ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
8,256 posts

Artistic Creation
I can create any kind of object, being, or even superpower by artistic means, so by drawing it for example. This is a very powerful one, granted that I am good at drawing, painting or any other means I may use to create.

Fiction Manipulation
So, I am pretty much all-powerful in a fiction, but not in reality?

Reality Awareness
This means I'll know when Doom warps reality I know when reality is tampered with, no matter where I am, but I am not immune to those changes, so I might not even know what changes, I suppose. Not really that useful, other than being an alarm clock for other more powerful superheroes or something like that.

I can create anything I want through art, manipulate fiction at will, and I know when reality is warped.

18,319 posts

Decay Reversal

I can reverse decaying in anything. The only application is aging reversal, so I can be younger. Eh.

Animal Swarming

I can disperse my body into a swarm of animals. It can either be animals of the same type, or different kinds. This is kinda cool.

Arachnid Manipulation

I can control spiders, scorpions, ticks, etc. I mean, at least I have control of things such as poisonous scorpions and black widows, but they're so small and wouldn't really put up a fight when I'm in an actual fight. I guess I could use it along with my second power to get away.

I can reverse decay, split into multiple animals, and control arachnids. Eh, I don't really care for this set.

8,256 posts

^ It's not that bad, being a long-lived arachnid swarm: You're hard to hit, you can overwhelm your opponent, sting/bite them to death with venom, or escape through small crevices where no one can follow you.

Absolute Balance
If we were in Dark Souls III, that would probably amount to an infinite level of poise. Not that bad, actually. Also, never feeling vertigo again is nice.

Divine Monster Physiology - Curses! I already had that one.
Solar Infusion - old too

Possibility Manipulation
That is a tricky one. I can make an impossible thing possible, and a possible thing impossible. It does not actually do anything, and it does not affect the probability of the thing happening. It only means that an action that was previously impossible, can now be achieved, or vice versa. This power requires a lot of creativity and caution, but I guess it's nice.

Charisma Bestowal
I can render other people charismatic and popular. This can be done, among others, by effectively making that person better at communication and language. Might not work on myself -.-'

I have absolute balance, can manipulate the possibility of an event, and can grant charisma to whoever I want. Not very prestigious, not very powerful, but with some creativity I could go a long way in life with those powers.

18,319 posts

Symbiotic Costume

I have a living costume that can grant me abilities specific to what it is. Basically, I'm like Venom. Which is awesome.

Control Immunity

I'm immune to all mind control powers. So... that's useful I guess.

Spiritual Machine Physiology

I am a spiritual machine. Along with the customization power and the supernatural enhancements that comes with being a machine, I can also manipulate the spiritual force. Obviously this is awesome.

I'm a spiritual machine, wearing a symbiotic costume, and is immune to mind control. This sounds like a real life combination of this would look strange... but I like it!

8,256 posts

Poison Shield Construction
Oh come one, who in their right mind would make a shield out of poison?

Feng Shui Manipulation
I know where to find lucky and unlucky areas. This set keeps getting worse.

Sense of Strength
I instantly know my opponent's abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Might have been good in combination with a more offensive power, but here...

I can make shields out of poison, manipulate a spiritual concept about luck, and know people's abilities etc. Not really what I'd call a good set.

18,319 posts

@HahiHa at least you'll be good at placing furniture in Animal Crossing.

Spiritual Ice Manipulation

I can control ice that is formed from the essence of my soul. This also gives me dark ice manipulation, pure ice manipulation, ectoplasm manipulation(how is that useful?), Ultimate Freeze, soul destruction, and a few others. As an added bonus, according to the wiki, this ice can't be melted by heat and cold immunity provides no protection against this. Awesome!

Body Dismemberment

I thought I had this power already but the applications and pictures don't look familiar. Also I'm too lazy to go searching for it. In any case, this power speaks for itself. I can do this lethally or non-lethally as well. I can also split and reform myself.

Archetype Empowerment

I-I'm not sure what an Archetype is exactly. Apparently the Wikipedia article it brings me to says like 4 different definitions so that doesn't make it any less clear to me. It has some kind of Yugioh monster on it, but I never cared much about Yugioh. If someone can explain it to me, that'd be great. But whatever and Archetype is, I get stronger from it.

I manipulate spiritual ice, I can dismember, and I get stronger from Archetypes.

8,256 posts

Social Embodiment
I am the embodiment of social values. So, I'm the ultimate social person?

Bacteria Kingdom Embodiment
Another embodiment power, hehe. This one is much more powerful than it sounds, considering how bacteria can survive almost everywhere, are found almost everywhere, and are relevant to many major biological processes.

Sephirot Empowerment
I gain access to the sephirots, which from what I could gather are aspects or attributes of the Kabbalah, a kind of mystic Judaic tree of creation. Please excuse the crude description, but while I had seen the Kabbalah before, I don't really know much about it. As I understand it, I can gain access to all of those attributes of creation, which is basically everything. However, I do not freely dispose of those powers and may not be powerful enough to use them all, or all at the same time, or whatever. Still, this is pretty much the power to learn to use omnipotence as a human, in a way. So, yeah

I am the embodiment of the largest group of living beings on this planet and also the embodiment of the core values of human society. I can also tap into the powers of creation. This is more than enough compensation for the last set, if I dare say so ^^

18,319 posts

Teleportation Diversion

I can change the destination of a teleporter. Now I can finally stop those pesky transporters in ToS...

Temporal Weaponry

I have and can create weapons that manipulate time. It's the weapons with the powers though, not me. Meaning someone can take a temporal weapon from me and use it against me.

Consequence Creation

I can create a consequence for any action. The example this power uses is being burned by an object even though it isn't even hot. This is a pretty neat power.

I can change a teleporter's destination, weild weapons with time powers, and create consequences. A meh set.

7,024 posts

Dark Fire Beam Emission

I can emit beams of Dark Fire, a fire of a dark, detrimental nature, that which destroys and consumes everything it comes across, representing teh darker aspects of fire. In essence, this is all about firing concentrated beams of all the destructive apects of fire, which in turn ignore the limitations of normal flames. Pretty cool, but it's only one type of attack.

Elemental Energy Manipulation
This is a lot like manipulating the elements themselves...All Of Them! xD Aether, Air, Light, Darkness, Water, Fire, Electricity and if I am powerful enough, Life, Death, Dark Matter, Space and Time. This is great

Meta Art Manipulation
The power to control art without any limits. The artistic Equivalent of Omnipotence Embodiment I control the world through art. I know what you are thinking. "Isn't this Reality Artistry?" well it functions a lot like that but a key difference is that this is a meta power. So I can manipulate the art and the world through it without any limits. Where Reality Artistry has 'Ability Creation' in its applications, Meta Art Manipulation has 'Meta Ability Creation' for example. But in general it functions almost the same way, with fewer limitations. It is great, though I should start practicing because my lack of artistic talent will probably affect what I can do with this power xD

Quite a set today, really high powers and at least one uber tier

18,319 posts

Temporal Reload

I can essentially create a "save point" at a certain time and reset time to that "save point". So basically, if I had a choice between 2 buttons; one destroys the world, the other saves it, and hit the wrong button, as long as I've created a "save point" before choosing, I can go back and hit the right button. I really like this power, there's so much that goes with it. However, that also means there's a lot of things wrong with it. For example, butterfly effects happening and the destiny time travel theory.

Reincarnation Inducement

I can induce reincarnation in something. This isn't just a one time death either, every time something is killed when I use this power, they will keep coming back unless I turn it off, or someone with reincarnation denial comes along. I won't die.

Malefic Attacks

One of things this is also called, is evil attacks. So I can attack with evil-ness I guess. Anyway, I get a LOT of attacks with this. So this is cool.

I can rewind to certain points in time, induce reincarnation, and attack with evil-ness. Pretty cool.

8,256 posts

Magic Embodiment
I am magic personified, and as such have basically limitless magical abilities. Awesome!

Fungal Generation
I can make mushrooms and mold grow wherever I want. Eh, at least I'll never starve.
Also, can someone please tell that idiot of an author that mushrooms are not plants? *facepalm*

Organic Cloning
I can clone stuff or people using any kind of organic material. That's an O.K. power, and one of the better cloning powers given that organic material is rather abundant.

I am the embodiment of magic and... well, I feel like the other two powers would fall within the scope of magical abilities, so that's about it. And it's great.

7,024 posts

Madness Embodiment

Holy...Crap! I am madness itself! I've got access to all insanity powers. Insanity inducement, empowerment, constructs and manipulation. Absolute Illusions, madness aura, mental disorder manipulation and concept dependent immortality (I am immortal as long as the concept I am tied to, in this case, madness, exists. So practically immortal as madness will always exist). Plus, even though they aren't listed, I think certain horror powers should be there too, because of the madness aspect. This is one of the best powers I've ever gotten, aside from horror embodiment really .

3,826 posts

I just got something awesome so I have to play now.

Intuitive Replication
Not only can I copy others' powers, but I have a much better grasp of how those powers work. This could make me much more effective in using powers than the original owner! What's more, if I can understand the relationship between two powers, I can have both. The example given is copying Electricity Manipulation, understanding the relationship between electricity and magnetism, and thereby gaining Electromagnetism Manipulation for free! If only I understood quantum mechanics, I could have any power as a result of gaining one

Hell Manipulation
You know you have a good power when under 'Known Users' it has "Lucifer/Satan/The Devil (Judeo-Christian Mythology)". Having this power is like having a speedboat. I don't know if I'll ever use it, but it's cool to think about!

Hyper Instincts
I can process the world around me in the most efficient way possible. This works perfectly with my 1st power, which would allow me to understand the underpinning of the world to grant me pretty much any power I want.
And I just realised: since Hell is connected to Heaved, I would have Heaven manipulation, too! And since God made the universe (or whatever) I'm now the supreme being of all time.

Pretty good run, I'd say

7,024 posts

Lol Moe reconsider your religious positions for the manipulation of Hell xD

Umbra-Electrokinetic Combat
So you know how there is Fire and Dark Fire, Lightning and Dark Lightning, Ice and Dark ice? This is just fighting with Dark Lightning techniques Pretty neat.

Lunar Bolt Projection
A specific type of Lunar attack. Moderately useful.

Blood Marionette
A form of bloobending. I can control the motor functions of others by manipulating their blood, essentially turning them into my puppets Really useful that one xD

My affinity towards evil powers continues escalating Not that I am complaining xD

8,256 posts

Metabolism Acceleration
The power to accelerate other people's metabolism. My own metabolism is not affected by this. I could make my enemies starve to death with this power - or open a weight loss "clinic" and become filthy rich

Anti-Energy Manipulation
I can manipulate a form of destructive energy that annihilates any other types of energies.

Poisonous Slash
I can infuse bladed weapon attacks with poisonous effects.

I can make people burn more energy at will, annihilate any kind of energy with anti-energy, and attack with poisonous slashes. It's O.K.

Showing 586-600 of 685