ForumsArt, Music, and WritingEpic Rap Battles of Armor Games

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Hey everyone!

It has been awhile since a contest has appeared here. With that being said you are probably wondering what is this Epic Rap Battles of Armor Games (ERBAG)?

Participants will be pitted against one another in a poetry slam to roast one another 1v1 until there is one final winner. This will be a 16 player single elimination tournament. Image below for reference.

The tournament will either include 8 players with 4 rounds, or 16 players with 5 rounds. Depending on how many participants sign up. For every round you win, a merit will be awarded. So the more users sign up, the more chances there are for you to win a merit. The maximum amount of merits you can win is 5, if you are the grand winner in a 5 round style tournament. So share this opportunity with your fellow users for a more rewarding experience.

To protect users and keep competition friendly, clean, and for laughs:

- Participants will only roast based on their opponents history on Armor Games, that includes Stats (likes received, comments made, games rated/played, merit count etc.), Quest Count, Forum Posts, Username, Rank, Position/Title, Friend Count, Favorite games, Profile comments, activity, or any thing AG related.

- Any roast post made to include anything on your opponents personal life or on a personal level will mean automatic disqualification. This means Age, Gender, Race, Religion, Political views, anything not meant to be shared on public, or anything on a personal level will mean automatic boot off the contest and if need be, additional consequences on site by a moderator.

- The main moderator keeping an eye on participants will be the very much respected and well known @Moegreche. He will be the very person handing out merits and making sure everything is kept in check. Thank you, Moe, we salute you.

- I, @SirLegendary, will be the host and judge of this competition. I've judged and hosted many poetry and art contests on AG, and have participated in many I did not host or judge. Rest assured I am fair and will only judge you on your ability to roast and the creativity of your roast. IT HAS TO RHYME.

- Sign ups will begin when this post is live and will last for a week, until June 13, 2018, or until at least 8 slots have been filled. If you sign up after the 8th slot is filled but the total amount of participants does not reach 16 by the time sign up is over, you will not be able to participate.

1. @NietzTheBlitz
2. @abcdragon66
3. @Boofuss
4. @Raiiker
5. @disastermaster30
6. @lozerfac3
7. @PLGuy
8. @sciller45

Round Rules:

1. You will be paired randomly at the beginning. Brackets will be posted after every round in order to view who is against who in the next round.
2. Updates will be posted and you will be tagged for announcements.
3. You will have give and take one roast/rap per round. If you are posting for any other purpose make sure it is clear that you are not posting for the sake of the round to avoid confusion.
4. Rounds will last up to 1 week, or until all participants have finished.
5. Next round will begin once on announcement after judging decisions have been made.
6. Be patient with the merits, they will come.

  • 123 Replies
16,587 posts

Round 1


First of all, despite the fact that lozer was roasting on someone who was replaced had to be taken into consideration. I was not very strict with the minor things such as deadlines, so I won't be taking into account that you were blasting off at someone who chose not to participate. Instead I decided to judge your roast as if abcdragon was still participating. Before I touch up on that, I also had to consider the fact that doombreed was roasting you despite your not being able to roast him, lozer, which I have also taken into consideration.

Lozer's roast was smooth, short lines, but had a very consistent flow. I think it's important that when I read roasts, that I can feel a consistent flow that doesn't feel like lines get cut short or go on for too long. The roast does progress, but the flow of your rhyme was very consistent. Also, I enjoyed your word play with syllables, almost felt like watching 8-mile AG version. I absolutely enjoyed reading it, perhaps most because of this. Yes, it also did feel like had abc participated, you would have been a difficult opponent. Loved the ending.

Doombreed, you on the other hand took advantage of the fact that lozer was dropping bombs aiming at a city only to miss and hit the ocean. Also, you incorporated a lot of AG related games targeting lozer's questing, though I have to say, it may not have been the best thing to target since there are other obvious things you could flex, and I feel like you could have touched up on those things. Especially knighthood and wardenship. Your roast felt like there could have been more, and you have a lot of material to flex or use as roasts.

So with that in mind, I declare lozerfac3 as the winner between the contestants.


I will start with sciller, I can see the point of your roast, but most of the time it felt funny and it did not bring me to shout at epic-ness. There were a few parts that felt out of place, despite having a meaning, would disrupt the flow of your roast/rap. Though with that in mind, I can see the comedic sense of your piece.

PLGuy's piece on the other hand, only had one thing I have a problem with, and that is how long and drawn out it felt. You have to remember, for people to be impacted by poems/roasts/raps, there has to be some sort of idea/s that will the highlight/s they will remember. So I say as something you can work on, is that being concise also has it's advantages, taking the best ideas out of many, and choosing them wisely. Otherwise, I can say, your work was very impressive all around. Your use of meanings, wordplay, and flow had me hyped up.

So, with these thoughts shared, I declare PLGuy the winner between the contestants.

@Boofuss N/A
@disastermaster30 N/A

@Raiiker N/A

Obviously, the winner here is obvious as only NietzTheBlitz participated. However, I will still take the time to read your roast and give you my criticism on it. I can say I'm very impressed with your work. It's flow made it easy to read and follow in my mind. You could pretty much put a beat behind it and it would still make sense. It was funny and comedic, and relates well to the theme of AG in general, gaming. You did your research too. Your piece makes you a strong contender, and I'm sure your fellow participants will agree. Hoping your next piece uses the same strengths as you did here.


So, due to missing participants there are now only three participants. Which won’t make for a good final round... Obvious reasons?

So in order to have a semi finals, we need 4 participants, and how we can arrange that fairly is to have @sciller45 and @doombreed (the other participants who did not make it to the next round) have a round at each other to see to see who will take the open spot for the semi finals. Does the two agree to face off for the last spot? It’s another chance for a merit and to stay in the competition. Please let us know ASAP.

Also those of you who are moving onto the next round shall be awarded merits.

2,875 posts

@PLGuy Congratulations! One can't possibly match your roast. BRAVO!

If I have another chance for the competition, sure, I'm in. @doombreed , I'm waiting for your approval!

7,024 posts

Sure thing @sciller45

I doubt I'll do any better but well, the only way I definitely won't is if I don't try.

Good luck everyone

978 posts

I'm glad you found it easy to read! I was a little worried, but it's an honor anyways to receive my first merit. Thanks @abcdragon66 for being my punching bag. Sorry I came at you like that lol but for real I know you would have been a great opponent. Hopefully you can make a comeback if we do this challenge again. Also thanks @Doombreed for your roast. You best be going to the semis so I can properly get you back.

4,755 posts

@SirLegendary Thanks for the tips! I agree I have to set a better sieve to really leave out only the best stuff. So are we now waiting for Doom vs Sciller before semifinals?
@sciller45 Thanks dude, I'll repeat I liked your too. Do your best now and maybe we'll have the second round in the final xD

16,587 posts

@doombreed @sciller45 well I guess you guys can start your fires because your round for the 4th spot has just started! You both have a week at the very most, but let’s not let the others wait too long:

Remember! You have one post and when finished I’ll tend to them to see who survived the fire!

4,755 posts

Oopsie, I meant leave the best stuff. More like leave out these second best ideas :-P

Round Rules:
1. You will be paired randomly at the beginning.

I understand that you mean here the whole thing so we won't be randomly paired once again in semifinals? And that would mean that for 100% it's me vs. lozerfac next.
16,587 posts

@PLGuy well as you can see, things didn’t go as planned because of absences, otherwise pairings would go smoothly and as fair as possible. I think the best thing to do is continue with the bracket. Simply put, yes you will face off with lozerfac3. The winner between doombreed and sciller45 will face NietzTheBlitz.

If there ever is a season 2, I think I’ll be adding additional rules/lessons learnt from everything that happened here so things go more smoothly. Anyways, I’m at least glad that the we were still able to push through so your efforts would not go to waste.

2,875 posts

I'm guessing @lozerfac3 and @PLGuy have already made their roasts 'cause it's been a while. Well, that's what happens when you have to work when you're not working or studying. I'm posting this now because it's midnight, but I'll sea if I can or will improve it in the morning...


(*Cough cough* Oh, who do we have here? OH, ho! A second chance, doombreed?)
Before the Beats start, let me makeready.
When our swords part only one'll go steady.

"Doombreed" suits, it works as a name
But the doom you made lacks any flame
Actually, I think, I know, I get it,
Bred doom to yourself, be honest, admit it

OK, I lost too. Can't match PLGuy's game
But you lost to a dude with "lozer" in his name!
He had good flow, his roasts relatively lame.
Yet, you still lost...

have you no shame?

Not quite dead yet,
I have another chance.
You'll lose your bet,
but now let's dance!

You, sir, became a chat watchdog
Isn't it a shame that I'm a forum hog?
I won't step in your chat-room quag
'Cause I don't want to watch you acting like a- Uhh... Like a... erm... a bufoon.

And you won't get away from your armatars,
Just for them, sea, you'll be put behind bars.
For your crimes against art, I'll give you my notion
"To be cast out and exiled to the ocean."


Well that's it, alright, case closed
Don't think I'd let you in unopposed
Out at last, limbo's been an easy fight.
Now you'll remember me by the strike of midnight!

@Doombreed Let's see what you've got!

4,755 posts

@sciller45 You guessed wrong! Didn't even start mine yet :-P
BTW a nice job, that's a strong ending there XD

4,755 posts

@SirLegendary How about we just start another round? We've got another deserter. And feedback for Sciller (if you plan to do it) isn't needed ASAP if for 100% he's a winner. I'll also mention that it would be great if this round length was shorter - like to the end of this weekend if everybody agrees. It takes forever.

16,587 posts

@Doombreed Follow up on your entry? Last call

7,024 posts

If I don't get it done in the next like 6 hours, feel free to let sciller win by default and advance. Sorry for the delay everyone :/

16,587 posts

Okay, @Doombreed, I'll have to give the win by default to @sciller45. Your merit will come through soon, @sciller45.

So here is the next bracket for round 2:



As per PLGuy's suggestion, I'm going to shorten the round, especially since there are less participants now plus the fact that the weekend will be included in those five days. July 31st, Tuesday is the deadline. Good luck everyone!

978 posts

Bro finally! lol sciller was wrong when he said we made our roasts already, but right after he posted his, I went ahead and started mine. The pressure's on fellas


Lets give it up for PLGuy
he made round 2 but he will die
imma say it once, there wont be next time
so dont try to win with your simple rhymes
youre a vegetable, just a wee endive
it's incredible, that youre still alive
you eat lunchables cuz you think its cool
so it's probable that you were bullied in high school
but this a safe space, we respectable
youre in the ring now, just forget the bull
face to fac3 with an animal
an actual, real spectacle
i pull push pull, force unstoppable
embrace the vain chase, but you aint escape
i see the theme plain in your favorite games
i see you playin' games that train the brain
but like a plain jane you lame as hell
i try to stay sane, maintain brain cells

but i cant with your raps, your flip-flap flops
your drops' as hot as an ice packed rock
me? i lock the spot, slap back the talk
be jolly as a dog, in pure jubality

in reality...

youre a dreamer not a writer, can't spell "loses" right
you seem drunk, but you probably chooses lite
im up here, but you cant even look this high
so take your passport, Guy
gotta book yourself a flight


it's right or wrong, ding and dong,
ditch yo song, i really think you would be good at pong
youre not a king, more like king kong
Just not as strong, delusions mean that you lose your bong
your story's long, you talk too much
I want it gone, nobody will think that you have won
you talk too much, your breath is dung
it's time to stop, your time is done
my time is now, i overcome
you have to bow, fall on your knees cuz its my kingdom come

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