I cant find Dino Storm anymore. It suddenly vanished from Armor Games pages.
You can see the game preview page http:/dino-storm-game/13913?preview=1 but only if you log out of AG. Log in to AG and you cant even see that page. It's really weird.
hellow...my e-mail adress is already registered on dinostorm.com ...my wife play on dinostorm.com -with my e-mail adress and i play on armorgames....but email adress and server is same.... SO WHAT NOW??? i changed wifes e-mail today..i hope its enough to get my new login.
Fat_mike77 The email i received just basically stated that AG no longer will handle the game and it told me to log in directly to dino strom and had a new passcode for me. i know it seems like a no brainer but check your spam folder.
I hope this helps mike.
TBH though i think i'm gonna quit dino storm we missed out on the easter event and it completely reset my log in rewards. I was at 90 plus days.... I have 200 spoons but i can't exchange them for gold ones due to this issue.
Take care
Please check your e-mail for a message from SplitScreen with their login and password. It could be stuck in your spam filter. If you still don't have access, please contact support@splitscreenstudios.com.
Tried to get on to dino storm after a while and noticed it's not here anymore, used to have a maxed out account on it so is it possible to get on to it any way?