Ok, there has recently been an uprising of sorts of contests, whether it be animation or writing, you'll find it here. So then, I'm also gonna see if I can get this stickied, so that newer people around here would be able to navigate through and see what they want to compete in.
First, is the Art Skills Competition. Even though it says "Art Skills", keep in mind that it's intended for drawings, not writings. and here is the Art Skills Competition
Second, is the infamous MWT, Which stand for the Mixed World Tournament. It's currently not able to enter, but it's a dang good read. Also, there's several drawn entries. It's been a while since I've been there, but the next one is gonna be coming soon, so keep a good eye out. Here's the Mixed World Tournament.
Third, is a nice contest hosted by Zophia (who co-hosts with Cenere on the Art Skills Comp, and Cenere hosts the MWT), where you, as it states, make an animation. The animation can be done in any way, whether it's .gif or .piv or .swf. You're free to come and go as you please. Here's the Animation Competition
Fourth, is a nice little contest for all you paint and pokemon lovers out there. It's the "Draw That Pokemon!" contest, where you actually MUST use paint, or any other photo program, so long as it's made by microsoft. I don't enter, because I absolutely FAIL at paint and paint.net. But anyways, here's the Draw That Pokemon (pokeman) Contest
5th, is something that seems to be a Contest, but I'm not sure if it is. It's called the rap arena, and if you like to rap, are cunning at rap, or like rap music, you should stop by. Anyways, here's the Rap Arena
6th, well, I can't quite find one for writing, since pretty much NONE of them are good. If you really are intent on having a writing contest, make an organized one of your own, or go into one of the few that are composed of vigilante judges, and bad organization.
I think that's all of the competitions, if you see one that I didn't find, please post them here. I'll also see if I can get this stikckied, and I hope this helped you at least by a little bit. This is thoad, ending a hopefully good thread. heh.
There is a new topic every three days. We can't judge yet, I need a second judge.(One for poitive things to say, another to critisize, like good cop, bad cop.) I have two stories entered so far.
Yes, go ahead and post your contests if I haven't gotten to them yet.
Without further ado I bring to you a rather interesting contest that I saw in my travels. First though, do you like zombies? Do you like art? Really? If you answered "yes" to one of those, check out The Zombie Thread of Undead Art! It's probably going to serve my need of daily does of zombie, meaning I won't have to be going "rawr" all over the ZSC and Left4Dead. Which is a darn good thing! So then, if you like zombies stop by and even enter in the contest if you want.
I need to repost this with some more info and corrections.
There is a new topic every three days. We can't judge yet, I need a second judge.(One for positive things to say, another to criticize, like good cop, bad cop.) I have two stories entered so far. I'm pretty sure they would like to have their stories judged already, anyway, here is the link.
This times theme: End of the World
I still need a good cop/positive judge, if you have at least 120 posts you are qualified, leave a comment on my profile, when judge stories only post nice things, I will be the critic.
well thank you guysf or getting me the links, but I'm sure I can bring a slightly.... more compelling intro to your beautiful contests. ^^;
Hey, you there, you like monsters? You don't...? Who the hell doesn't like monsters?! Oh, well do you like making stuff that's creative and cool looking? You do? Well that's a good thing, because I have a contest that might just be for you. From what I can tell, you're supposed to make the coolest, and not necessarily bad*ss creature you can think of. Rules are a little sketchy (I'm sure he'll revise sooner or later) but I think you're supposed to do that. Well without further ado here is The Monster Maker Contest!
Also, it's about time that this place finally got an official story making contest. I mean we've found floaters of good and bad story contests but they didn't have the officialment essence to them. So, if you like to write and don't want to fight check out the Official Short Story Contest
Contest Title: Picture Changing Contest Judges: fluffybunny422, TSL3_needed, Moatarmorgamer(me!) Prize: Pride and respect(but we're working on a merit) This Week's Picture: Lionfish Deadline: August 19 Link: http:/community/thread/4096562/picture-changing-contest/page/11/
Hi! Do you love the contests every few months where you actually get to make your own armatar, so long as it co-responds to a theme? Well, I don't think that the armatars being made here are actually added into the gallery, but if you like that type of contest go ahead and enter here, the Create An Avatar Contest! Current theme (9/13/09) - SPACE