ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Belief Vocifery

The power to alter reality by stating ones beliefs. Gonna settle the religious debate once and for all.

Too OP, one power is enough.

18,319 posts

Decided to do a second set today because they're always more fun if they're actually sets and not just one power.

Aura Manipulation

Oh my god. I have never seen an application list this big before, and for some reason this one has two application lists? Weird. Really good though. However, I need to be in control of my emotions, and I can only use one at a time(there's seven different auras). I likey.

Space Rock Creation

I can create meteors and stuff like that. Pretty cool I guess.

Dragon Soul

I have the soul of a dragon. This comes with a whole bunch of benefits from dragons such as elemental breath, draconic energy manipulation, dragon heart, and dragon aura. That last one I probably already have due to the aura manipulation but yay!

I can manipulate auras, create space rocks, and I have the soul of a dragon. Pretty nice set.

8,256 posts

Killing Eyes
I can kill with a look.

Elastic Eye
What a coincidence! Another eye power. This time I can stretch my eyes. Haha, ew XD

Oh, wow. Psionics is nothing less than the entirety of psychic powers! Naturally, the list of applications is too extensive and diverse to describe here.

I am an incredibly powerful psionic user with stretchy eyes and a deadly gaze. Somehow, the combination is fitting surprisingly well, and what a formidable combination it is!

1,318 posts

Psionics is nothing less than the entirety of psychic powers!

I need something to defend myself against this... *grabs a ball with a button on it out of nowhere* GO! MEW! *also puts on a tin foil hat*

Okay, now on to actual powers:

Atlantean Physiology: Poseidonissomewhereinmyfamilytree.IcandowhateverIwantwithwater,including placingdropletemojisall overmyforum posts!
Life Renewal: This doesn't seem useful. I mean, why would I want to get younger when I'm already young?
Amalgamation: I can fuse arbitrary things into one thing.

I can fuse whatever I want into each other and do whatever I want with water. *infuses an ocean into his armatar* Let's drench all the thi- wait, did that ocean have life in it?

*some seaweed cracks open the armatar* Darn.

18,319 posts

Genetic Traits

I have the traits of my race, species, and family. I'm human(for now) so this doesn't really do anything good.

Cloud Flight

Self-explanatory. I can fly with a cloud.

Speed Theft

Here's a power I can use! I can drain the speed of something and use it as my own speed. This could slow down whatever I took the speed from or even render it immobile. Awesome!

I gain traits through genetics, fly with clouds, and take away speed and use it as my own. I've had better, but enhanced speed is arguably one of the better common super powers out there.

8,256 posts

Space Rock Creation
I can rain down meteors on my enemies, hell yeah!

Eldritch Soul
I have the soul of an eldritch abomination from beyond the universe. Comes with a lot of powerful but madness inducing powers.


I am an eldritch abomination capable, among many other unpleasant things, to create comets, asteroids or meteorites and rain them down on my enemies. Very powerful combination - and very fitting, considering most entities in the Cthulhu myth are from outer space - even though I'm losing my humanity in the process. Well, as long as I don't end up looking like Aldrich...

7,024 posts

Cold Energy Manipulation
Like Sub Zero, I can create shape and manipulate extremely cold energy. Really cool!

Solar Energy Manipulation
Cold AND heat! xD this is getting even better This includes radiation manipulation which has multiple applications. And since I can generate solar energy too, I don't need a source. It's just as useful at night.

Psychic Communication
The ability to communicate with one's mind. That's...meh. I cannot read minds, it may be limited by range or touch, users with psychic shield might be immune and only dialogue is possible with that form of telepathy. It's only use is if I need to sneak in somewhere and need to communicate without anyone seeing or hearing me. Assuming my stealth partner is reasonably close to me at least.

17,384 posts

Shrinking Replication

The ability to create smaller versions of myself. Not very useful by itself if you ask me unless you plan on overwhelming your enemies by sheer numbers.

Retractable Stinger

I can create or manipulate stingers on a rope or chain. So it's basically equivalent to a throwing dagger on a chain I think.

Mechanical Constructs

I can create/manipulate technology into constructs suck as barriers, golems, vehicles, weapons, etc.

So I'm a mechanic who can create various mechanical constructs and have many smaller versions of me as my assistants. I also have a retractable stinger which pretty much pales in comparison to the various complex objects I can create.

8,256 posts

Epidemic Creation
Quite a grim power I got there. Right then, anyone eager to finally live a zombie apocalypse?

Rakshasa Physiology
I am a Rakshasa, a sort of mischievous demon or spirit in Hindu and Buddhist religion which are described as "shapechangers, illusionists, and magicians." Fits the first power quite well, and comes with a nice set of powerful applications.

Obsession Embodiment
I become the embodiment of obsession. This means I either become weaker when I'm not obsessed, or I become stronger when obsessed and go berserk if something gets between me and my obsession. And given the first two powers, the obsession I'm likely to develop is certainly not a healthy one, at least not for my environment.

For the reasons mentioned, I think this combination is a fascinating premise for a comic/movie villain

18,319 posts

Brain Removal

I can remove someone's brain and practically kill them. Great start!

Meta Crafting

I can make anything out of anything. There's literally nothing I can't make. So I could make an awesome weapon out of... brains? Cool.

Angelic Force Manipulation

Had this one before, but it's still an awesome power so I'll keep it.

I can remove brains, craft anything out of anything, and can use the power of angels. A pretty nice set.

8,256 posts

Pure Soul
I am immune to corruption and evil, good-natured and emphatic, and use a sort of light/white magic mostly for support.

Poison-Fire Manipulation
I can cast and manipulate any kind of mixture between fire and poison, be it poisonous fire (?!) or burning poison.

Demonic Power Negation
Does exactly what it says it does. Watch out, @Doombreed

With this combination, I would be very good at demon hunting: I can negate the demon's power, I am incorruptible, and I can use a type of fire even a demon might be affected by (possibly).

18,319 posts

Internal Energy Combustion

I can pressurize the energy inside a person or object, causing them to explode. The more energy something has, the stronger the explosion. Nice!

Paper Imprisonment

I can trap things with paper. However, the only applications listed are crushing and deoxygenation, so that's most likely what I'd use this power for.

Battlefield Adaptation

I can adapt in a battle field, and I grow stronger with each battle I'm in. A pretty useful power, I'd grow stronger with each fight I'm in.

I can pressurize internal energy to explode things, I can trap things with paper, and I can adapt on battlefields. Pretty ok set.

7,024 posts

With this combination, I would be very good at demon hunting: I can negate the demon's power, I am incorruptible, and I can use a type of fire even a demon might be affected by (possibly).

Sounds like it'd be better to flee if I encountered you in that state But let's see my own powers now before deciding xD

Plot Control
The power to control the narrative of the story. Depending on the level of control, it can be as powerful as Reality Warping/Nigh Omnipotence This is my world now xD Only drawbacks are plot may have to follow a specific plot structure, or the power may work subconsciously. Plus, Coincidence Resistance limits the power.But at a suitably high level I can control an entire timeline, and every aspect of the world in it.Even the decisions the characters make Basically this is my RPG and you are the players xD I am the GM.

Virtue Inducement
The power to bring out virtues into others. See all this does at this point is increase the level of control I get with my first power

Earth Energy Manipulation
I've got limited Gravity manipulation, can induce tremors (through vibration manipulation) manipulate Geomagnetism and Geothermal Energy (you know, the stuff that fries things ). A useful power. If anything, it further extends my level of control of my first power when it comes to Earth and battlefields, at least if I am close enough

I am an Earth Energy manipulating, Virtue inducing Game Master of the world! xD I'll try to make it semi-coherent I should warn you, my last 3 attempts at RPGs have failed though

8,256 posts

Oi, god modding? Not sure I can keep up with that, unless I get an omni-power or something. All I can hope is that I'm not part of your plot-universe XD

Cosmic Storm
Holy moly! Pretty impressive. I can create and control storms on the cosmic level, possibly capable of ravaging whole stellar systems or more, depending on my abilities. Suppose I can create a dark matter storm, I could mess with entire galaxy networks.

Reality Recreation
I can entirely recreate reality as I wish. I might create inconsistencies in the process which may be exploited by other reality warpers (like Doom ), though, so I gotta be careful.

Cosmic Guardian
This is getting ridiculous I am a cosmic guardian, a nigh-omnipotent being second only to the supreme being of the multiverse I am in, and tasked with preserving it.


This set fits amazingly well together. The random page generator must have bugged... This time I am a god-like being with nigh-omni-powers that has the ability to overstep my 'position' as a guardian by recreating reality entirely, and also unleashing storms on a cosmic level. Blimey, best combination ever!

@Doombreed I know it looks like I specifically selected those powers to counter yours, but I swear this is all randomly chosen ^^

18,319 posts

Fire Web Creation

I can create webs made out of fire. Interestingly specific power... I like it though.

Layered Durability

I had this power a long time ago. Basically I have a lot of layers, each one being more durable than the last. A very awesome defensive power.

Liquid Surveillance Communication

I can communicate with any liquid, as well as see what is happening to whoever I'm watching. This includes blood, so if there's a cut on someone, I'm able to see things through their cut. This also means I can watch people bathe... this power has interesting uses.

I can create webs made of fire, I have durable layers, and I can survey and communicate via liquid. The only power I really have faith in during a fight would be layered durability and that's only because of the many layered capabilities. Fire webs aren't bad but if I'm against someone with fire or water abilities they could render it useless.

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