@ Armed_Blade: "I've yet to see something groundbreaking from Oceanography about weather."
AHHHH!!! Do you mean PAST weather or CURRENT weather??? The ocean and weather are like... married! They are so closely intertwined, one tiny shift in one causes the other to change. You know El Nino? That is caused by abnormal warming in the ocean. Hurricanes: caused by a low pressure system hitting abnormally warm Sea Surface Temperatures. The ocean is what DRIVES all weather!
El Nino and El nina are natural phenomenas, horray for them. Just like the never-ending storm [almost, anyway] in venezuela. Anyway, about past weather in oceanography its all on predictions. The Great Geology is only whats in rocks, it can't neccesarily prove why or for what reason things have happened.
I wouldn't have guessed about the corals, yet, the whole carbon and water thing is grand. Yet what I fail to see is even though I admit, accept that carbon polluting is bad, and I wish there WAS an alternative, I'm also not to say that less sea corals will change the weather, and that the course of humanity will be intertwined by a few 100's of carbon PP. The fact is, the world is safe, even though many tragic things and changes in species who's live depend tragically on an exact mode of weather may be lost. The earth is everchanging, and the fact is, I think before this is any REAL threat to Humanity we will probably expend all of the stuff we use today. Soon enough, it will be a fight for at least a carbon tax for animal loving people who wish not to see extinction of things such as deep sea corals. [I had a much betterer post than this, but alot of times armorgames seems to blank out on me saying INternet Explorer can't get to it, when it can go to other sites anyway, I say, UNtill there is proof -- I am nullified by this. They say fix it before its too late, I think its too early. You fix it when you know its broken.
I am just saying, that with increasing water temperatures because of overall global warming, we are more likely to see stronger El Ninos and stronger hurricanes.
There is a strong relationship between carbon in the atmosphere and temperature. The are very closely intertwined. Check out the graph below: They have some of these graphs that they have tracked millions of years back through geologic data. Through ice cores and sediment drilling, they can actually tell what the climate and carbon composition was in the atmosphere at that time. And the fact is, from hard scientific data, that when carbon increases, so does temperature. That is just geologic record. There really is no arguing that.
That is why it is so daunting to think about what will happen when the atmospheric concentration of carbon rises even more. Because history tells us that temperatures will rise. And they have started to rise. Haven't you noticed summers getting hotter, and winters getting colder? These extremes of weathers are starting to get worse. Sea temperatures are rising, killing off coral reefs near the surface, because they survive in the waters because they are getting too warm.
Just a question, have you ever done research or taken a class on global warming? If not, I highly suggest it.
That was supposed to be that corals *can't* survive in waters that are too warm. They have a range of temperatures that they can live in, and sea surface temperatures are getting too high for them, causing coral bleaching. This is when corals get stressed (for example, from extreme heat), so they expel the symbiotic algae that lives inside of them. This algae helps give the corals up to 90% of their energy, so without them, the corals end up dying.
Only for a while or so, Yet, I got to see the controversial side of it too. We had a few class-hates come in and talk to us. but it was acctually only for 2 weeks. Some after-time thing I said I'd do for the heck of it. What I'm saying, though, is, IF carbon increases, temperature does to. New question, by how much? As you've shown on your chart, from 1-2 degrees on that looks like 20% of the chart. but, even 5 extra degrees wouldn't tip us off. And were not increasing as much as we think we are. People say we passed from 300 to 369 Pp in the last 10 years. Fat lie. So, even though it is getting worse, and I think there may be a bad twist with it. I doubt that it will change existible lifestyle. The other thing I have to say is the reason I belive most of this is because it seems to early to predict. Kinda like the weather guy who predicts the weather for us on friday on monday. Sometimes, the promised sunny skies don't come. xP
Also, you meant "Summers getting hotter, and winters getting warmer" right? o.O
No, I meant summers getting hotter, and winters getting colder. It causes an overall shift towards the extreme. 'Global warming' is actually not the greatest term for it. 'Global Climate Change' really describes it better.
And it is closer to 380ppm...
Also, even a temperature of 1 degrees Celsius worldwide may not seem like a lot, but it actually makes a very dramatic difference in what crops you can grow, what animals can live there, etc. They have been noticing shifts in fish and animal species going from near the equator, towards the directions of the poles. There is a certain temperature that species can live at. For the mobile species, this works out, for the sessile ones, they are SOL.
As far as too early to predict, you are right. We don't truly know what will happen. But I do believe that if we do not reduce our output, that whatever happens will be much more dramatic, and deleterious to both humans and Earth as a whole. That is why I think we should try be as green as possible.
You should check this video out, it actually makes a lot of sense, and addresses your argument on how it is just a prediction. And if it is a prediction, how we should still asses it: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI[/url]
Just thought people may find this article interesting. Is is about how spring is coming earlier and earlier, and how it is affecting plants and animals.
Please, if you are going to comment on these discussions, actually add something intelligent or thoughtful. Your post does not actually bring up anything relevant, or make any type of argument. If you don't have anything to add, please do not comment on it at all.
Yeah, but no one would listen to people saying ' don't pollute anymore, it's causing greenhouse gasses' they would think you were nuts and hop in their hummers and drive all around the place and open up big factories and pollute alot mates
anyway ever here of the ozone???? ya theres a thin hole in it in antarctica thats why it happens and i did researched that the world temp over the world and it rises each year by 2.5 degreese
Global warming is TRUE. But it's far from man-made. We contribute nearly 5 gigatons of carbon dioxide into the air, whereas dying vegetation, and animals give off nearly 600. Must be our fault, eh? Anyway, volcanoes (underwater, and above the surface) give off about as much carbon dioxide a year as ALL industrial factories on the planet. How's that for a slice of fried gold?
I wanted to bring this topic back because recently I have heard people talk about global warming as just a story made up bu Al Gore. Which is crazy. That is like people saying that Newton just imagined all his theories, of that Einstein was insane.
So I take it you do not believe that global warming is happening. If this is true, please back up your statement with scientific facts, and actual reasons. Pardon me if I don't think conspiracies constitute a proper argument.