Well this thread is branched off of the Mudkip drawing thread. This will be the same accept for a new rule.
RULES All pictures must be made using MS art.
The pictures must be appropriate (I will accept constipated Pikachus )
The pictures must of course be of the pokemon stated.
There will be a designed date for all entries. No prizes unless a md wants to. The real prize is knowing that you own at drawing pokemon!
Well, I will go first, EVERYONE, draw a Pikachu! The start date is now, and the end date is July 10th.
The first contest will be judged by me, and I will chosee the winner. The winner then chooses a new pokemon, and he/she is now the judge. If the winner declines, the judging and assigning duties will go to the runner-up chosen by the prior judge.
GENGAR, TIME TO ROCK *kiss face (not the like, smoochy somoochy, Like, the rock band that raped marylin manson with all their awesome....marylyn manson's such a poser <-<U)*
Theme: Gengars Deadline: January 17th Reward for winning: The right to choose the next theme. If theme is not chosen within two days, that right is lost and I will choose to keep it going.
I don't have MS Paint, but this is made only with the pencil tool (4 pixels) in Photoshop Elements:
Not qualified to be an entry, I just thought I'd participate a little. ^^;
I don't have MS Paint, but this is made only with the pencil tool (4 pixels) in Photoshop Elements:
Well I don't have Photoshop Elements, but I do have MS Paint! So yeah, here's my entry: Ummm, did I get the symbol right? I went by memory I should have checked the ghost's element beforehand >_> I guessed they were the same as Psychic but...
I wish I could use Iscribble
I wish I could use anything, but my drawing skills don't go very far past my dreams =( Yes, I dream that I could draw good, but the truth is I can't so at least I have some escape from FAILure XP
It's the difference between the card game and the Gameboy games...
The TCG only have nine types. Grass, fire, water, lightning, fighting, psychic, normal, metal and darkness. Gengar belongs in the psychic group (or darkness, in some of the newer series)~
and? I swear on mah life that they're at least 99.999% true! unless I was in a self induced coma and I could still feel everything. Srsly, plz? I read all of your stuff (when there's something to read)....plz? Seriously, your basically my art hero! At LEAST in the digital department. THis one crazy guy who hates babies is my hero on the pencil and paper art department XD. BARFQUESTIIIIOOOON.