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94 posts

i dont beleive in global warming because i think that it is so gradual that by the time it is dangerous the next ice age will counter act it

Does any one else have any views or opinions about that?

  • 933 Replies
395 posts

Ok, I found a way to end our discussion. I can fix Global Warming, should it be real.

Hydroelectric power. Washington state has been completely reliant on it for years. It can produce enough power for the entire state and still have a surpluss. A great example would be the Hoover Dam. I generate power for MILLIONS. There is the worlds largest in China that is just as awesome, I don't remember the name though.

There is also nuclear power. It creates TONS of energy and there are already several plants around the US. What about the toxic waste you say? Just launch it into the center of the sun. No problem.

As for how we are going to run cars. There is a new one that is coming out called the EMC3 Commuter that one of my friends built that gets 60+ mpg. I think you could google the company "Eco Motor Company" and you will find it. We could use that to limit emmissions until we finally get the electric car engine right.

I think that if all that went into effect we would be okay and with some environment saving organizations we could really "fix" the planet.

I thought it was a good solution.

1,633 posts

Those suggestions only REDUCE Greenhouse gas emissions. To get RID of them you really just need two things 1. time 2. trees. Trees take in C02 and replace it with oxygen. Even if we are completely "green" it would take decades foe this problem to be fixed. There is no fast easy solution. If there is I would like to hear it.

332 posts

Perhaps more does come from volcanic eruptions, but that doesn't mean Humans aren't large contributors. If you read everything I posted, one of the facts is that the levels of some greenhouse gases have risen 25% since industrialization started. That's way to much to be a simple coincidence. The Earth has natural ways of dealing with greenhouse gases, but we've created so much more due to our industrialization and globalization (heh, they rhyme), that it can't handle it anymore. I'm not saying we're the sole contributor, but we are the ones we tipped the balance past what the Earth can safely deal with.

[/i]There is also nuclear power. It creates TONS of energy and there are already several plants around the US. What about the toxic waste you say? Just launch it into the center of the sun. No problem.[i]

Just slightly too Sci Fi right now for us to be capable of. Decent idea in theory, but look at the spaceship technology we have right now. Are we really going to pay that much every single time to lift a small amount of nuclear waste into the sun? Plus, as a side note, they're always risks associated with Nuclear power plants, and Chernobyl is a pretty painful reminder. The other two ideas are good, and I wish people would actually implement some of them, but whether or not it will completely work is questionable when it comes to reversing global warming completely, if that's even possible at this stage.

39 posts

And the only reason Al Gore won a nobel prize was to make a political statement.

No... the reason that Al Gore won a Nobel Prize is because through scientific research, a team traveled to the polar icecaps and bore extremely deep holes in which they extracted core sample of solid ice. Once returning to the lab they ran tests on the core samples and discovered the astonishing amounts of Co2 and other pollutants in the core samples since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. You can clearly see the discoloration in the ice that has formed over the last 100 years since man has been belching toxins into the air from unclean production methods. They have bore out enough ice to look back hundreds of thousands of years and nowhere in history do we see anything that resembles this except for small patches that have been proved to be points in time where a catastrophic impact or Volcanic disaster has happened. So Al Gore gained his Nobel Prize for bringing this evidence to the publics attention and raising the awareness of the importance of having cleaner industrial methods and breaking these bad habits of trashing our planet.
39 posts

Do some research instead of regurgitating everything you hear on liberal television.

I think it would be best for you to take your own advise and get off your right wing high horse and actually educate yourself on the matter of global warming.

I am sorry but it is you who are ignorant.
201 posts

no, before the global warming thing, we were going into a cooling trend, scientists are worrywarts

1,523 posts

If everyone in the world left on every single water consuming appliance for 100 years we would still have fresh water. It's proven.

You know that there's lakes in Africa where the shores have receded over 90%, and that tribes have to walk five miles and dig six feet under the ground to get the water. Water that's dirty and causes diseases. If you knew anything about environmental restoration and preservation, then you would know that we're draining aquifers than we're replenishing them.

IF you knew anything about environmental restoration and preservation, then you would also know that it's not a matter of having water to drink, but having water to plant food for the enormous population of the world.

The population has tripled in the past thirty years or so, and so has food production. Thus, so has water use. Something makes me want to say that the population won't be curbing off anytime soon. Water may be listed as a renewable energy source, but the amount of water itself is still limited.

Water rights are also a huge deal. You know the origin of the word "rival?" IN Roman times, if you settled by the river to use the water, and someone settled upstream from you and thus left you with less water, you two became "rivals," because you would be fighting over rights to the river's water.

The same disputes still occur, but rather than using soldiers to settle it, we instead have the legal system to solve the problems.

Saying that water supply isn't a problem makes me think you're a sadly ignorant person.
22 posts

Gobal Warming is a bunch of BULL. The hottest year was 1999 and the Temp is in a cycle.

1,707 posts

Gobal Warming is a bunch of BULL. The hottest year was 1999 and the Temp is in a cycle.

Well well well, the suns radiation is getting stronger cause the the polar ice cap to melt. It's not just about heat.
1,523 posts

I found this site and thought it was interesting.

It's a real-time simulation of birth and death rates, as well as CO2 emissions throughout the world. I recommend that everyone look at it and let it run for half an hour or so, and also check out the various data on countries that the creator of the site has compiled.

20,591 posts

Woah, that is one amazing site Zootsuit.
I wonder how they manage to track this?
There's a pattern, I suppose.

Mostly what I'm worried about is the heat rising and rising. It's hot enough. I don't want to be baked alive!

1,523 posts

I wonder how they manage to track this?

There's good explanations of how the data was collected underneath the map.
4,206 posts

Wow the website is great. Brazil didn't get even a tonne, and U.S.A got like 25.000tonnes.
Global warming is a real threat.

658 posts

There are studies that show that Ice caps are Growing faster than they are melting so thats one check against it. Were are these stations that are showing that the earth is heating In cities were the concrete and buildings make it hotter than in the country were the real statistics are. Also the sun has been flaring up over the past 30 years so once the solar flares die down it will be fin. Global warming is a bunch of Bull**** and david suzuki uses more energy than the average family

395 posts

Just slightly too Sci Fi right now for us to be capable of. Decent idea in theory, but look at the spaceship technology we have right now. Are we really going to pay that much every single time to lift a small amount of nuclear waste into the sun?

Actually you would stockpile it and then send it off once it became hazardous. And it would be worth it economically considering how much we are spending on oil each year. While oil is great for taxing by the government I think that a crate launched into the sun isn't too hard to accomplish.

And Lunar, if you checked, there is a more direct relationship between solar activity and temperature rise than with CO2.
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