Okay, i just wanna try this and see how many of you will participate and stuff.
All you have to do is try and make a diffrent version, but not make an exact copy.
RULES: 1. It doesn't matter how you make it, it just has to be in MS Paint. 2.Cannont Be An Exact Copy 3.Must NOT take another persons work. [If I missed rules, just contact me!]
hey yall i know it is kind of late but i made it and here is the link[url=http://s876.photobucket.com/albums/ab323/creature2000/?action=view¤t=audrey11.jpg] While your there comment my photos
I think this is totally necro......... Anyway, I have made some sprites: Retypes: http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6651/grassquilava.png http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/858/grasstyphlosion.png http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2217/firesceptile.png http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/7917/waterampharos.png http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/9215/darkespeonx.png http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2635/psychicumbreon.png http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/4056/fireroserade.png http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/8956/lickylicky4.png Psychic lickylicky Combinations: http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3208/saggron.png Sandslash+aggron
Damn! It posted itself before I added the code XD. I think this is totally necro......... Anyway, I have made some sprites: Retypes: Psychic lickylicky Combinations: Sandslash+aggron