ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
7,024 posts

Matter Absorption
It's a Ben 10 power again -_- I can absorb and utilize matter... meh

Transformation Field projection
I can project a field that let's me transform anything inside into anything I choose That's pretty cool. Oh so you were ready to fight me? well you can't...'cause you are a table now xD

Story shifting

18,319 posts

Earth Embodiment

I am earth, the element. Not to be confused with the planet. This is pretty cool considering the applications.

Tachyon Generation

Wait what the... I have no idea what a tachyon is. It's apparently a particle faster than light but what the heck is it? Well whatever it is, I can create them.

Cycle Manipulation

I control the beginning and end of every universe. Welp that's a good place to stop for today.

I am earth, able to create tachyons and manipulate the cycles of the universe. All awesomely good powers except for that tachyon thing.

3,171 posts

Belief Vocifery
My god, here is a totally overkill power that had gone completely unnoticed so far. I can alter the fabric of reality by verbally stating my beliefs! This is almost limitless in potential, including HahiHa's favorite power, the Meta-Power manipulation, along with Biological Manipulatiion, Death Inducement, Healing and Reanimation, Reality Warping, Absolute Command (the ability to impose absolute orders even on reality itself) and of course, Meta Space Time Manipulation.
Pretty good, if not for Doubt Inducement.

I got:
Brain Augmentation
Almighty Science
Meta Teleportation
7,024 posts

Pretty good, if not for Doubt Inducement.

I suppose it once again depends on who uses it first. If beliefs are stated before doubt is induced, then the Doubt inducement may be altered to stop working through Meta Power Manipulation. If Doubt is induced first, well, then it may corrupt this power. Seems hard to make someone doubt absolutely everything though. If some beliefs remain, maybe the user can use them to get to where he needs...

Blade Construction
Pretty self explanatory and somewhat useful

Ink Breath
Well...I can use it to escape at least...

Soul Trapping
Not sure what that means...apparently I can prevent reincarnation and afterlife this way but, that's about it...

5,291 posts

Dark Fire Manipulation

Well... not bad...

Stealth Tactics

This is a superpower? Seems more like studiable knowledge >.>

Spiritual Awareness


8,256 posts

Temporal Teleportation
Space-time teleportation. Goodbye fossils, welcome live specimen!

Soulmate Connection
Aww... works for either platonic or romantic soulmates. I wonder if the connection is kept through space-time?

Powered Form
This is in itself not a real superpower, rather a modality. This means I can keep my teleportation powers and bond hidden, which can be helpful.

Question to comic nerds: I was going to use the Clark-Superman and Bruce-Batman examples for the Powered Form, but now I wonder if it really applies. Doesn't Superman always have superpowers, and Batman doesn't have any more superpowers, just more gadgets?

18,319 posts

Insanity Projection

I can project my insane-ness into reality. This feels like a power some sort of villain would have. It's a good power though.

Energy Immunity

I'm immune from energy. Energy as in fire, lasers, electricity, etc.

Auxiliary Organs

I have more than one internal organ. Such as another heart, another stomach, another brain, etc. Pretty good defensively I guess.

I can project insanity, be immune to energy, and have multiple organs. Cool I guess.

8,256 posts

@iFool It is not a game yet.

Carnivorous Plant Physiology

Oxygen Manipulation

Discipline Embodiment

A carnivorous plant that manipulates oxygen and embodies discipline. I am not sure that this fits together all that well.

18,319 posts

I don't really see this as a forum game. Honestly the thread is more like one of those lottery scratch-off tickets.

Bone Armor

Just as it says, I have armor made of bones. It seems to be pretty effective too, even though bones can be pretty frail.

Poison-Fire Manipulation

I can control poison and fire. The key point of this power being the fact that I can create a fire that can burn and poison. Honestly pretty cool.

Maximum Concentration Capacity

My concentration has reached it's maximum capacity. Giving me advanced capabilities when it comes to normal stuff like strength, speed, reflexes, etc.

I'm a human skeleton that can control poison-fire and with maximum concentration.

7,024 posts

Color Empowerment
-_- It does have some pretty good applications. Enhanced strength, stamina, semi immortality...

Transformation Infusion
Well...Not bad but unremarkable. Nothing to comment here.

Undead Physiology
The abilities of the Undead are pretty cool. But I got most of them from Color Empowerment. Well, elt's just hope that with both of these I can reach even greater levels of control over the duplicate applications

665 posts

I got,,,
Cloud flight

Animal soul
After reading through the applications and examples this is actually pretty cool although if it's an avian insect or bat soul cloud flight is useless
Safe mode
So basicly I can fly around on a cloud jump down stab them through the chest with claws and then go into safe mode.... interesting...

18,319 posts

Hell-Fire Ball Projection

I can create and unleash balls of hell-fire. Which I guess is hotter than regular fire? While it may not be too useful, do you realize how cool I'll look? I could just threaten people with a menacing ball of fire.

Mindscape Materialization

Ohhh. I can affect the landscape with whatever I think of. If I'm thinking of a cave, the land around will not only visually turn into a cave, but also physically. It's only when I get hurt or lose concentration that the landscape goes away. A very nice power.

Blood Cloning

I can clone using blood. It doesn't have to be my blood, but I assume if I use someone else's blood I'm cloning them instead of myself. Not too bad.

So imagine this, I'm in need to seriously threaten someone and I need to make it extremely effective. I cut myself which spills some of my blood and thus multiplying my numbers. I can then imagine a literal hell to put them in, meanwhile I can create multiple hell-fire balls and have my clones hold them above their hands as we circle the person. If the person doesn't want to do what I want them to do, then I could simply kill them with a fireball or my imagination. Easy as that.

665 posts

I am doing another one:

not that good...
Absolute Invulnerability
Well that was Onix-pected... I'm sorry for that

Phantasm Manipulation
So I'm completely invulnerable, bloodless and CAN CONTROL GHOSTS well and ghost energies...

8,256 posts

Mutative Regeneration
I can regenerate practically any wound, at the cost of random mutations in the regenerated parts. Since the effects are unpredictable, I could grow stronger and more resilient with every wound, in the best case, or in the worst case become a mess of random outgrowth and completely lose my humanity and sanity. Hooray.

Replication Teleportation
Comes with two different abilities: cloning and teleportation, both of myself and my clones.

Magnetic Projectiles
The ability to launch magnetic objects using magnetism. This means I can shoot e.g. bullets without a gun, which is very practical.

Taken all together, I can clone myself and teleport/switch with those clones, all of us who can shoot magnetic objects and regenerate/mutate when wounded. With this I can easily swarm an opponent, or even take on whole groups at once.

7,024 posts

Arachnid Manipulation
Oooh. Spiders. Lots of people are afraid of spiders...but not me

Galaxy Manipulation
Did you have fun enjoying your sets while I was not getting any OP powers? huh, did you? Well, I hope you did because those days are over! This is the power to manipulate the entire galaxy and everything within. And I do mean Everything. Fundamental Forces, Space and Time, Reality, Planets, Cosmic Manipulation, Solar and Lunar Manipulation even the ability to kill everything in the galaxy with Omnicide. Kneel before the one who reigns over everything in the galaxy before he turns you into the worm you are! xD

Showing 301-315 of 685