ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
7,024 posts

Biological Breath
I can fire Organic Material from my mouth as my breath. I can even shape it, as spheres, bursts, streams or a sort of mist.

Tantric Manipulation
*ahem* *cough* inappropriate *cough*

Blood Magic
This has so many cool applications summoning, tracking, Blood Manipulation, Life-Force Absorption, Limited Life Force Manipulation, Portal Creation and Spell Casting xD

Still decidedly evil powers neat

18,319 posts

Apocalyptic Force Manipulation

Starting off with a bang, and quite a literal one at that. I control the force that can end existence. I could literally end the universe with this power. However, I can't make anything afterwards and if I'm not omnipotent I could end up killing myself as well. At least no one would dare mess with me.

Event Capture

Oh, this is an interesting power. I can capture an event past, present, or future(how will I catch a future event if I don't have any way of time travel?) and I can release it. Depending on what event I capture and release, I can cause a whole bunch of stuff to happen. I can induce death on someone by capturing the death of another, I can induce life by capturing the birth of another, I could give myself immortality by releasing an event where a person is perfectly healthy(don't know how that works, but this is all fiction), I can even summon specific objects or organisms that I've captured in the events. This is a really sweet power.

Elemental Invisibility

I can hide in elements. I'm someone who can induce the apocalypse at any time, and can capture and release events as if I'm fishing. What use does this serve me? There's not really anyone with the other two powers that I would really hide from.

I can control apocalyptic forces, capture events, and turn invisible if I'm touching elements. I really like this set.

8,256 posts

Volcanic Lordship
I hold dominion over volcanoes. Neat!

Obsolescence - Pity I already had that.

Conceptual Water Manipulation
Similarly to the conceptual earth manipulation I had some time ago, this means I can manipulate the concept of water itself and make water do things it couldn't normally do.

Apsara Physiology
I'm a female spirit of the clouds and water from Hindu mythology... apart from the gender issue, this is really neat, as Apsaras are immortal shape-shifting water spirits, something like that. Rather reminiscent of the nymphs from Greek mythology.

I'm a shape-shifting Hindu spirit with control over volcanoes, the very concept of water and other neat stuff. This actually combines all four classic elements of fire, earth (volcanoes/lava), wind and water, I now realize. Cool!

18,319 posts

Malefic Infusion

I thought this was Malefic Attacks, which was a power had gotten literally 2 sets ago. However, it's a sub-power of malefic attacks in which I can infuse things with evil energy. Like weapons, and apparently charged attacks. Ryu and Akuma are the only users of this, so I can fire malevolent hadoukens.

Sex Specialist

Oh... ummm... so I know everything that has to do with sex. I can also induce feelings during sex that can be considered unnatural. Oh geez... If I use this in combination with my first power... I don't think that'd be attractive...

Mechanical Wing Manifestation

I have mechanical wings that achieve me flight, even high-speed flight if I'm good enough. I can also use them as weapons or protection.

I can infuse things with malefic energy, I have mechanical wings... and I'm good in bed... This is such a strange combination.

8,256 posts

Tychokinetic Combat
I can use abilities during combat that allow me to manipulate probabilities; absorb luck from my opponents, jinx them, that kind of stuff. It's neat, though I guess I can use that only during combat?

Reality Dreaming
Reality is just a dream I'm having; consequently, I have all kinds of omni-, absolute and manipulation powers. I think I can end this here

7,024 posts

Hair Empowerment
Just like Sampson...meh -_-

Demon Soul
This comes with flight, invulnerability to anything that isn't my power or holy energies, Demon Morphing, Supernatural Conditioning, and Demonic Element Manipulation...All of it! xD So Demonic Ice, Fire, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Light, Metal, ALL kinds of attacks with those and finally, Pain, Torment and even Death Inducement. Demonic variations of elements are stronger and more corrupting of everything they touch And then this power has to break it all with the limitation being "sometimes only limited to Wing Manifestation" -_-

Tachyon Mimmicry
I can turn my body into a composition of Tachyon Patricles at will. Tachyons are faster than light particles (and for science, they are theoretical particles still). So that gives me Absolute Speed, time travelling, strength due to impact, possible intangibility and immunity to other powers while in Tachyon form and finally, negation of aging for myself neat

18,319 posts

Unmeltable Ice

I can create ice that can't be melted. Neat! I can only freeze though, not manipulate the ice I create.

Program Physiology

I absolutely hate the grammar of whoever wrote this one. One such example is in the applications: "Duplicate yourself by using other people's power to create something." Is this saying that I can duplicate myself through the creation powers of users? Is it saying I can duplicate myself through another power user and create something? It's probably the former, but geez, I feel like it could have been explained in a way that didn't make me feel like my brain got punched. And why the heck does it link to the entire category page of Technology-based abilities? I'm quite certain that this power can't use technomagic through normal use.

I feel like a lot of potential is missing from this power, but I'm a program.

Blade Shifting

"The power to shapeshift into blade tentacles."

That just sounds weird. So basically, I can create blade-like tentacles, which is actually pretty cool. It's basically a mixture between a sword and a whip, and I can create it at any time.

I'm a computer program that can create unmeltable ice and blade tentacles. This sounds like an anime character.

8,256 posts

Gold Mimicry
The power to be super dense :/
Joke aside, this has several immunity applications which is nice, but I doubt that a block of gold with the proportions of the human body could really move in any substantial way. Gold may be a very soft and malleable metal, but a metal rod the size and length of an arm (even less a leg) just cannot bend enough; and when it's thin enough to bend, it is extremely bad in terms of protection. So unless I'm in a situation where I need acid protection but don't need to move, which is an extremely specific situation, this power is useless.

Pyrokinetic Combat
Firebending martial arts, wee!

Meta Teleportation
This is awesome! Absolute teleportation: I can teleport anything to anywhere, anytime. That includes physical as well as metaphysical locations, like dreams, or teleport concepts into the real world, like anything from a dream. This leads to many creative applications, like banishing, omnilock, consciousness transferal or mind reading. I like this one a lot.

I can transform into solid gold, use fire-infused combat techniques, and can teleport absolutely anything I want to anywhere I want. I think the latter one is most certainly a uber-tier power, and a very versatile one.

18,319 posts

Esoteric Lightning Manipulation

So not only can I manipulate lightning, I can make it magical lightning. This gives me stuff magic usually has; along with teleportation by lightning, time manipulation(oooooh!), and I can even be immune to magic. Nice!

Pocket Dimension Creation

I can make my own pocket dimension that I can control. However, I can't create sentient life, and I may even be limited to only creating the pocket dimension and nothing else. So yeah, that sucks.

Healing Bomb Generation

I can create healing bombs which can heal myself or others. However it might not heal fatal wounds. Apparently I can also use this power to create exploding clones? Interesting...

I can manipulate magical lightning, as well as create a pocket dimension and healing bombs. Better than yesterday.

8,256 posts

Instinctive Relation Sense
I can instinctively sense how different objects and persons relate to myself. Not so much a superpower as a popular game mechanic these days. Still, this is going to be quite useful.

Atomic Consumption
I can consume matter more thoroughly than would normally be possible, as I can even consume atoms themselves. It says absolutely nothing about the scale of that power, but the applications 'infinite digestive system', 'space depletion' and 'destruction' heavily suggest that I am not limited by gut size, regular mechanical eating or even the subatomic scale (which to me means the name is unfitting, but whatever). So I don't have to actually bite matter to consume it, I guess I can just consume whatever I see down to nothingness?

Heat Ball Projection
Does what the title says. I suppose this isn't considered actual fire, but merely heat energy, meaning it needs no fuel. Not that that makes a lot of sense, but hey... magic.

I am a world eater of sorts with an incredibly practical instinct and the ability to throw heat around in the form of balls. Gruesome, but neat.

18,319 posts

Space Depletion

Basically I can erase a part of space. If you still don't understand, the subspace bomb from Super Smash Bros. Brawl is listed as having this power. Awesome!

Determined Strength

I'll always be able to fight at full strength, even when I'm close to death. That's actually really cool.


Basically telepathy with the addition of reading emotions. Eh, telepathy was always a meh power to me.

I can deplete space, fight with my all even when I'm dying, and I can read minds through emotions. The only thing I can really fight with is the first power. Darn.

2 posts

I got
absolute speed
astral manipulation
one man army

I got all great powers.

3,171 posts

Space-Time Manipulation - The ability to alter time and physical space in a variety of convenient and potentially destructive ways.
Foreign Energy Manipulation - The ability to weild energies that defy the natural order of the universe.
Blattodea Physiology - The ability to have a roach-like (or termite-like, but the page is specifically about roaches) body.

I am therefore a roach with the power to distort space and time and manipulate energies beyond comprehension.

8,256 posts

Conceptual Light Manipulation
It's already the third "Conceptual <Element> Manipulation" I got in a relatively short amount of time. The principle is always the same: the ability to manipulate the element, light in this case, and its concepts, meaning I could create light that casts no shadows, or other weird stuff like that. Useful, but very abstract. Literally.

Science-Magic Ascendancy
I have powers beyond what is possible through either science or magic, as I transcend them both. Basically a writer's 'deus ex machina' to justify almost limitless powers without explaining them. I like that ^^

Spatial Perception
I can perceive spatial dimensions? Oh my goodness, this is soooo.... mundane? I mean, we are all able to perceive distances and spaces. What this power is about is actually knowing exactly how far those distances are.

I can manipulate conceptual light, have abilities beyond science and magic, and can perceive spatial dimensions. I think the other two powers can be counted within the 'limits' of the second, but it's still a very solid power that allows me to do almost anything I want.

18,319 posts

Technological Magic

It's magic of course, but it's based solely around technology. Very useful in today's world. Some of these powers also sound pretty cool, such as roboticazation.

Strength Manipulation

I can control strength of all things except omnipotence. This is a really cool power, not only can I weaken and strengthen myself or other people, I can do the same to objects. Examples of this are making a brick wall break with a soft touch, breaking the floor under people, making normally weak objects such as paper very durable, etc. A really cool power.

Sport Equipment Physiology

I knew I wouldn't get two good powers without one bad one. Anyway, I'm sports equipment. Like the one good thing about this is oxygen independence. Everything else I either have something better from the second power(enhanced strength) or is completely useless(sport intuition). So yeah, this power is... not too good.

I'm sports equipment with techno magic and strength manipulation. Man, I'm getting lots of weird powers today.

Showing 601-615 of 685