ForumsWEPRNoBama: Whos With Me???

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Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected. Tell everyone what terrible things you have learned that he has done

  • 250 Replies
1,310 posts

What did former President Bush do badly? Seriously.

Well.. let's see. 9/11 wasn't his fault, but it did happen under his watch & they did receive intelligence reports prior to the attack.

The war in Iraq was started off of faulty intelligence

He pulled too much out of Afghanistan too soon to go into Iraq.

He never caught Osama Bin Laden.

The response/management of hurricane Katrina was a disaster.


Every single fundamentalist state on earth has hated us for decades.

He alienated our *allies* in foreign politics.

And that's just stuff off the top of my head. Bush was a terrible president.
5,579 posts

Were you following a legit news report that actually stated such a thing, or were you listening to a biased news channel say, like Fox News, because they have said that numerous times. I fail to see how he is at all.

Actually, I came to that conclusion on my own. Remember Joe the Plumber? He asked a simple question and what does obama do. He publicly humiliates him and throws him under the bus like he's garbage. THAT is the essence of marxism.

Because healthcare is how we treat those in need of help, and if we have a lousy healthcare, we are going to rot from the inside out. Obvious.

No, not obvious. Health care only needs to be improved for those who don't have it. But that's why there's medicaid. The rest sure could be improved, but can't everything? You forget that everything costs money, and some people don't. To get quality health care, you have to pay. In the end, cheap health care means bad care.
588 posts

1) The problem did not start under Former President Bush. It started under Clinton as the bubble began to hyper inflate. Of course, the bubble has to pop someday. So what do we do? We go off saying 'let's blame the president because I'm a left wing nut and he's a republican!' I guarantee if this would have happened under anybody else you would have blamed somebody else.

It didn't begin under clinton. It began under Reagan, and him taking regulations off of things.

Besides, what good did passing a 700 billion dollar bailout do? What good did invading two countries and expanding the defense budget do?

2) 90% of the world has always hated us. Saying that is actually quite ignorant. Every single fundamentalist state on earth has hated us for decades. You obviously don't remember Iran do you? That happened under Jimmy Carter in 1979 (or '78? Crap, I forget.).

Except now they hate us more

3) Why do we need diplomacy for people who would nuke us if they had the chance? That's like arguing with a serial killer who's about to kill you. It's extremely pointless.

Because maybe we don't want them to try to nuke us?

4) That's got to be the most left wing, biased, ignorant statement I've ever heard. And how is health care vital to this country? And how do you know their going to screw us up? You don't, you're just to ignorant to realize it.

Because health care costs us billions in debt each year

Actually, I came to that conclusion on my own. Remember Joe the Plumber? He asked a simple question and what does obama do. He publicly humiliates him and throws him under the bus like he's garbage. THAT is the essence of marxism.

Joe is a moron, stop trying to make him look like a victim.
5,579 posts

Joe is a moron, stop trying to make him look like a victim.

How is he a moron? He was slaughtered by the press and the entire country.

Because maybe we don't want them to try to nuke us?

It's pointless. We can never make them not hate us. Like I said, it's like arguing with a serial killer who's about to kill you.

What good did invading two countries and expanding the defense budget do?

What good did invading Afghanistan do? Let's see, it kicked the Taliban out of power and kept us from getting planes flown into 110 story buildings. What good did invading Iraq do? It kept 10s of thousands of people from getting chemical weapons dropped on their heads. Unfortunately, only after 100,000+ people were already dead. Also, it got quite a few chemical weapons off the street and kept Israel from getting bombed by SCUD Missiles. And what does increasing the defense budget do? I helps us kick a*s like never before. And it helps keep our troops alive. And lets us bomb them even more. If a president during a long term war doesn't do that, they need to leave ALL defense issues including budgets to the secretary of defense.
3,176 posts

*flags above comment*

If a president during a long term war doesn't do that, they need to leave ALL defense issues including budgets to the secretary of defense.

That's why the secretaries are there =P

They give advice and guidance to the president as to how to best follow a strategy, whether
it is war, defense, or how to manage the economy or treasury. So give kudos for Obama for
appointing them in the first place to help him out.
332 posts

1) The problem did not start under Former President Bush. It started under Clinton as the bubble began to hyper inflate. Of course, the bubble has to pop someday. So what do we do? We go off saying 'let's blame the president because I'm a left wing nut and he's a republican!' I guarantee if this would have happened under anybody else you would have blamed somebody else.

Fair enough, but my counter to that is still valid, since its not Obamas fault

2) 90% of the world has always hated us. Saying that is actually quite ignorant. Every single fundamentalist state on earth has hated us for decades. You obviously don't remember Iran do you? That happened under Jimmy Carter in 1979 (or '78? Crap, I forget.). Yes, we have countries hating us, that's always true and always will be. However, our diplomatic relationships tanked when Bush came into office. Take Venezuela. Hugo Chavez hated Bush, but then extends diplomacy the instant he's out of office. Now, plenty of republican right wing nuts are outraged and citing human rights abuses and he's anti-American status before. Do you hear complaints about human rights abuses in China? No, it doesn't benefit republicans to complain about that. Still, if you're going to be that separatist from world issues and relations and try to pass everyone off who doesn't agree with every decision we make as hating us, that's up to you

3) Why do we need diplomacy for people who would nuke us if they had the chance? That's like arguing with a serial killer who's about to kill you. It's extremely pointless.

Typical Republican fear mongering and anti-globalization approach. Comparing countries to serial killers isn't even close to accurate, except maybe in N.K's case due to their unpredictability. Reason for them wanting to nuke the US? The US holding them at arms length while trying to expand over them. They may not want to nuke us if they actually have a shot at diplomacy. Don't shut them out just because they're hostile now. Look at what happened with Japan. WW2 was devastating for both sides, yet now they're one of the most influential trading partners we have. We nuked them, don't you think they would have nuked us if they could? Oh, and that's one of the most right wing, ignorant statements I've ever heard.

4) That's got to be the most left wing, biased, ignorant statement I've ever heard. And how is health care vital to this country? And how do you know their going to screw us up? You don't, you're just to ignorant to realize it.

You want me to quote statistics? I can get them for you if you're going to be so ignorant as to think everything's fine. McCains policy's were focused on dominance as a superpower, not expansion as a superpower. Education is dropping in America, and compared to the rest of the world its not good. Without focus on education, within the next few decades we'll lose more and more of the businesses and jobs we have now. Diplomacy solves issues much better then military. Do you honestly think McCain would be willing to apologize to other nations? No, but Obama is, and instead of having to fortify ourselves with tanks and missiles, we're fortifying ourselves with diplomacy and trade, freeing ourselves to actually invest in education. Yes, the military budget is almost the same for this year, but maybe we won't have to fund two wars with Obama's withdrawal plan from Iraq, unlike the Republican approach of no withdrawal until victory. News for you. We'll never be victorious in Iraq, not with the way we fight, who we're fighting against and the hatred many civilians have for us.

He publicly humiliates him and throws him under the bus like he's garbage. THAT is the essence of marxism.

Ah, the fallback of Republicans, blame it all on Marxism. Joe the Plumbers an idiot that John McCain tried to use to make him seem like "a man of the people". He picked the wrong person

1,455 posts

If I may jump in with Mike412 and TSL3_needed, everything being said, whether it be Reagan's fault, Clinton's fault, or Bush's fault, it can't really be proven. The democrats say that deregulation caused the banks to become greedy. That sounds intelligent, that makes sense. The conservatives say that Fannie and Freddie forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't pay them back, and now the bank wasted all their money on them. That also sounds intelligent, that also makes sense.
Inspecting Fannie and Freddie might prove that there was some force involved in the loans, while inspecting the banks might prove that there was indeed some billions of dollars that mysteriously *disappeared*. But we will never know, because without proof, the media is just telling its audience one or the other. My point? The answer to this that will nationally be accepted as the truth may not be the truth. It will be what the population believes to be the truth.

332 posts

What good did invading Afghanistan do? Let's see, it kicked the Taliban out of power and kept us from getting planes flown into 110 story buildings. What good did invading Iraq do? It kept 10s of thousands of people from getting chemical weapons dropped on their heads. Unfortunately, only after 100,000+ people were already dead. Also, it got quite a few chemical weapons off the street and kept Israel from getting bombed by SCUD Missiles. And what does increasing the defense budget do? I helps us kick a*s like never before. And it helps keep our troops alive. And lets us bomb them even more. If a president during a long term war doesn't do that, they need to leave ALL defense issues including budgets to the secretary of defense.

This is probably the only time in my time here on AG that I've agreed with ChristianPatriot

1. Taliban are still a strong presence, and will continue to be as long as its a Muslim nation. They may be out of government, I'll give you that, but they're still a threat

2. Nope, I'm sorry. Al-Queda claimed responsibility for the Twin Towers attacks, not the Taliban. Invading an entire country isn't the way to deal with terrorists who work in extremely small numbers. Just because we didn't have another incident like 9/11 doesn't mean it was effective, it just meant that awareness of the threat of flying planes into towers rose and airport security made it much more difficult for another operation like that to be pulled off.

3. Really, we went in to save peoples lives? When was this decided? Here all this time, I thought our justification for going in was to eliminate those responsible for 9/11? Or was it for the Oil? Maybe it was to have a presence in the middle east? Who can keep track these days.

4. Where exactly was it decided that Isreal was getting bombed with SCUD missiles from Afghanistan?

5. Helping us kick a*s wouldn't be necessary if we tried a peaceful approach to world power, not the "we don't like you so we'll use some of our money to destroy you"

6. You know what would have helped keep the troops alive? Giving them actual body armor without having to be petitioned by people back in the United States. Instead of justifying a budget increase with that, the budget should have already been responsible for that.

451 posts

I voted for him, I like him and I think he's doing a fine job. It's ridiculous how so many people hate/dislike/distrust him because he was junior senator with not much experience. Besides, how many people from this site can vote? As far as I know the majority of users on this site are minors so I don't get what everybody is complaining about, that and not even six months have passed since he took office! How can you say

Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected.
when he's barley been in office...
349 posts

and not even six months have passed since he took office!

Your right Legatus and look what his has done:

1. Put the US in the biggest debt EVER, $1.8 trillion (wish I had a bailout). Oh, btw, this is more debt than all of the preseeding presidents combined. He has worked very hard signing his name hasn't he?

2. Screwed up the automobile industry. Too many rules, you gotta make so many crappy eco-cars that doesnt sell but everyone thinks we need them. (btw there is no global warming, thats B.S.)

I could go on but I don't have all day.
451 posts

how long has e been in anyways?

He's been in office since Jan. 20th, 2009. He's been in office for alittle over four months...
451 posts

@ DaMaster9000

What possible difference does being 1.8 trillion more in the hole going to make. With Bush our great great great great great great grandchldren would still be paying of this debt. So you and I aren't any better or worse of becasue of this...

The auto industry was already faultering long before Obama came into office. Chrysler and Ford were both on the verge of death even before the democratic primaries were over with.

Apart from that hes directed the military to start drawing up plans for removing troops from Iraq, the closing of Guantanamo Bay by Jan. 2010, two presidential memoranda dealing with energy independence, which you call "too many rules." that will greatly reduce emissions in this country The economic stimulus pakage he signed that put us in the hole was meant to spending for health care, education and tax incentives.

Just because he spends money doesn't make him a bad president, he inhereited the economic problems from the last president.

17 posts

look we would be dead if we voted maccain i mean come on you guys love him cuz hes a Vietnam war hero you worship him for that? if he was pres we would lose more army men than we did in WW2 cuz of him. i voted for obama cuz i want peace. the biggest mistake ever was bush for pres and the iraq wars we should have stayed out of it like teddy in WW2 he wanted to stay out of the war

1,532 posts

like teddy in WW2 he wanted to stay out of the war

yep and look what happened we went into war. there i no such thing as peace
3,562 posts

Hes working to raise the country out of a depression... his fiscal policy does call for deficit spending but that is to increase household spending to increase GDP.

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