I cant find Dino Storm anymore. It suddenly vanished from Armor Games pages.
You can see the game preview page http:/dino-storm-game/13913?preview=1 but only if you log out of AG. Log in to AG and you cant even see that page. It's really weird.
1d6=6... it does appear all of the split screen games are gone. I haven't found any reason or response to what happened on the other sites i checked. admittedly though i just checked the dino storm websites.
hopefully someone in the know will respond soon.
As York011 points out, the link does not work. There is no page there for us to access. I hope you can resolve this quickly. There is an easter event in the game now (ends on the 15'th) and we are all losing out on it.
it's working now; Thanks Ferret.
relating to what you said in a past post about the split screen is against the policy, Is it a possibility that AG may take dino storm down in the future?
@York011 Yes, it's very possible. Right now it's "Blacklisted", which means many users can't access it. Once we get a plan, we'll be working with the Dino Storm team to make sure current accounts aren't affected. We'll likely send an e-mail with more information once we have it.
thnx for help guys but same thing goes for Pirate Galaxy as well , im unable to login into my lvl 70 account anymore , i really hope this get fixed because im not ready to play all of that all over again
Splitscreen is currently in the process of migrating all AGI accounts to their system. I have not heard about accounts being "deleted" in the progress of this... but my best guess is that for a short period of time, while the migration is going on, your accounts are temporarily unavailable.
Once the accounts are fully migrated, Splitscreen will be contacting you with new usernames/passwords to log into your existing accounts. Our apologies for these issues... we're really working hard to try and make this as smooth and painless of a transition as possible.
Thanks for the replies and keeping us in the loop. If the account is gone so be it, i'll live ; it's not like there is only one game on AG. I just thought i would see if anyone else was having this issue as well. I suppose also to report this is taking place (at least on my account)
Again thanks for the replies, keep up the good work.