1) This winter was the snowiest on record. 2) The "hockey stick graph" that Al Bore uses is flawed - CO2 levels increased after times of warming. 3) The same graph indicates a 30 year cycle - 30 years of warming, 30- years of cooling. 4) In the '70s, scientists were saying that all of us were going to freeze to death.
Please go back and read my comments, starting at page 29, through about 31. [url]http:/community/thread/2229/global-warming/page/29[/url]
Contained in those posts are some hard scientific data that global warming is happening. It shows CO2 graphs going back millions of years. They address the weather, and how it is affecting us.
In those posts, I disprove and argue everything that you just posted.
global warming is going to kill people in the future if we don't act now. ever time we don't recycle we are helping to make the hole in the ozone layer even bigger. it is major that we recycle. or the human race will be destroyed.
If global warming has been happening for millions of years, it was going on way before we started driving cars. Do you think that we can do anything about it now?
Like I said, please go back and read my posts. Yes, it is natural. But not to this extent. The anthropogenic addition of greenhouse gases to our atmosphere has far exceeded what it has ever been naturally. That is a fact.
I wish there was no such thing as global warming because thanks to it I have to do community service at school and my friends the polar bears might become exctinct
Global warming exsists, the earth is warming you idiots. HUGE amounts of ice is breaking off Antarctica and The North Poll and it is raising sea levels. So explain to me why u dont think its the cause of global warming? Also we are contrubuting to it ALOT, by the amount of carbon dioxide we produce. It is a natural cycle that is true, but we are doing a big part in marming the planet. Dont be ignorant people!
The reason why it was happening millions of years ago but is affecting the Earth now is probably because the Earth could handle the amount of greenhouse gases then, but now with the increase in CO2 emmissions, the Earth can't handle it. Not sure if this is true or not but I think it is.
this ice age phenomena occurs allot sooner than you think. Iâm pretty sure its every 10 to 20 thousand years, maybe even earlier. There has bin records taken from deep in the ice in the Antarctica to prove this, it shows CO2 in the air and dozens of other things.
Oh, it's in danger, alright. Global warming is real, but it's not as bad as some people make it up to be. But it wouldn't be hard to fix, it would just take time and effort, two things us Americans don't like to expend. And a lot of it IS the natural climate changes of the Earth. But we are contributing. I didn't realize how much until I visited L.A. very recently. When I saw how bad the smog was... it made me sad. I, for one, have a large appreciation for beauty in nature, for seeing things the way God intended them to be, and watching the amazing interlocking cycles that exist of their own accord. When I saw the amount of pollution that we were producing... I didn't realize we were capable of such things. Are we going to stop? Probably not, and it probably won't affect us in our lifetimes. Probably. But there's no guarantee. The polar ice sheet in Antarctica could slide off. We have no idea when it'll happen. But it could happen. In the past, every time there has been a warming period, it has been followed by an ice age. So one of this epic scale, one that is unprecedented in hundreds of thousands of years of geological history, will bring about what could possibly be one of the most catastrophic ice ages this world has ever seen. There's nothing we can do to prevent the ice age from coming, but we can lessen the severity of it by slowing the warming we're causing now.
Dont be IGNORANT! i hate listening to people who dont have knowledge to even speak! Megamickel you kno yur stuff, the ice age is coming and we are just making it worse by the amount of CO2 we produce. Through resurch of Antarcticas ice cap we have seen that the times before the ice age the air had a very high CO2 content. And it wasnt even as close to what is is now! there has never bin as much CO2 on the planet EVER.