the realm, and by that it means brutalizing the peasants and killing bandits.

Name:Irish, Celtic, Breton, Welsh will work
Physical Desc.: Please know a lot of people (as in 90%) in the dark ages weren't tall or really muscled
Bio: At least a paragraph
People: (i.e. Germanic, Breton, Irish, Welsh, Pict, Scandinavian...)
Hand Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:
Condition: Nil

That should be it, unless i left something out.

  • 370 Replies
2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

"I don't know, either he's been ambushed, reassigned, or bailed on us."

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

"Or late, we should give him a little more time."

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

"Sounds good to me. But the other force is depending on us to at least distract the enemy. Find me when you think we should go ahead without him."

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

After about and hour, he comes up, "I think we should start, my men have the bonfire and torches ready, we'll light them, and make it seem we've just arrived and are making camp."

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

"Okay, place them across the creek from the enemy so that they will have to go through the river. We'll take the enemy from behind." I place my men in hidden positions on the Frank side of the creek. When they get into the river, the Kotselta Seaxe will fall upon the enemy's rear, while the Fians throw their javelins into the middle of the enemy.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

it's a creek, it provides about as much resistance as a baby trying to hold onto something

Hidden? It's the plains.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

Okay, fair enough. We'll participate in making the camp seem... Well, campy.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

Yeah the point of doing it there is to make it seem like the weak and half hearted attempt it looks like.

You do such, and start setting up, you see multiple torches leaving the enemy camp, you take a headcount of torch bearers, at least 100 of them who are holding torches, you can't see anyone who isn't

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

Well, crap. We may be dealing with twice or even thrice that number. As soon as my ally starts to maneuver his troops, I will coincide him in his movements.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

he has his men form up in a shield wall, the experienced swordsmen and spearmen in the center, and the kostelta in the flanks

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

I will put 6 of my Kotselta Seaxe on the right and 7 on the left, slightly folding inwards to the line, looking a bit like a V. The Fian will remain behind the line throwing javelins in support.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

Alright, well you form up, and the beats and cheers of the franks comes closer, and closer, until the din is almost unbearable, they are crossing the creek, 50 meters away.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

"I'm ready, let's do this!" The Fians will let loose when the enemy is 30 meters away from us.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

alright, they advance closer, and the Fian let of volleys of javelins, many hit their mark, shattering shields and piercing flesh. screams galore as men fall to them, the first wave disrupted, hits your men to negligible effect. Many of the enemy shieldless

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

I step forth and join the line, picking a fight with one of the Franks.

Showing 346-360 of 370