ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe King of Towers - Event of the Week Q&A

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Event of the week - Goddess Pledge

The following guide includes a breakdown of the event mechanics, how to play and tips + the history of this particular event evolution.

Event mechanics:

Goddess (generic name of the event) is an event where you can get Honor Stars (HS), Hero XP and Hero Upgrade Chests (HUC), this is one of the most popular events given the high amount of HUCs that you can achieve by the end of it.

To earn rewards you must “Pledge” (event mechanic name) 3 times to a Goddess after picking 1 of the 3 available in the event menu:

#1 (10 Tokens): 1000 HS and Hero XP (5x required for next lv - up to 20000 exp)
#2 (30 Tokens): 2000 HS, 1 HUC and Hero XP (25x required for next lv - up to 50000 exp)
#3 (100 Tokens): 8000 HS, 3 HUC and Hero XP (50x required for next lv - up to 180000 exp)

You can only pick 1 Goddess at the time, and cant swap Goddess before the active first finish its pledges, remember this task last 3 days and you have to manually pledge every day; you get 1 FREE pledge per day, and optional pledge for 20 Diamonds (game premium currency).

Getting Tokens (Traditional way, updated way further below)

When you open the event menu for the first time you will receive 10 event items; the name and appearance of said item changes every event, so we will refer to them in global as “Token”. Each day of the event you can collect another 10 tokens per day by TAXING World Levels, this is a DROP RATE mechanic so a bit of luck/RNG is involved however the drop rate is fine and you are likely to get your Max points of the day before day reset.

The event lasts 14 days so in total you will have 150 tokens by this mechanic if you manage to collect every drop (please put attention to game world clock
to notice when a day ends).

Free Users Pledging Guide (traditional token usage, for newest version read further below)

With the mechanic stated above you could pledge 5x times to the middle (#2) Goddess for a total of 5x HUCs at the end of the event Using the following distribution:
• Day 1, 10 free tokens + 10 daily tokens = 20 tokens
• Day 2, + 10 daily tokens = 30 tokens; Activate your first middle goddess pledge Hearts +1
• Day 3, + 10 daily tokens = 10 tokens (the 30 previous have already been consumed); Pledge Hearts +2
• Day 4, +10 = 20 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+1
• Day 5, +10 = 30 tokens; Activate 2nd middle pledge Hearts +1; current HUC+1
• Day 6, +10 = 10 tokens; Hearts +2; current HUC+1
• Day 7, +10 = 20 tokens; Heats +3; claim HUC – Current HUC+2
• Day 8, +10 = 30 tokens, Activate 3rd middle goddess, Hearts+1 – Current HUC +2
• Day 9, +10 = 10 tokens, Hearts +2; current HUC+2
• Day 10, +10 = 20 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+3
• Day 11, +10 = 30 tokens, Activate 4th middle goddess, Hearts+1 – Current HUC +3
• Day 12, +10 = 10 tokens, Hearts +2; current HUC+3
• Day 13, +10 = 20 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+4
• Day 14, +10 = 30 tokens, Activate 5th middle goddess, Hearts+1 – Current HUC +4


This is the TIMEOUT Part of the event: theoretically the event ends on day 14, HOWEVER if you already started your pledge before the event ends you can finish your Pledging influence and claim the reward.

• Day 15, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +2; current HUC+4
• Day 16, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +3; Claim reward - Current HUC+5

Now this is where the event ends, however the menu won’t banish before you claim your pledge rewards and your extra rewards in the “Reward” Tab.

Getting Tokens UPDATED Way

To the surprise of the community the latest Goddess event did also drop Tokens in “The Tavern“ (similar to other event items). This created a bit of fuzz considering that tavern drops are more RNG based than taxing levels AND because you can MISS a drop rate, thus ruining your planning.

In theory, a successful drop rate of tavern tokens would mean an extra of 3 tokens per day, if we consider that the event lasts 14 days that means: 42+ tokens by the end of the event (Remember that this are LUCKY DROP can missing a tavern drop could RUIN your strategy).

In the best case scenario where you get all 42+ tokens, you could trade 2 middle (#2) goddess pledges (60 tokens) for 1 right (#3) goddess pledge (100 tokens):

Ending with 3x the #2 rewards (3HUCs) & 1x the #3 reward (another 3 HUCs) for a boosted event income, but once again this is luck dependent and cannot be advised as standard play guide. However if you feel lucky you can still try it since in case of failure you can still earn 5 HUCs.

Free Users Pledging Guide (Newest version)

• Day 1, 10 free tokens + 13 daily tokens = 23 tokens
• Day 2, + 13 daily tokens = 36 tokens; Activate your first middle goddess pledge Hearts +1
• Day 3, + 13 daily tokens = 19 tokens (the 30 previous have already been consumed); Pledge Hearts +2
• Day 4, +13 = 32 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+1
• Day 5, +13 = 45 tokens; Activate 2nd middle pledge Hearts +1; current HUC+1
• Day 6, +13 = 28 tokens; Hearts +2; current HUC+1
• Day 7, +13 = 41 tokens; Heats +3; claim HUC – Current HUC+2
• Day 8, +13 = 54 tokens, WAIT for #3 – Current HUC+2
• Day 9, +13 = 67 tokens, WAIT for #3; current HUC+2
• Day 10, +13 = 80 tokens; WAIT for #3; current HUC+2
• Day 11, +13 = 93 tokens, WAIT for #3; current HUC+2
• Day 12, +13 = 106 tokens, Activate Goddess #3, Hearts +1; current HUC+2
• Day 13, +13 = 19 tokens; Pledge hearts +2; current HUC+2
• Day 14, +13 = 32 tokens, Pledge hearts +3 – Claim & pledge with your left overs; current HUC +5

TIMEOUT Part of the event: if you successfully started a new pledge after claiming day 14 and before the event ends you can finish your extra goddess
If you successfully got 40 of the 42 extra tokens the extra pledge would be a middle (#2) goddess with +1 HUC, if you failed to gain 40 tokens then the left over pledge would be a left (#1) goddess without HUC, but with some
useful honor stars and Hero XP.

• Day 15, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +2
• Day 16, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +3; Claim reward

TIPS for the event:

• Beating a level can also drop tokens; however this takes quite some time.
• While in theory you will always get your tokens by taxing, you can always stockpile “food” items (ham, burgher, pie & turkey) for this event and gain extra energy in case you need to tax more.
• It has been noticed that taxing the same levels (for example, your newest unlocked Hard Mode) has a higher drop rate than taxing all levels available. This takes more time but seems to be more efficient.
• Whenever an event that uses Tavern Drop is about to start, you can leave your last (3rd) Tavern flip unclaimed. This way you will have an extra Tavern pick when the event starts.
• Be sure to track your token drop in order to know when you already collected the 10 Tax drops of the day.
• Don’t forget to Pledge! Always open the event menu to check if you have done your tasks.
• Give your event XP to your highest level hero, the strongest the hero level the strongest features you can unlock, such as BA levels or high level hero equipment to use.
• Wait till the end of the event to open your HUCs, a higher chance of a Durin Shard dropping may be higher.

Event History - Old Mechanic

This is no longer the case, but if someone is wondering: originally the tokens were given to the players per hero training session. This made the event more Paying User orientated, as free users wouldn’t normally have 4 training slot, some even wouldn’t have 3 slots. VIP players have training cool down, thus getting even more tokens in a day, VIP 1 with 3 slots could get 9 tokens a day, and VIP 0 with 2 slots might only get 4 or 6 tokens a day. The token drop update per taxing caused a major disgust within some big payers, as they felt that their advantage was taken from them, however they still can use Diamonds to get more Goddess Pledges than a free user if they would like to.

  • 30 Replies
4 posts


20 posts

Wow! Thanks for this review... Noticed one typo third paragraph ("GETTING TOKENS: traditional" ), sixth line "the event last" should be the event lasts...

3,174 posts

Nicely Done, great formatting and lots of info. Enjoy your quest and merit!

14,745 posts

Fixed the typo.

Nice guide! Well done!

1 posts

Good job man! Congratz!

1 posts

Great guide! Much appreciated!

26 posts

Event UPDATE: 19-July-2018

As mentioned in the guide, the previous event caught the community by surprise as they also provided tokens in the Tavern Card Pick. This time however it seems that said situation will NOT be repeated. When the guide was in progress there was a word that the Tavern drop was going to remain as a feature but at the time the event started said feature was removed, and now is confirmed by the support (through the user: diinoos75) that they are NOT adding it back, repeat they DON’T have intention to bring back said mechanic.

This was foresighted and thus the guide included from the start both strategies with and without tavern Card Pick as a way of getting tokens. And even if we aren’t able to use the 2nd version of the guide the information will be kept as a documentation of the time the feature happened.

With no more to add: please use the guide for the “Traditional Token Usage” with a reward of 5 HUCs (if performed properly) by the end of the event. - Thank You

26 posts

Event of the week – Roulette/Lottery

This event is prettystraight forward so the following guide mostly covers how to navigate the event menus and explains the “Token” collecting system. How to play + common questions at the end.

Quick summary in the image below – for more details continue reading:

Important !

This event (like other events) has bugged visuals, meaning that they use recycled drawings and names from previous events and thus the names may not match the description of said item, yet the mechanics are always the same. For the same reason we will use 2 terms in this guide:

The first being “Token” as the generic name of collected and used materialswhich can be converted to a Golden or Silver Ball. And the second is the “Trade Token” which is an item that you get after rolling a Ball and that can be exchanged for prizes in the “Material Store” or “Equipment Store”

Link to previous event/items themes: Category:Roulette Event

Note that the Roulette category on the wiki includes all events that revolve around spinning a wheel but not all are equal to a Lottery label, such as: Lucky Loot and Christmas Party.

Getting Tokens:

The event lasts for two week in which you can collect Tokens and exchange them for either Golden (20 tokens) or Silver Balls (5 tokens). Each time you spin the wheel, you get Trade Tokens (4 for a golden ball, 1 for a silver ball) which can be exchanged in the event store.

Normally at the start of the event you get 15 Tokens by clicking on the icon below the first Event Tab (name of the event token: metal, hats, balloons, etc.), however there have been cases where the event does not give these initial Tokens (which is not supposed to happen) .

There are two ways to get Tokens for this event, a maximum of five for “Stop Treasure Hunters” (STH) and a random (80% chance) drop every time you either do a Fighting Pits fight or a Boss Clash fight.

Normally if you decide to skip the STH part you will likely finish the event with ~100 tokens which equals 5 golden balls and gets you enough Trade Tokens for a Magic Hammer. On the contrary if you dedicate your time to collect THs the entire event you may get ~200 tokens and potentially double your rewards.

Stop Treasure Hunters

Have you noticed a random hooded enemy carrying a sack that randomly pops up while you play a Tower Defense level? These are Treasure Hunters and when killed in battle they give a random item ranging from TD Goods to Kingdom items such as Hero Medals, Ham and Gold; killing 1 will count as 1 event point.
Treasure Hunter wiki page

TIP: there is no need to beat the level to get a TH point, if you get defeated simply wait for the defeat menu, then click replay to get more THs or click quit and return to Kingdom (main) Menu.

How to play roulette

As said earlier - you have to pick either Golden or Silver balls, this creates the debate if: either pick Gold for the obvious better rewards or pick Silver to have more chances of scoring the Top Prizes. It is advised to always aim for Gold as the overall rewards are better and given that the low odds og good prizes, having extra tries of Silver are unlikely to give you a top reward anyway. This event yields low profit on average; you are a really lucky person if you get a Top Prize.
Note: Trade Tokens are stored in your inventory so, to saves pace, wait until the end of the event to use your Tokens for balls.

Link to rewards:Lucky Roulette

Final remark:

In the latest update we got the Frost Set in the Equipment Store but at a really expensive price. For payers, if you are willing to buy 1 piece of gear then buy the Amulet since it is not possible to beat the 118 Boss – The Abominable Snowman (in Boss Clash) and receive its equipment (Keel). Enhancing the equipment will be expensive but it would be the rarest equipment he currently have, it’s up to your criteria if you find the purchase and their further enhancement worth it.

Frost Set: Wiki

Common questions:

• Q: How to exchange Tokens for Ball Shots?
A: Click the flashing icon next to the Event Avatar/Mascot on the First Event Tab
• Q: What do successive shots do?
A: It performs 10 spins at once (if you have enough ball shots), it only saves time
• Q: How to get the “Trade Token” (secondary event item)?
A: You get 4 after rolling a Golden Ball, 1 After a Silver ball
• Q: I can’t afford any equipment
A: Equipment are for payers, free users end up with trading Magic Hammer(s)
• Q: Can I save my points (Trade Tokens) for the next event?
A: No. Even if the item description matches they are codded differently and won’t work.
• Q: Are labels wrong?
A: Yes, they are often wrong
• Q: Can you get a top prize as a free user?
A: Some have claimed to, I however have never got a 15 or 16, but Potent Bombs and HUCs, yes.
• Q: Is the Roulette rigged?
A: You just entered… the ShineZone. True to be told: It isn’t rigged; the odds of good prizes are just very low

20 posts


The salesman is an event that lasts 14 days. Here free users can buy one Hero Upgrade Chests (HUC) for cheap.

Also, this event is the only place where you can buy “Ice Pieces” to combine a Frost Outfit (which does look nice on heroes) or buy beer which can be used to buy hero influence, but it's more expensive than the base price offered in the tavern, so it's really not worth it.

First you need to open the second tab to see what the offers are; first tab is for Pay to play players (P2P), & very expensive.

Second, you need to buy hearts "influence", that is that little + button top right, to the right of the little pink heart, with a ! (info tab) next to it.
You need to buy enough influence with Gold and Honor to get what you want 7000 for a HUC and 700 for an Ice piece , you can only buy a max 10 000 influence (or hearts) in the entire event as free player unless you use Diamond power to buy more.

Important notes! Beer is USELESS if you have already unlocked the 4 heroes The cost of one HUC is 60 diamonds (cheaper than at the daily store) This event is mostly used to buy Solvents (for Paying players)

Here, a visual aid for the event (click on pic)

20 posts

sorry about the pic, unreadable as is... Here you are:

full size and readable pic here

4 posts

nice job guys... congrats

3 posts

Thx Balthasar.
So a free player should spend 15k gold and 15k honor to get 10k influence and spend those to get one HUC and 4 Icepieces?
(Assuming the plyer prefers the HUC above the pieces).

20 posts

Yes, piratefishes, the HUC is far more precious & useful than the ice pieces... The frost outfit is nice, but it has pretty much the same characteristics as the sheriff outfit for which there are many more events providing pieces whereas this is the only event offering ice pieces, which makes it difficult even to enhance.... Personally I made one frost outfit just for the fun, the only interest, from my F2P point of view is that one HUC, thats all...

26 posts

Event of the Week – Hide and Seek

Important! - Please notice that the Update Bulletin advertises this Event as “A Visit”. These are the same events, it’s just that the labels are often mixed up within the 3 recycled themes.

A Visit
Hide and Seek

A really straightforward event: you have 2 weeks to fulfill the following tasks and claim the rewards, please note that rewards must be claimed in order meaning that if you want to claim the Upgrade Tome you must also fulfill the Stop Treasure Hunters task too

• Stop Treasure Hunters 15x – Phoenix feather 2x, Heroic Medal 2x, Honor Star 500x
• Win battles in the Fighting Pits 20x – 1 Upgrade tome, Heroic Medal 2x, Honor Star 500x
• Use Potent Bombs 3x – Dark Soul Crystal 2x, Heroic Medal 3x, Honor Star 1000x

When a Treasure Hunters (TH) is killed in battle they give a random item going from TD Goods to Kingdom items such as Heroic Medals, Ham and Gold; killing 1 TH will count as 1 event point.
Treasure Hunter wiki page

TIP: there is no need to beat the level to get a TH point, if you get defeated simply wait for the defeat menu, then click replay to get more THs or click quit and return to Kingdom (main) Menu.

These are the lowest profit rewards in all the King of Towers events, making it objectively the worst event: Tasks that are a chore and unworthy rewards

*Note: in previous game version Upgrade Tomes were premium items, therefore been able to get 1 for free was an appealing idea, however this is an extremely low income for a 2 weeks event, yet the rewards haven’t been updated since.

26 posts

Event of the Week – Smashed Eggs

One of the regular events as it returns more often than others King of Towers events and that also does not have a fixed duration as it can lasts either one or two weeks.

The event is divided in 3 tabs: 1) Sign In, 2) Receive and 3) Smashed Eggs

1) Sign in

Every day while the event is active you will receive a reward after signing in, the rewards are different for the first 7 days and after ay 7+ you will receive the same reward as day 7.

2) Receive

There are 6 daily tasks that must be completed 3 times to collect a maximum of 18 Tokens per day:
• Beast Cave - doing any Boss Clash
• The Fighting Pits – Battling, just Battling, winning is not needed
• Blitz Acres – Playing any 3 waves (for example 5, 10 and 15)
• Prison – capturing 3 players in prison or attempt to capture them
• Looting the Shipyard – attempt to plunder a sailing ship: you don’t need to win the battle, declaring an attack at 0 soldiers 3 times in a row counts as a successful task
• World Level – playing any TD level, winning is not needed; a failed level is still a played level.

3) Smashed eggs

The awaited moment of the event: there are 3 types of eggs to smash to get the different rewards inside: Wooden (5 Tokens), Silver (10 Tokens) and Golden (25 Tokens) eggs.

If you successfully collect al Tokens for the entire event you will get 252 by the last day. It is advised to use them all in exchange for 10 Golden Eggs as they have the best rewards on average (Magic Hammers 5x, Potent Bomb, Moonstone, Tomes 2x and DSC) this way you have better odds and 2 tokens to spare.

*Note: If on any given day you failed to collect all the 18 Tokens or the event opened up for only 1 week, still attempt to exchange them all got Golden Eggs and use the leftovers on Silver Eggs.

Event History Notes
Previously the event allowed you to pick your reward such as other events "Material Store". This had the downisde of not having many options to pick but the advantage of being possible to trade all your Tokens for DSC, 1 per 25 Tokens (same as a golden egg).

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