Well this thread is branched off of the Mudkip drawing thread. This will be the same accept for a new rule.
RULES All pictures must be made using MS art.
The pictures must be appropriate (I will accept constipated Pikachus )
The pictures must of course be of the pokemon stated.
There will be a designed date for all entries. No prizes unless a md wants to. The real prize is knowing that you own at drawing pokemon!
Well, I will go first, EVERYONE, draw a Pikachu! The start date is now, and the end date is July 10th.
The first contest will be judged by me, and I will chosee the winner. The winner then chooses a new pokemon, and he/she is now the judge. If the winner declines, the judging and assigning duties will go to the runner-up chosen by the prior judge.
Alright, the winner is.... Cenere! Because that is an awesome expression and I find it quite amusing to see such a lordlike Gengar.
The rest:
RaptorExx: Nice drawing, sort action filled without really being it. Yay for somewhat of a background.
iPC: It's a gremlingar!! Arwarwarwararw! Yes, that is my comment.
kingryan gets a mixture of a lolwut and fail award for bringing up a miscoloured old joke, that really doesn't make sense with Gengars since they don't really have skin.
kingryan gets a mixture of a lolwut and fail award for bringing up a miscoloured old joke, that really doesn't make sense with Gengars since they don't really have skin.
MWAHAHAHAAA!!! *graps internet cabel, because it is ruined* Damn, no net... Anyway, I will choose... Lugia. Because he is awesome. *presses cabel against port, hopes for the best* *post*
Also, notice how many of those that are friggin 4th gens.......
And here comes Pokemon Platinum with a legless Giratina on the front...
@kr Well of course you don't if your standing up! Sit down and get on the computer or start drawing the picture will probably come out much better... Unless you draw standing up, then by all means go ahead and do so but then you probably wouldn't have said that o_O...
[quote]@kr Well of course you don't if your standing up! Sit down and get on the computer or start drawing the picture will probably come out much better... Unless you draw standing up, then by all means go ahead and do so but then you probably wouldn't have said that o_O...[quote]
I am sitting.
But...I don't even know who Lugia is....waaaa...must google...