ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
8,256 posts

Microwave Manipulation
Title says it all. Comes with a handy list of applications but I may not be immune to my own powers, and it may lead to long-term health effects, according to the page. A double-edged sword, in a way.

Kinetic Force Redirection
I can redirect any kinetic force exerted on me back to its source. Stop hitting yourself!

Time Beam Emission
I can... shoot beams of, ah, temporal energy? ... which, apparently, can destroy things by aging them so much they turn to dust? Or something. Uh...

Another volley of ill-defined pseudo-physical inspired powers. I can emit microwaves, redirect kinetic energy, and shoot time beams. Meh.

7,024 posts

Chlorokinetic Cloning
I can create clones using plant matter like leaves, wood and vines

Hydrokinetic Claws
what's up with these powers? In the last set I had photokinetic invisibility, now it's chlorokinetic cloning and Hydrokinetic Claws... :| anyway, I can create claws out of water. Moderately useful.

Energy Embodiment
Now that's more like it gotta love the embodiment powers. I embody one, or more forms of Energy. I possess Omni Energy manipulation which gives me all Energy powers. This is very very powerful

8,256 posts

Rage Form - already had it.

Life and Death Connection
Hmm, unusual power...
User is connected to any/all life and death and living/dying things, so that as long as they exist life and death does as well. This allows them to have both an emotional and spiritual link to every form of life and death.
If the user ever dies or is killed then life and death may cease to exist as well.

There we have the spirituality again.
As I am no personification of either life and death, I don't think the last part about both ceasing if I get killed applies to this power, but apart from me sharing a bond with, and hence knowledge of, life and death, I get a ton of applications linked to both life and death forces. I guess this is a strong power, but it must be hell to live with every day! Just imagine, you are aware at any time about every living and dead being! That is more information than any sane human mind should be able to process, unless there's a way to store it away unconsciously or something like that.

Omnipotence - aww, already had it

Poison Gas Generation
Ugh, how embarrassing -.-

Wax Cloning
Oh hey, Doom, I can clone myself too! Only I need wax as building material, not plant matter. Which is a problem, as wax is not exactly a very frequently encountered matter, at least not in large enough quantities.

I am connected with all life and death, can create clones out of wax and, erm, generate poisonous gases... the first power is clearly the only good one.

8,256 posts

Hail, fellow slitherer ^^

Conditional Transformation
The power to transform under certain conditions. No idea what I transform into, or what those conditions are. This is not even a superpower, but an aspect of certain superpowers. Let's see if it fits any of the following.

Life Light Manipulation
I can manipulate life light, a sort of absolute light that can give or create life, even sentient one.

Sonoportation - already had
Color Manipulation
I can manipulate colours. I get that this would allow camouflage and such, but how can colour manipulation possibly allow me to fly/levitate? And why is light healing mentioned as a technique in colour manipulation but not in life light manipulation?! *facepalm*

I appear to have superior control over light; be it colours, or absolute/life light. I assume the transformation power must be related to that; maybe I can transform into a light form under specific lighting conditions? At least that would explain the flight/levitation. Well, this isn't a bad combination; it's actually quite good considering I can create life, indirectly manipulate vision, can use light to heal, etc. I'm fine with that.

7,024 posts

Leadership Empowerment
The power to be empowered or empower others through Leadership. It includes heroism inducement, Indomitable will, fear masking and such. It's ok

Energy Attacks
All types of Energy attacks. That's really useful

Imagination Empowerment
I am faster, stronger, more durable, etc. through imagination, myself or others'. The example is the infamous Spawn I may even unlock new powers through my imagination or attain a whole new level of power. Imagination is the only limit, literally xD. This is great

8,256 posts

Conceptual Earth Manipulation
This is far stronger than simple earth manipulation, in that I can manipulate the very concept of earth and making it adopt properties it wouldn't normally have. Basically, as far as I understood, I can do almost anything I want with earth.

Divine Bolt Projection
Self-explanatory, I think.

Restoration Augmentation
The power to restore beings or dead things not just to their former state, but augmented in some way. I am confused, because while it is associated to regenerative and resurrection empowerment, it says this power can't bring back the dead - and yet both known users depicted (Nekron and the Kaiser Dragon) are described as having brought back the dead. Either they're really bad examples, or the limitation is moot.

Today, I can shoot bolts of divine energy, have control over the concept of earth far beyond mere earth manipulation, and can restore + augment living and dead things. Great set worthy of a minor earth deity.

18,319 posts

Blood Manipulation

Yes! Starting off with a really good power! I control blood, mine or anyone else's. The application that makes me really happy is the Blood Marionette one. I really like this!

Compound Fission

Instead of putting things together, I can take them apart piece by piece. Including people. Basically, the entire world is made of Legos, and I'm your little brother who likes to take it all apart.

Gravity Aura

I have an aura of gravity which can repel and attract objects that touch me. This includes attacks.

I can control blood, disassemble practically everything, and I have an aura of gravity. I'm really happy with this set!

7,024 posts

This is far stronger than simple earth manipulation, in that I can manipulate the very concept of earth and making it adopt properties it wouldn't normally have. Basically, as far as I understood, I can do almost anything I want with earth.

Well, I had that before, that's what I got but it's really abstract as descriptions go.

Emotional Manifestation
At first I thought that was 'Manipulation' so I almost got happy this is kinda useless. All it does is letting me split into 2 different bodies, each with a specific emotion. -_- bah

Unnatural Cooking
I can is unnatural well, I guess I will invite my opponents to dinner then -_-

Stone Heart
Also useless, seeing as the only thing listed in the applications is protection against Heart stopping.

This has gotta be my worst set ever. Oh well. I got good powers the previous times

8,256 posts

Well, I had that before, that's what I got but it's really abstract as descriptions go.

I agree, but I think I still understand what it is about. Being able to change the concept of earth means you can change what earth is, so you can make it liquid, or grow out of nothing, things like that as are mentioned for one of the listed characters. Naturally, 'earth' is in itself a very broad term already...

Aerial Combat Mastery
Aerials, in the sky...
Not only can I fly, but I am a master of aerial combat. That's nice.

Plastic Mimicry
My body is made of plastic. It sounds stupid but actually comes with a few handy applications, like being immune to diseases and (probably, though not listed) poison, resistant to heat, and enhanced fitness in general.

Programmable Powers
Speaking of abstract descriptions... -.- I can program my powers, so I guess I can make my other two powers work in ways they wouldn't normally?

I am a human-sized flying toy, master of dogfights and able to adapt my powers through programming. Hey, I've had a lot worse pew pew pew!
29 posts

I can shoot guns.... rather inaccurately, but still.

18,319 posts

Magentokinetic Constructs

I can create things out of "magnetism". I might not be able to generate magnetism though.

Molten Metal Manipulation

I can control molten metals. This is cool! It even includes Magma Manipulation. This also works kinda well with the first power.

Lightning Bow Construction

I believe someone had this before. Basically I can generate bows and arrows from lightning. Pretty cool, but ruins the whole metal theme that was going on.

I can create things out of metal, control molten metals, and create bows out of lightning. Last set was better in my opinion but this is kinda cool.

8,256 posts

Ocean Embodiment
I am the personification of the ocean. I'll wash the entire trash continents back on land, you'll see.
I like it, it's a strong power.

Monetary Empowerment - already had it.
Death Infusion
I can infuse objects or beings with "death". Apparently that makes e.g. weapons stronger, energized with "death" which apparently means they can do one hit kills. Do people die if I infuse them with death? :/

Psychic Bomb Generation
I can generate and launch bombs that release psychic energy, not only doing explosive damage but also damage the target's mind.

I am the embodiment of ocean, able to throw psychic bombs and infuse death into things. Which means I could launch a tsunami filled with 100% lethal mind bombs. Heck, I could even turn a regular wave into a one hit kill weapon! No one will ever be safe

18,319 posts

Reality Rejection

I can gain supernatural feats but rejecting the aspects of reality. For instance, I gain absolute immortality just by rejecting death. This is a really cool power and it comes with so many cool Applications. Honestly I might as well stop here for today, because this power is just so freaking cool and powerful. This is definitely one of the coolest powers I've been given.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Destruction Magic

Self-explanatory awesomeness. A one man army.

Psionic Combat

The user can infuse their psionic powers with physical combat. OP again.

Soul Creation

Too much responsibility to use this one, omg.

8,256 posts

Psychic Constructs
I can use my powers to turn psychic energy into tangible objects. I could make myself wings to fly, vehicles to move around faster, weapons that do physical and psychic damage, create semi-sentient constructs, make clones of myself, make shields or even larger defenses... basically anything as long as I am powerful enough. Cool.

Confusion Beam Emission
Self-explanatory. A great addition to the first one.

Paper Entity Creation
Basically paper constructs. Irrelevant as I can also make psychic constructs, which are arguably more durable and useful than paper ones.

Today I have mostly psychic powers, being able to make objects with my psychic energy and confuse others with mind beams, which is a great combination. Oh, and I can create paper constructs; for what, I'm not sure.

Showing 541-555 of 685