Ok, there has recently been an uprising of sorts of contests, whether it be animation or writing, you'll find it here. So then, I'm also gonna see if I can get this stickied, so that newer people around here would be able to navigate through and see what they want to compete in.
First, is the Art Skills Competition. Even though it says "Art Skills", keep in mind that it's intended for drawings, not writings. and here is the Art Skills Competition
Second, is the infamous MWT, Which stand for the Mixed World Tournament. It's currently not able to enter, but it's a dang good read. Also, there's several drawn entries. It's been a while since I've been there, but the next one is gonna be coming soon, so keep a good eye out. Here's the Mixed World Tournament.
Third, is a nice contest hosted by Zophia (who co-hosts with Cenere on the Art Skills Comp, and Cenere hosts the MWT), where you, as it states, make an animation. The animation can be done in any way, whether it's .gif or .piv or .swf. You're free to come and go as you please. Here's the Animation Competition
Fourth, is a nice little contest for all you paint and pokemon lovers out there. It's the "Draw That Pokemon!" contest, where you actually MUST use paint, or any other photo program, so long as it's made by microsoft. I don't enter, because I absolutely FAIL at paint and paint.net. But anyways, here's the Draw That Pokemon (pokeman) Contest
5th, is something that seems to be a Contest, but I'm not sure if it is. It's called the rap arena, and if you like to rap, are cunning at rap, or like rap music, you should stop by. Anyways, here's the Rap Arena
6th, well, I can't quite find one for writing, since pretty much NONE of them are good. If you really are intent on having a writing contest, make an organized one of your own, or go into one of the few that are composed of vigilante judges, and bad organization.
I think that's all of the competitions, if you see one that I didn't find, please post them here. I'll also see if I can get this stikckied, and I hope this helped you at least by a little bit. This is thoad, ending a hopefully good thread. heh.
If somebody can come to me (profile) or the other mods with an idea for a writing competition that I, how to put this, really like, then maybe we can consider something like that, but please note there is no way I'm judging anything right now.
I haven't looked at any of them now, honestly, because there'd be too many of them for me to really weigh up etc.
I don't really know if I have full control over the competition...I suppose it would get more entries if it wasn't just MS Paint...for example Strop and Zoph never enter, neither do you Thoad...or Crimson...
:< No Paint on Macs. I entered this round, though? Also working on animation entry~
I'm not so clear on this, but apparantly we have a new contest coming to the art comp. It's hosted by Sssssnake and I'm still not sure what it's about. From what I can tell however it's to draw (or maybe even write, it just says "No Photogoraphy" a spider. If a mod is interested, he's looking for one. So then, here's The Spider Art Competition
If somebody can come to me (profile) or the other mods with an idea for a writing competition that I, how to put this, really like, then maybe we can consider something like that, but please note there is no way I'm judging anything right now.
Alright, I'll try and lay out the main structure of a competition that Strop may really like. Hopefully.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules and Regulations
General Rules
1)Submissions for the context must specify the word count implemented.
2)It must adhere to the period's theme as the main idea, or at least have some connection.
3)It must be submitted by the deadline.
4)The deadline will be according to AG time so that people will not be confused by the timeframe, exploit difference in time zones.
5)A winner cannot win twice in a row, though he or she can submit an entry the next week.
6)There will be judges, preferably a few to provide a fair platform for users to compete.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What not to include
1)No inappropriate language, such as vulgarities, swearing. This includes slandering, ask anyone in the AG community.
2)No slandering of race, religion, culture, language of people.
3)No sexual references or innuendoes, though romantic scenes such as kissing can be included.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actions that lead to disqualification
1)No plagiarism, if it has been discovered that the story has been stolen, e.g. the plot has been copied, the user will be disqualified with immediate action. However, elements of inspiration can be allowed.
2)Only one submission is allowed for each user. So please do not create multiple accounts for multiple suggestions. If it has been discovered that a user has submitted many entries due to this method, he or she will be disqualified.
3)If someone's username is used as a characterâs name for permission first. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.
You know, having more than one judge is a huge job, being only one is huge too, but at least there you do not need to contact the other people and have long discussions. Time for a judging to be complete with one judge: 2-3 hours (I think) Time for a judging to be complete with two judges (on a god day): 3 hours.
You know, having more than one judge is a huge job, being only one is huge too, but at least there you do not need to contact the other people and have long discussions. Time for a judging to be complete with one judge: 2-3 hours (I think) Time for a judging to be complete with two judges (on a god day): 3 hours.
Actually, I can do it in less time. It's rather easy. Just look out for a good plot, adequate description, flow, punctuation, whether it brings out the theme.
That might be because you are just finding a winner, right? In the ASC it takes that long because there is a certain number of entries, and we are commenting on all of them. It would still take longer if you had more than you. People might not agree on the reason you give for the winner, because we do not have the same standards or things we look for. Someon could have a good plot, lots of descriptions and good grammar and punctuation but know nothing of writing, while another person might actually do a decent job, but there is no plot.
That might be because you are just finding a winner, right? In the ASC it takes that long because there is a certain number of entries, and we are commenting on all of them. It would still take longer if you had more than you. People might not agree on the reason you give for the winner, because we do not have the same standards or things we look for. Someon could have a good plot, lots of descriptions and good grammar and punctuation but know nothing of writing, while another person might actually do a decent job, but there is no plot.
Youe have a point there. I may rope in the winner of the previous week to help if he wants. Since he can't win again. But yes, I'm going to give comments on all entries if this thing ever materializes. Plus, from what I see, not that many people would enter.
Someon could have a good plot, lots of descriptions and good grammar and punctuation but know nothing of writing, while another person might actually do a decent job, but there is no plot.
Eh...Care to clarify? It sounds kind of impossible to me.
Eh...Care to clarify? It sounds kind of impossible to me.
It is quite easy. I could write a great entry with no plot what so ever. It is possible, and not really hard. Thoad* on the other hand lack a lot in his writing style still, and even though he got it all right, he still lack something essential.
Eh...Care to clarify? It sounds kind of impossible to me.
The key word is emotion. Many people have incredible skill in weaving together description and characters, but cant infuse there work with sufficient emotion to make it stick.
It is quite easy. I could write a great entry with no plot what so ever. It is possible, and not really hard. Thoad* on the other hand lack a lot in his writing style still, and even though he got it all right, he still lack something essential.