ForumsWEPRGlobal Warming

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94 posts

i dont beleive in global warming because i think that it is so gradual that by the time it is dangerous the next ice age will counter act it

Does any one else have any views or opinions about that?

  • 933 Replies
332 posts

What "Global warming" or "Climate change" is is just an increase in solar activity. People say ti is CO2 but it is just an indirect coincidence. There is a more exact relationship with solar activity. The sun had simply been burning more hydrogen. Unless you want to send a space ship full of ice cream up there, there is nothing you can do. If some random species of animals die, they die, it has happened before and it is the circle of life. Deal with it.

Great, just a great argument, especially the ship full of ice cream, deal with it, and the fact that you have absolutely no facts to back up your claims. Get some data or something and maybe I'll listen, but claiming that solar activity is responsible for it, while a decent theory, just doesn't have enough evidence for me to believe. Plus, it wouldn't be as much of a problem if the ozone layer wasn't half destroyed.
Oh, and instead of being an insensitive git about animals dying, you do realize that a major portion of extinctions today are directly related to human expansion? Extinction is usually natural, but not at the rate at which we're killing them off, and not the way we're killing them off.

9,821 posts


Global warming is *partially* us.

The hole in the ozone layer, and some of the temperature increase, a well as habitat loss, is human impact.

A lot of the temperature increase is an increase in solar activity. The polar ice caps on Mars are also melting.

Not all of this guy's theory has any credence, but he is probably right in saying the Sun has influenced climate change.

5 posts

I think global warm is stupid and a bunch of bull

91 posts

It's so hot here, F*** you, global warming!

395 posts

Read this:

thisisnotanalt was right, it isn't just earth. I'm sure if some species of bird that only has 10 population and is a VERY vital part to the world lived on any other planet it would have heated up as well and died. You have no facts to back yourself up that "Global Warming" is not a hoax. And if you say Al Gore said so...

9,821 posts

I think global warm is stupid and a bunch of bull

your opinion is wrong.

It's not all us, but a lot of it -is- us.
395 posts

Lawlz I messed up the link on my post. Just do the part before the slash.

1,523 posts

And if you say Al Gore said so...

The guy is a fucking Nobel Laureate. I like to think that makes him credible.
332 posts

You have no facts to back yourself up that "Global Warming" is not a hoax.

You do of course realize that is the most weakest defense method there is? Its like asking "Why" every single time someone answers a question, and quite honestly, is just plain pathetic.
As for the "No facts to back up global warming not being a hoax", I can say that about any piece of shit in the universe. I have no means of backing up that there actually is a continent called Asia. The reason I believe in it is because I'm taught that its real, know people who have traveled there and lived there. Same with Global Warming. I believe in it because we have scientists saying its real, we can see some of the effects, and its a wildly accepted theory. So, instead of trying bullshit like that, post some valid arguments and maybe I'll think about reading your posts, instead of trying to say there's nothing to a theory that has plenty of science to back it up. Apology's if you live in Kansas, I know you don't believe in this "science" magic I speak of.
Besides, you strike me as the typical Republican, what about WMDs in Iraq? You have no means of backing something like that up. And if you say Bush said so...

If you haven't gotten this already, I'm in a really bad mood, so feel free to start a flaming war.

395 posts

The reason I believe in it is because I'm taught that its real

And that is why you are ignorant.

And the only reason Al Gore won a nobel prize was to make a political statement. It's just like how Jimmy Carter got one for peace in the middle east. It was to make a political statement. Where did the peace go?

Did you even read the link I posted? I didn't think so. Do some research instead of regurgitating everything you hear on liberal television.
395 posts

(Sorry about the double post but I remembered something.)

Mike, you say I need evidence. I posted it and you obviously did not read it. I think that you should find some evidence to back up your position instead of saying. "The scientists said so." Find out where they said it and get their evidence to back it up. Don't be ignorant.

2,763 posts

Global warming itself it's important itself it's the realization of what we are doing to our environment. Global warming would just be the consequences of our actions.

Global warming could be proven that it doesn't exist it might just be a cycle of the planet or the sun.

332 posts

And that is why you are ignorant.

You have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now. Seriously, I needed that.
I'm sorry, should I throw away 10 years of education just because its viewed ignorant to accept a few things that are taught in schools? Hell, I think your ignorant for being a Republican Christian, but at least education has something to back itself up, unlike 99% of religion. I don't just accept facts. In fact, I'm one of the few kids in America who actually does shit like this and talk about politics and religion and attempt to learn more instead of just blindly accepting facts. In the meantime, while I'm busy "regurgitating everything I hear on liberal television", why don't you turn off Fox for a few minutes and actually get some real news, like the BBC. American news is the most biased bullshit in the world, so instead of claiming that I'm spitting out whatever the hell is on TV while you're waving your American flag with the fox logo on the back next to the NRA Church, get something that's actually neutral for once.

As for your evidence, you're right, I didn't read it, because it doesn't give me an article. All it has is a page with a bunch of different topics, none of which look like what you're trying to talk about, so I'm not going to go digging through to find whichever article you're talking about since for all I know it may not be the right one. Get an exact link and I'll read it.

Oh, and while you're complaining about no evidence, here, read some of this that I conveniently actually allow you see, unlike your "evidence"

* Human activities are changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere since pre-industrial times are well-documented and understood.
* The atmospheric buildup of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is largely the result of human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels.
* An âunequivocalâ warming trend of about 1.0 to 1.7°F occurred from 1906-2005. Warming occurred in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and over the oceans (IPCC, 2007).
* The major greenhouse gases emitted by human activities remain in the atmosphere for periods ranging from decades to centuries. It is therefore virtually certain that atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will continue to rise over the next few decades.
* Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations tend to warm the planet.


Changes in the atmosphere, the oceans and glaciers and ice caps now show unequivocally that the world is warming due to human activities, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in new report released today in Paris.


AS THE Bush administration enters its final months, the US Climate Change Science Program has issued a report concluding that computer models do effectively simulate climate. It also accepts that the models show human activity was responsible for the rapid warming of the 20th century.


Many chemical compounds found in the Earthâs atmosphere act as âgreenhouse gases.â These gases allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere freely. When sunlight strikes the Earthâs surface, some of it is re-radiated back towards space as infrared radiation (heat). Greenhouse gases absorb this infrared radiation and trap the heat in the atmosphere. Many gases exhibit these âgreenhouseâ properties. Some of them occur in nature (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide), while others are exclusively human made (certain industrial gases). Over time, if atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases remain relatively stable, the amount of energy sent from the sun to the Earthâs surface should be about the same as the amount of energy radiated back into space, leaving the temperature of the Earthâs surface roughly constant.

Levels of several important greenhouse gases have increased by about 25 percent since large-scale industrialization began around 150 years ago. During the past 20 years, about three-quarters of anthropogenic (human-caused) emissions came from the burning of fossil fuels. Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are naturally regulated by numerous processes collectively known as the âcarbon cycleâ

If you're having trouble putting those two paragraphs together, it means: Greenhouse Gas=Heat, therefor: Human Greenhouse Gas Emissions=Global Warming


I'd be happy to get you some more evidence, while you MIGHT have one article to back you up.

I'm much to fair for my own good (Yes, this is one of the rare times in my life where I let myself feel arrogant, its a nice feeling), so I'll acknowledge that there may be other causes of global warming, but in way will I accept your hoax theory, seeing'

I am really pissed off today for some reason....

1,523 posts

Do some research instead of regurgitating everything you hear on liberal television.

Maybe you should turn Faux news and Rush Limbaugh off. I have no reason to read you're article, because quite frankly, there are NO scientists alive who disagree with the fact that global warming and climate change are real, and that they are a threat to the well-being of society in the near-future.

So, rather than believe what I've heard from my dad, who has a PhD in Marine Sciences and is currently doing a lot of research on global warming-related issues, as well as the numerous science textbooks, teachers, and other science journals, I should completely disregard all evidence of climate change, because the "liberal news" tells me it's real?

And the only reason Al Gore won a nobel prize was to make a political statement. It's just like how Jimmy Carter got one for peace in the middle east. It was to make a political statement. Where did the peace go?

Last time I checked, the Nobel Prize is one of the highest honors you can be awarded, and only a select few persons are chosen to receive it. The board who chooses the people to become Laureates put time and effort into their research, and if global warming wasn't real, and if Al Gore's lectures weren't having an effect on people, he wouldn't have received the award.
395 posts

Last time I checked, the Nobel Prize is one of the highest honors you can be awarded, and only a select few persons are chosen to receive it.

Sure it is science, math, and literature, but in all this political BS it isn;t some honor. Enough said.

Also mike, if you looked into where most of the CO2 on the earth comes from, more comes from volcanic eruptions. People don't display on their little global warming graphs because it would disprove them and they would not make millions of dollars selling "Green" and "Saving the Earth" and "Making Clean Water". PLEASE. If everyone in the world left on every single water consuming appliance for 100 years we would still have fresh water. It's proven.

I would go find links for these, but im leaving on vacation. Why don't you go look for it, when you see you'll be a little surprised.

And I don't watch Fox News... and I don't listen to Rush. I just read.
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