ForumsForum GamesBretwalda (English Dark Ages RPG)

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Oh vassal, who is your lord? Be you Pict? Briton? Irish? Perhaps even a Northman? Are you a virtuous Christian or a Pagan fluent in the rituals and sacrifices?

You are a vassal lord in the realm of Britain around the late 7th early 8th century. Your duties include raising armies to fight when war comes and keeping peace around the realm, and by that it means brutalizing the peasants and killing bandits.

Name:Irish, Celtic, Breton, Welsh will work
Physical Desc.: Please know a lot of people (as in 90%) in the dark ages weren't tall or really muscled
Bio: At least a paragraph
People: (i.e. Germanic, Breton, Irish, Welsh, Pict, Scandinavian...)
Hand Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:
Condition: Nil

That should be it, unless i left something out.

  • 370 Replies
16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

You come up against a burly fellow, clad in leather armor, and a large round shield, with a shortsword in hand.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

I'll charge forward, smashing my shield against his. Meanwhile, I'll be trying to take his arm off with my axe.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

your completely offensive lacking shield does little to stop him, his simply swats you away, and does a big swing, which you block, but also get a loud crack from your shield.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

I feign from different directions, striking from the right and, if deflected, make an overhead swing.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

you strike around, but the unwieldy axe makes for hard feigns, he tires of your games and swings his shield into your face, again, and again, and again, leaving you heavily battered and bloodied and your shield broken

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

I'm getting tired of his games as well, and pain is a very efficient agitator. I start to swing wildly at his shield, savagely trying to turn it into splinters, as I really want that arm.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

you beat on his shield wildly, he is distracted quite long enough that some of your men join up and stab their spears into him, the multiple spear points being to much for him, he trembles and falls down.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

"****!" I curse as my opponent falls. Due to the bio, I believe my character would feel disappointed by his inability to kill that enemy and the dishonor of killing them from behind. Anyways, I look around for a fight, maybe to help out another of my fellows.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

you search for freinds in need, but look over and see yourself being charged by another frank, he seems to be higher up, clad in old scrap chainmail, an old roman Montefortino helmet and a large shield, with a longsword.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Banner: My field is white, there is black on the top and bottom going horizontally. There is a Prussian Falcon in the center of the white field. The Falcon does not have a crown, and has a sword in one talon and a roll of paper in the other.
Kingdom: Suth Seaxe
Hand Weapons: Small Axe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Tunic, Heavy Cloak, Rectangular shield
Treasury: 550 Scallingas
Troops: 15/17 Kotselta Seaxe (Short spears, Bucklers, Tunics: Free men trained to defend their homes when needed), 5/7 Fian (Short Spears, Buckler, 5 Javelins)

I prepare to block him with my shield, waiting for an opening to present itself.

Showing 361-370 of 370