ForumsArt, Music, and WritingEpic Rap Battles of Armor Games

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Hey everyone!

It has been awhile since a contest has appeared here. With that being said you are probably wondering what is this Epic Rap Battles of Armor Games (ERBAG)?

Participants will be pitted against one another in a poetry slam to roast one another 1v1 until there is one final winner. This will be a 16 player single elimination tournament. Image below for reference.

The tournament will either include 8 players with 4 rounds, or 16 players with 5 rounds. Depending on how many participants sign up. For every round you win, a merit will be awarded. So the more users sign up, the more chances there are for you to win a merit. The maximum amount of merits you can win is 5, if you are the grand winner in a 5 round style tournament. So share this opportunity with your fellow users for a more rewarding experience.

To protect users and keep competition friendly, clean, and for laughs:

- Participants will only roast based on their opponents history on Armor Games, that includes Stats (likes received, comments made, games rated/played, merit count etc.), Quest Count, Forum Posts, Username, Rank, Position/Title, Friend Count, Favorite games, Profile comments, activity, or any thing AG related.

- Any roast post made to include anything on your opponents personal life or on a personal level will mean automatic disqualification. This means Age, Gender, Race, Religion, Political views, anything not meant to be shared on public, or anything on a personal level will mean automatic boot off the contest and if need be, additional consequences on site by a moderator.

- The main moderator keeping an eye on participants will be the very much respected and well known @Moegreche. He will be the very person handing out merits and making sure everything is kept in check. Thank you, Moe, we salute you.

- I, @SirLegendary, will be the host and judge of this competition. I've judged and hosted many poetry and art contests on AG, and have participated in many I did not host or judge. Rest assured I am fair and will only judge you on your ability to roast and the creativity of your roast. IT HAS TO RHYME.

- Sign ups will begin when this post is live and will last for a week, until June 13, 2018, or until at least 8 slots have been filled. If you sign up after the 8th slot is filled but the total amount of participants does not reach 16 by the time sign up is over, you will not be able to participate.

1. @NietzTheBlitz
2. @abcdragon66
3. @Boofuss
4. @Raiiker
5. @disastermaster30
6. @lozerfac3
7. @PLGuy
8. @sciller45

Round Rules:

1. You will be paired randomly at the beginning. Brackets will be posted after every round in order to view who is against who in the next round.
2. Updates will be posted and you will be tagged for announcements.
3. You will have give and take one roast/rap per round. If you are posting for any other purpose make sure it is clear that you are not posting for the sake of the round to avoid confusion.
4. Rounds will last up to 1 week, or until all participants have finished.
5. Next round will begin once on announcement after judging decisions have been made.
6. Be patient with the merits, they will come.

  • 123 Replies
4,755 posts

@SirLegendary That's a great idea, I'm making the thread now. Thanks in advance.

@lozerfac3 Do you need more than 3 days again to not choke like against Doom, or how many? I'd set the deadline on the end of tomorrow or the day after (so there won't be 2v1 there and here) but if your really need more time just say it. The rest of the talk in new thread in the tavern.

4,755 posts

Sorry, sorry, sorry :-P I upload that last change I mentioned plus instead of one-sided I went with poker face.

DJ Legendary is scratchin’ the vinyl,
it’s high time to start cakewalk semifinal.
Mine is good karma and pokerface armor,
crowd wanna see close-up of lozerface drama.
The people have spoken and nobody liked ya,
whited sepulcher, persona non grata!
Don’t mean it personal but you’re void indeed,
let me criticize art: you did shaming deed!
How do you manage so tiny a verse,
poor weak even worse, yet still so perverse?!
Harassing a young girl made of you a pest,
molestar yourself boy - in yo’ filthy nest!

Let’s forget about that before people vomit
I just hope that comet will burn that sodomite.
Round’s up and running and Roundup’s all I need,
King enters the field to get rid of the weed.
Don’t call yourself King not worthy of splendor,
I earned title fighting, you’re just mere pretender.
Maybe you’re farmhand but I’m known from hard work,
look at these worn hands, you disgusting slack jerk!
You’re no-one at present, the thought is unpleasant,
see antidepressant: we all start as peasants.
However I admit, matters how you end up,
one look at your account – you already gave up.

Shoutout to Doombreed, you wanna get him back,
you had three days and…? Sissy didn’t attack!
We can see why you’re cast out from manly crew,
chicken, you should for sure wear matching tutu!
I know all your secrets, found pink notebook honey,
your lines are so crappy ‘cause you type with hiney!
Teen pop flows out from lozerface hayfield?
Hannah Montana ghostwriter revealed!
Now listen and scribble in fairy diary,
next roast is delivered by urban dictionary.
I bully poop doctor, for being so girlie,
you put in a toilet and I give you swirlie!

Now everyone see what you’re kinda fellow,
like rotten mango – slimy, foul and yellow.
But let’s keep it mellow, I believe in you son.
Sike! better dream on ‘bout Scarlet Johannsson!
For reals @lozerfac3 if you still see a reason,
fight me, lose race and book place in next season!

2,875 posts

@NietzTheBlitz Are you still in the race? Calling you out just in case.

Alright, Nietz, it's midnight 31st
The dogs are barking mad, all feeling the thirst.
Have you been feeling a little bit cursed?
'Cause I feel your first roast being bɘƨɿɘvɘЯ

I see your obsession with the quest
Going so far, but your mind is messed
Come out from cover out in your nest
so I can finally put your soul to rest.
Listen, Nietz! Do you feel the bomb beats?
Can't touch me with your hits. You'll end up in bits.
Tis a battle of wits and you'll be the pits.
You can't touch my rhyme, over's your climb
You've gone past your prime and now is my time!
How do you like my siege this knight?
Tonight's the night I show my might.
How does it feel to lose this fight?
And there's only you to smite.


Right, right, shush and don't be frantic.
Was your defence a silly antic?
Without a fight it ain't no fun.
I'll just call us forever done.

Yeah, you heard right, my rhyme,
it's over. We're done. Past time.
I don't know how fast you write.
But if you're reading, Good night.

4,755 posts

@SirLegendary I was just thinking... I know the rules but looking how many deserters we had and we probably have another one - wouldn't it be fair to grant the loser of our fierce duel a merit for the effort? Of course only if you think such entry will deserve it.

16,587 posts

@PLGuy If the effort shows above and beyond, I don't see why not since it is outside of ERBAG.

@NietzTheBlitz Last call? Hoping you can make it in time!

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Nicely done guys!

622 posts

I just opened my laptop after 6 days of vacation. I apologize for taking too long to get back to AG but I still haven't done my piece yet, give me about 8 hours lmao.

2,875 posts

Considering a part of my roast focused on your (what seemed like) deserting, I'll change:
"Without a fight it ain't no fun."
"With such a fight it ain't no fun."

I don't feel it being fair if I changed a large part of my roast now that you're officially here.

Looking forward to your rap!

4,755 posts

I'm not your advocate Sciller but I can't resist not to say my opinion. Unfair? I find it unfair that some1 know's he's in a round, doesn't say he'll be gone, then looks at roast, thinks: oh it's not that bad, ima answer. WAY after the deadline.

16,587 posts

@NietzTheBlitz @sciller45 @PLGuy

I'm taking the lateness into consideration when I judge, plus my opinion is at this point I wouldn't want the finals and a merit to be given to someone by default/aka handed on a silver platter.

622 posts

I'm really sorry guys if I couldn't inform all of you that I would be inactive. Thing is, I had to leave my laptop home when I went to my elder sister's place and I didn't have the password to my AG account on my phone to tell you guys about my absence when I had the signal to use mobile data.
It seems unfair, I know, but I swear, I'm not that guy @PLGuy and I'll try my best to change your opinion.

4,755 posts

@NietzTheBlitz Roasting Sciller is your job to do. I said things that might help my buddy. Sorry I'm not neutral here xD

@SirLegendary I totally agree that it's just more show, I didn't mean that you guys shouldn't allow another entry :-)

622 posts

Finally done! Now I hear some people saying "8 hours for a rap that only lasts for a minute and five seconds? Nietz you're getting slower! lol"
Yes, the whole thing lasts about a minute and five seconds. I had to keep in mind a lot of things: the rap's beat (thanks to my friend's fun challenge), avoiding making the same roasts PL did, and pretty much the fact that I'm still up at 4:00AM and I have to be careful not to wake my parents up (trust me, I was enjoying making this a bit too much)


Blitzing in the battlefield, although he's pretty late
The rappin' necromaster's here to set it all straight
I made a point in the first round that I'm here for the win
So ya'll sit tight cause I'm not gonna throw this to the bin

Now back to the subject, since I kept you all waiting
My foe showed me his best, but he's better off praying
Thought these quests are the only thing that I could ever throw
Boy you need to be informed the whole site is my ammo

Sciller, a living fossil in Armoria
Bars so chill, hope you don't have cryophobia
Ice sticking on your beard like some stalactites
Want some help sir? Try searching for the site's Knights

A rising star but I need no promotion
AG Plus can't remove me cause my code sets it in motion
But 'fore we move further here's the terms and conditions:
I reserve my right to roast, best brace for ignition

Here at The Forge you can see what I'm developing
A roast so hot you can even see me sweating and
It'll probably make such a commotion
AG prints: Death via Lyrical Explosion

Now at The Studio get ready for the future
You flash your skills, but I'm steamin' you in the sewer
In this verbal battle, wordplay's paramount
Guess this living fossil's down for his final count


Edit: deleted the post because I lacked some html and wasted my only edit on a useless edit lmao

978 posts

@PLGuy @sciller45 @NietzTheBlitz Yo these are honestly so nasty. Like in the good sense my guys. I think it'd be hella cool to hear them come to life with a beat and all.

16,587 posts

Hi guys, good to know everyone has finally submitted their entries! Consider the round closed along with your entries for judgement time or depending on how you were cooked!

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