ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
8,256 posts

Meh, I got Selkie Physiology before anyway

So? We all got more powerful powers at some time before

What did you say about Selkie Physiology @HahiHa ? Heheh xD

Good for you However, Selkie and Causa Sui are not even remotely comparable. I think me getting Selkie right after you got Pinniped is more funny. Of course this is a subjective opinion, so standards may vary.


Energy Drain
I am an energy leech, draining objects, beings or other sources of their energy. This is always good to even out the odds in difficult situations.

Shinto Deity Physiology
I am not particularly familiar with Shinto deities... actually not at all. But some of the many applications sound really good, and after all I am a divinity, so that's nice.

Fitting for the deity that I am, I can sanctify objects or substances with holy powers.
18,319 posts

Archdemon Physiology

Starting off with an amazing power. I have the traits and powers of the seven archdemons of hell. Very nice.

Slime Manipulation

I manipulate slime. A very big step down from the last power but it'll do.

Sound Empowerment

I grow stronger with sound. So if I keep talking during a fight, I'll get stronger.

So I'm an archdemon who can control slime and grow stronger by sound. Once again, a great set.

8,256 posts

World Merging
"The power to merge a variety of worlds/planets into a singular world/form of desired design. "
A uber tier power that allows me to merge worlds or parts thereof together and choose the outcome. This can be used destructively as well as constructively.

Daytime Walking
I am a nocturnal creature with the ability to also walk around in full daylight. I could be disappointed because I can already walk around during the day, but I choose to be pleased by the fact that I am now also a night creature, with it's accompanying benefits.

The ability to change my physical form to an amorphous liquid form, with all the benefits of increased resistance to attacks, shapeshifting, getting through tight spaces, tentacle attacks, etc.

I am a nocturnal being unaffected by daylight that can shape my own form while in liquid state, and even shape the world by merging it with any other world.

7,024 posts

Salt Transmutation
Actually pretty good I can turn anything, any matter, organic or not, into salt!

Temporal Guardianship
I am a keeper and guardian of the fabric of time. As such, I possess all Time based powers (Chronokinetic combat, Time Manipulation, Temporal Slicing/Lock/Presence, Chrono Vision, Time stopping and Rewinding, Time Portal Creation and Timestream shift. Some variations include Immortality). Nice uber tier power

Sonic Scream
The soundwaves I produce with my scream are massive in Amplitude. As such I can use a variety of Sonic attacks and have limited Sound Manipulation. Very useful mid-tier power Not as good as Temporal Guardianship, but still...xD

18,319 posts

Since you two got an uber power, maybe I'll get one in this set!

Relative Appearance Alteration

I appear different in the eyes of every person depending on their personal tastes. I can look like someone you really love or really hate. I have no idea what I look like in someone's eyes and I have no control over it. An interesting power but there's very little use to it.

Empathic Shapeshifting

I can shape shift depending on my emotions. In normal circumstances this would be a fantastic power to have. However my first power sort of bumps heads with this one, as the first one will only have me seen as what other people see me as. Shapeshifting has no real use for me in this case.

Hydrokinetic Creature Creation

I can create creatures from water. Cool I guess.

I'm an shapeshifter who changes by my own emotions, but I'm perceived differently by everyone. I can also create creatures from water. Honestly the only useful one here is the third power and that's not even too good.

17,384 posts

Sky Father Physiology

I am a deity who can control the sky. This means I can create fierce hurricanes or severe thunderstorms. I also have multiple children if I wish.

Logic Manipulation

I can pretty much do anything. I'm not bound by the laws of this universe as I can freely manipulate it as I like.

Identity Creation

I can create new identities for myself or anyone else. This means I can freely choose who I want to be. A new identity can also mean a change of appearance and maybe abilities too. I can also manipulate other people's memories to make it seem as though I was always part of their lives.

So basically, I'm a Sky God who defies logic itself. I also run a cult who worships me and hold multiple identities over the years. This is so broken it's not even funny.

1,229 posts


If something pops out of your fire, do not be alarmed!

Healing Earth

Earth, Fire...

Spell Casting

So I am a powerful user of magic who can also turn into ash and heal people using earth. This is the most boring combination I have ever been! Although, magic is pretty fun...

18,319 posts

Peak Human Endurance

I can endure more physical stress than most other humans. Cool.

Trick Boomerang

I can use trick boomerangs that can have a variety of different effects, I wouldn't really call throwing a boomerang a super power but ok.

Compass Sense

I can sense compass directions. Wow that's not exciting.

I have peaked on my endurance, I can use trick boomerangs, and sense compass directions. This is definitely one of the worst sets I've had for awhile.

8,256 posts

Magic Negation
I can negate any powers of magic origin, spells and objects; magical creatures that are in my vicinity are weakened and will eventually dissolve; I may even weaken the very channels of magical energy. With some training I may selectively control this power against specific spells or objects, or even allow myself to use magic (so potions are still an option).

Defense Calling
After magic negation comes physical defense, neat! I can grant enhanced physical defense to myself or others, or put it in dormant state to better 'blend in', with the ability to call it back whenever I want.

Artificial Limbs

No uber tier powers today, but a solid set nonetheless. I am a cyborg with supernatural physical defense and the ability to negate all kinds of magic around me.

7,024 posts

Life Addition
I gain life every time I kill someone. Sounds good but I doubt I will do much killing until someone else with superpowers rises to stop me. So not that good

Blast Attacks
Yeesh. Mid-tier but useful

Entropy Attacks
2 different types of attacks one after another, whoah... Anyway, applications include Entropy Bolt Pillar and Spike projection, Entropy vortex creation, hand blasts, optic blasts, wave emissions and wave motion blasts, omnidirectional entropy waves, reflective attacks, beam emissions, etc. This is very useful

18,319 posts

Fire Armor

This'll look pretty cool. Armor made of fire, sweet!

Telekinetic Maneuver

I can control an objects directional course. For example, if I were shot at I could either have the bullet miss me completely or reflected back at the attacker. Nice!

Preemptive Adaptation

I can gain powers or abilities to help counteract with a future threat. For example, if I'm fighting another power user I can gain some kind of invulnerability to protect myself from their powers. Basically, I will gain powers as long as I'm endangered. This is niiiice.

So I have armor made of fire, I control an object's directional path, and I can adapt myself with a new power for a future threat. Funny, these are all generally defensive powers but can be used offensively as well. This is definitely a great set.

8,256 posts

Vapor Manipulation
May be used to escape a tricky situation by launching vapor everywhere like an octopus shoots ink. Otherwise, not very effective unless scalding people is an option.

Soul Transferal
I can transform my or someone else's soul into a vessel, living or inanimate. So I can become a lich by putting my soul into a vessel?

Precognitive Dreaming
The ability to perceive future events in dreams. May not be able to trigger intentionally, realize it was a precognitive dream, or even remember it. -.-

18,319 posts

Desert Adaptation

I'm able to adapt and survive in a desert. Well, it's only useful if I'm in some sort of desert.

Divine Banishment

I can banish god-like beings from a specific place. Really, it only helps me with gods or any transcendents.

Sexual Inducement

... I can induce sexual attraction and lust... I don't really see anything good out of this.

I can adapt to deserts, banish gods and deities, and induce sexual attraction. None of these are very fun.

7,024 posts

Heresy Inducement


Elemental Breath
I can release various elemental powers in the form of a breath, from Acid to Demonic Ice, Black Lightning, Metal-Shadow, etc. Pretty cool Elements here xD

Corrosion Manipulation
Wooo! Cool xD

DNA Link
This allows me to share powers and capabilities with the people I am linked with and also to trace their location very easily. Not bad for a low tier power...

18,319 posts

Physical Nonexistence

Already starting off strong. I can discard my physical form, allowing me to become intangible and practically invincible. Sweet!

Ability Tier Activation

I unlock new sets of abilities. That's it. Not exactly sure what new powers I'd get considering I'm not in a video game but I guess we'll see.

Modified Soul

My soul is modified to increase normal human physiology, it gives me enhanced condition. Along with variations like shapeshifting and teleporting. Not too bad.

I have a modified soul, I gain new sets of powers, and I can throw away my physical form. Assuming I'll get amazing new powers, this is pretty good.

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