ForumsWEPRNoBama: Whos With Me???

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Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected. Tell everyone what terrible things you have learned that he has done

  • 250 Replies
5,043 posts

I personally don't think Obama is doing much to help the country. He just hasn't been president long enough to show us any real change.

I would also remind everyone that Bush was not the sole reason why the economy dropped.

1. We had more money coming out of the country than in. CEOs would make a quick cheap buck quickly by sending products to be made in outside countries such as China. This really hurt the economy.

2. People are sue happy. My granma has a friend who's husband broke his leg at work. He sued the railroad company he worked for and won MILLIONS. His leg is fully healed. Thanks to that fucking prick, many people undoubtedly got laid off!

Because of people like him who thinks that companies can afford being sued, companies must raise their prices to compensate for in court debts because jurry members (the people) are very greedy and don't know squat about the justice system. Why the hell we still let them decide I don't know.

The president has to make hard choices. The problem with out country is that we the people whine too much about high prices! Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice to gain anything and Americans just don't want to do that. Does anybody remember the time I locked all those "Rate the above (genre) song" threads? People got real upset. But in the long run, that section of the community became much nicer and more spam free.

So in short, we wan't to get out of this depression and sacrifice nothing. Then we have low lifes who go out sueing to make HIS quick buck or CEOs who sends our money off to China because they themselves (the CEOs) will pay less out of their pocket.

Also, Obama should not be handing money to CEOs who say they need money to get out of their bind. Those CEOs should have hired more people and payed them with their yatch money. That is the main reason I do not care for Obama right now, but it's not he has many other options either.

541 posts

I agree mostly with you noname...

1,101 posts

I don't think he's the best president we've ever had and has done some stupid stuff (playing golf on memorial day, photo op over manhattan...), but at the same time, I don't know... We have had worse...
Oh and for the record, please, no one mention the economy. The president has nothing to do with it. So far, I'm looking at a book (can't remember the name) that says the econ will go:
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--------------------------Great Depression-----------------------------
1st*: 2006
2nd: mid 2008
3rd: early-mid 2009
4th: 2015
5th: 2020
6th: 2030
His book was written back when the economy had just started to fall and so far he's been right... He says that the main reason for the econ collapse is America's turn toward extreme liberalism and an aging generation. (liberalism>more [powerful] unions>less money for companies>bankrupt companies)
For the record, I have nothing against liberals, just left-wingnuts, nor do I have a problem with unions, but people are quite greedy and that tends to spell trouble for companies. I don't want them to dissolve, I just want them to loosen their grip enough to make the fall not as hard.
Besides, in a recent study, it just so happens that in the case of a complete economic collapse, my county seat is going to be the most affected city on earth, and its not Detroit. Its this little town in Indiana that contains the world headquarters of Delphi and a Chrysler plant. Problem is, those two companies employ more than half, about 60%, of the people in the county, so if they went under, the entire county would lose more than half its population and everyone else would thus lose significant profits from a lack of customers, and one of the hospitals would have to shut its doors. Simply put, within a month, the entire county would be gone...
So in short, please don't bring up the recession, its gonna happen regardless...

well lets just say this... In order for this to happen the government has to be involved... It just doesn't do this by itself, and it would be completely retarded to think so. The only reason for the economy to come back is for the government to put more money out there, to create more jobs which in turn allow for more employee's... The reason it got so bad was because Bush wasn't putting nearly enough money into the economy, and spending too much on things like Iraq (wtf, greedy SOB, only wanted oil), guantonoma Bay (er... stupid thing rlly), and other small little military impendetures... As soon as Obama came in, he spent less on these little expenses, and focused more on saving the economy (putting more money towards jobs/etc). He literally has been saving your economy, and to think otherwise... well like i said is pretty dumb.

1. We had more money coming out of the country than in. CEOs would make a quick cheap buck quickly by sending products to be made in outside countries such as China. This really hurt the economy.

er yea... examples of this are listed above... which all began with Bush as president... Its kinda funny how almost the whole entire world blames and hates Bush except for hick town American conservitives...

48 posts

a presidents impact is rarely felt during his own tenure.

786 posts

I mean Id rather have someone else but I don't go around yelling I hate obama in other words I cant change it so why complain?

1,455 posts


I'm confused. I thought his name was "Obama". I mean, Nobama doesn't sound like it could be his name.
FACT- Nobama doesn't have any cultural roots.
FACT- Nobama is often used when making fun of him, as in saying we don't want him.
FACT- The thread capitalizes the B in NoBama, possibly meaning that No is emphasized.

CONCLUSION- Nobama is a term used to refer to Obama by those who do not want him. It is NOT actually his name.

Hope this was helpful. :P (jk, it probably wasn't)

Serious note now. This thread keeps debating about Obama, when there is already a specified thread for him. If this thread is just for conservatives to bash Obama, that's pointless and stupid, and nobody should post here anymore. Follow the smiley...
6,800 posts


if Obama is handong out healthcare, money, and free jobs, then...why do we need jobs?

if we're getting everything for free/cheaper/easier...

4,097 posts

if Obama is handong out healthcare, money, and free jobs, then...why do we need jobs?

You already can get welfare, and also unemployment. What are you talking about, free jobs? The last time I checked you didn't have to pay your employer to work somewhere...
3,562 posts

I would also remind everyone that Bush was not the sole reason why the economy dropped.

1. We had more money coming out of the country than in. CEOs would make a quick cheap buck quickly by sending products to be made in outside countries such as China. This really hurt the economy.

Um is anyone familiar with the business cycle? yea... didn't think so.
2,905 posts

NoBama: Whos With Me???

Not me. >.>
22 posts

-No its N00Bama, seriously I think hes the best American president so far, at least 90% of the world wont hate you with him in charge now.

90% still hates us. Many Euroean coutnries don't like him now and the Islamtic world don't really like him either just ask Osama
68 posts

Obama is trying to improve relations with nations such as Iran but not countrys that like us

922 posts

I would be with you, but I'd be called a racist *cough cough* nonconformist *cough cough* by some people, who think if you say something opposing in African American it makes you a racist.

1,101 posts

well sry Nopolian..... with the stupid example you brought up earlier, i had nothing else to think.... I mean some people actually give some good examples... not just about playing golf..

1,532 posts

Obama is trying to improve relations with nations such as Iran but not countrys that like us

Other countrys would laugh at that statement...
Showing 46-60 of 250