Okay, i just wanna try this and see how many of you will participate and stuff.
All you have to do is try and make a diffrent version, but not make an exact copy.
RULES: 1. It doesn't matter how you make it, it just has to be in MS Paint. 2.Cannont Be An Exact Copy 3.Must NOT take another persons work. [If I missed rules, just contact me!]
Necro: Thread that is brought back after a long period of inactivity with a short, unrelated post, or someone making a point that has already been discussed many times over. Revive: Bringing a thread back with something related to the topic, or by making a post that brings the thread back to an active quality state of activity. This kinda do mean it is a revive.
Wait a minute? Haven't contests like this already been done like 16 times? And this isn't really a contest, people are posting there sprites on a thread.