ForumsForum GamesBretwalda (English Dark Ages RPG)

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Oh vassal, who is your lord? Be you Pict? Briton? Irish? Perhaps even a Northman? Are you a virtuous Christian or a Pagan fluent in the rituals and sacrifices?

You are a vassal lord in the realm of Britain around the late 7th early 8th century. Your duties include raising armies to fight when war comes and keeping peace around the realm, and by that it means brutalizing the peasants and killing bandits.

Name:Irish, Celtic, Breton, Welsh will work
Physical Desc.: Please know a lot of people (as in 90%) in the dark ages weren't tall or really muscled
Bio: At least a paragraph
People: (i.e. Germanic, Breton, Irish, Welsh, Pict, Scandinavian...)
Hand Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:
Condition: Nil

That should be it, unless i left something out.

  • 370 Replies
2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Condition: Nil

Pft. Guess I could have them go through physical conditioning, but I don't think that giving them a reason to fu**-off would be a good idea. They'll be informed that they will be trained in the week and that they may return home. I'll have that emissary look around for a good but cheap mercenary to give the recruits basic training.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Condition: Nil

Well since they are levies, it's under pain of death that they serve

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Condition: Nil

Okay, sounds about right. With the Franks possibly scouting for an attack (and judging from how that blacksmith reacted, they're pretty good) I'd still like these kids to at least get to "Green Soldier" status instead of "Might As Well Be In A Loin-clothe." What better way than to have some guy who's callous and doesn't care about anything? I.E. A merc. Like, uh, Ser Bronn from Game of Thrones.

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury:500 Scillignas
Condition: Nil

Your man brings forward an irishman, who offers in very broken old english, to train the men for 25 scillingas a day, and i have just added that to the sheet

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury:500 Scillignas
Condition: Nil

Ah, excellent, thank you for adding that.

"You have a deal, my good man. This deal will be over when those men have been trained. I may call upon you at a later day."

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury:500 Scillignas
Condition: Nil

"When training start?" he questions

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury:500 Scillignas
Condition: Nil

"Tomorrow, if that suits you."

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury:500 Scillignas
Condition: Nil

"Great!" he replies simply.

2,316 posts

Name: Cross Gotti
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: 6'1, pale skin, blue eyes, scrawny, brown hair.
Apparel: Military BDU's.
Inventory: Catholic Holy Bible, Cross, Three Treatises of Government by John Locke.
Weapons: M16A4 (210 rounds total), M1911 (5 mags), Standard-Issue Army Knife.
Health: 100/100
Abilities: Adept rifleman, fast runner, discipline
Perks: Good with a sticker.

I dismiss him and head back to my home, I think I've dealt with what I can at the moment.

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Condition: Nil

Wrong sheet. :P

3,075 posts

Name:Irish, Celtic, Breton, Welsh will work
Physical Desc.: somewhat average height,brown hair
Bio:he was a only son(besides his brother)untill his father,a wealthy landowner,died.he equiped his father's old short sword and fought his brother to the death,and obiously won(his brother had a hammer,making him slower).he inhaled the land his father owned.
Hand Weapons:short sword(do not change this into a hatchet!you can make it a rusty short sword if you want)
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:buckler,leather aurmor
Condition: Nil

16,287 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury: 500 Scillingas
Condition: Nil

You sleep off for the day, the next morning you head out, and along the coast, the fishing men are surprisingly not there, and one of the Frankish ships is much closer to the shore.

Name:Irish, Celtic, Breton, Welsh will work
Physical Desc.: somewhat average height,brown hair
Bio:he was a only son(besides his brother)until his father,a wealthy landowner,died.he equipped his father's old short sword and fought his brother to the death,and obviously won(his brother had a hammer,making him slower).he inhaled the land his father owned.
People: Celtic
Hand Weapons:Seaxe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Buckler,Tunic
Condition: Nil

changed weapon to a seaxe, essentially a short sword, just a more appropriate form, also a name is needed

3,075 posts

Physical Desc.: somewhat average height,brown hair
Bio:he was a only son(besides his brother)until his father,a wealthy landowner,died.he equipped his father's old short sword and fought his brother to the death,and obviously won(his brother had a hammer,making him slower).he inhaled the land his father owned.
People: Celtic
Hand Weapons:Seaxe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Buckler,Tunic
Condition: Nil

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury: 500 Scillingas
Condition: Nil

The fishermen are probably just trying to stay safe from those Franks. I analyze the enemy ship, see what I'm going up against.

16,287 posts

Physical Desc.: somewhat average height,brown hair
Bio:he was a only son(besides his brother)until his father,a wealthy landowner,died.he equipped his father's old short sword and fought his brother to the death,and obviously won(his brother had a hammer,making him slower).he inhaled the land his father owned.
People: Celtic
Hand Weapons:Seaxe
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Buckler,Tunic
Treasury: 500 Scillingas
Condition: Nil

Presiding of Hefenfelth, You watch the hills on a foggy day. As you watch from the warm great hall, a servant comes over and informs you of a group of villeins (unfree serfs) have escaped and looted a nearby village, and could possibly come by here.

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Treasury: 500 Scillingas
Condition: Nil

You try to get any details, but it's still quite a ways away, you do make out figures watching you from the bow of the ship, a chill runs down your spine.

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