ForumsArt, Music, and WritingZophinfestedartthread

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Scribe ~Zoph

  • 772 Replies
9,434 posts


Hmm, question. I've been noticing lately that people seem to think artists who dabble into working with real pencils (or other mediums) on real paper are a rarity on AG.
Is this true?

1,813 posts

First of all, Fallen'd like to say that he finds Zophia's ability at using color quite outstanding. FallenSky is completely unable to use any colors at all...
He thinks you're a very peculiar but also very talented artist ^^.
As for your question, Fallen would have to say that he does think so, but then again he may just not have searched enough...He opened up his own pencil thread recently to motivate people into doing so.

1,739 posts

I'd like to hear your opinion of my dragon OC, ulimited. Also, possibly toss the argument about dwagons out of Cen's thread. >.> I'm trying to understand your viewpoint, so I'd hate to just end it for the sake of stopping an argument.

My viewpoint is not understandable, by me or my surrounding (Sadly, that involves you too). But lemme try my art eye on this drawing...

I do believe that you drew this in PSE, and then added a canvas effect to give it a nice artistic look. Am I right? Then let me continue...

What I see from this drawing (Important because you might see things the sample population does not):

A green dragon (duh) with a relatively long neck that has a short, no nonsense neck-hair. It has no pupils, giving it the image of a ferocious monster that is just etching to get a free meal. It has big, apparently paper-thin wings and long, thin tail with two pairs of katana-like spikes protruding near the end. Oh yeah, you drew some funny balls

Now to my opinion of this nice artwork (It is pretty cool, I find):

It looks like something you'd bump into the woods, and never leave. The pupiless eyes make it look almost insane, and on the hunt. Though the blue Adams apple (I have no other way of saying it) is a bit weird, it is not out of place. The body looks a bit like that of a lean wolf, but more muscular and refined.

The wings are beautifully made, though I must say, I find them kind thin for such a large creature. They look as thin as paper, due to the front wing's perspective. I suggest perhaps somehow making them appear slightly thicker (I can't say how, as I'm not you, and not very good at this kind of thing).

The shading and the shadow are fine, doesn't look like they need anything done to them, unless you're a perfectionist.

I can't clearly tell what those balls have to do with the dragon (Colors used in the dragon?), but they look nice, and don't interrupt.

Whoot, took some time to write.
Hmm, question. I've been noticing lately that people seem to think artists who dabble into working with real pencils (or other mediums) on real paper are a rarity on AG.
Is this true?

Yes, there aren't many, but I think DDX makes art god enough for a dozen of such users.
1,989 posts

Nice Drawings there Zophia. I Like The Dragon

9,434 posts

My viewpoint is not understandable
This won't stop me from trying. :3

I overall approve of your comment there, but nitpicking tiem! Or just commenting back tiem. Anywho~

I do believe that you drew this in PSE, and then added a canvas effect to give it a nice artistic look.
Correct on the first, although the canvas texture is added for the sake of texturing. Not so much to be artistic. It just adds something to flatly coloured images, so lazy way of making it look a little better.

Oh yeah, you drew some funny balls
I can't clearly tell what those balls have to do with the dragon (Colors used in the dragon?)
You got it. As that drawing was made to illustrate some small design changes to Hallow, I left them on for reference. From left to right it's scales, belly scales/"fingers", stripes, horns/"hair", dewlap, wingskin, splotches on wingskin.

Now to my opinion of this nice artwork (It is pretty cool, I find)
Thank you~

It looks like something you'd bump into the woods, and never leave.
Good assumption. He's a swamp dragon, actually, but the swamp he's from was in a rather foresty area. And he would probably like a tasty hoomin if it was dumb enough to wander out there.

The pupiless eyes make it look almost insane, and on the hunt.
Completely white and completely black eyes are actually awesome for giving the impression of something that will eat you<3
For OC info that can't be gotten from the pic: He actually has pupils, but they've gotten so light that they'd only be visible on a highly zoomed pic. He's blind as far as normal vision goes, but retains a detailed kind of heat vision, as well as good hearing.

Though the blue Adams apple (I have no other way of saying it)
Dewlap. Inspired from the dewlaps of iguanas, specifically.

I find them kind thin for such a large creature. They look as thin as paper, due to the front wing's perspective.
These wings are similar to bat wings, in that the stuff that actually makes them wings is the skin stretched out between the fingers of the wing limbs and the body. It is quite difficult to make what is essentially approximately or less than half a centimeter of skin look thick... The finger bones themselves should appear thicker, though, maybe you meant those.

The shading and the shadow are fine, doesn't look like they need anything done to them, unless you're a perfectionist.
Actually there is absolutely no shading on that pic. :P There's a rough shadow cast onto the background to give a little more sense of depth, but Hallow himself is not shaded at all. Cheers for the compliment, though, that they don't seem to need anything done to them probably means it's an okay looking flat coloured pic.

Whoot, took some time to write.
This did too. :3

As for the &quotencil artists...?" thing, I'd like to state that I do frequently sketch on paper, with either a pencil or a ball point pen. I also occasionally pain a little with acrylics and sculpt stuff in play-doh. It's just so much harder to get any of that on here than it is with a digital drawing that I mostly don't bother.
1,739 posts


That stuff is so addicting when you haven't touched it in years. When we had to bring it into Science class, we got so addicted it was basically banned from school.
This won't stop me from trying. :3

I overall approve of your comment there, but nitpicking tiem! Or just commenting back tiem. Anywho~

Good luck. Oh yeah, and here's Ariadne's so you don't get lost.
Thank you~

You're welcome. I like to give positive feedback to awesome work. I give out what I get in... Maybe more.
Completely white and completely black eyes are actually awesome for giving the impression of something that will eat you<3

I know. But you have to get it right, else it looks like a blind fish hauled from 5,000 ft under the sea.
For OC info that can't be gotten from the pic: He actually has pupils, but they've gotten so light that they'd only be visible on a highly zoomed pic. He's blind as far as normal vision goes, but retains a detailed kind of heat vision, as well as good hearing.

I see his resemblance to a pit viper then. Scaly, reptilian and the ability to see in the dark. Oh yeah, and he's dangerous...
Dewlap. Inspired from the dewlaps of iguanas, specifically.

That's the word, thanks. It's pretty good compared to the real thing.
These wings are similar to bat wings, in that the stuff that actually makes them wings is the skin stretched out between the fingers of the wing limbs and the body. It is quite difficult to make what is essentially approximately or less than half a centimeter of skin look thick... The finger bones themselves should appear thicker, though, maybe you meant those.

OK, it's your art, so you know what you're talking about. Yes, I think I can imagine it better if you made the wing-fingers thicker, it would work.
Actually there is absolutely no shading on that pic. :P There's a rough shadow cast onto the background to give a little more sense of depth, but Hallow himself is not shaded at all. Cheers for the compliment, though, that they don't seem to need anything done to them probably means it's an okay looking flat coloured pic.

I don't have photographic memory (Be a nice trait), so I make mistakes. Your right, upon further looking there is no shading, but the folds of skin, the protruding legs, wings and tail give it such a point of perspective.

Say, the shadow gives the appearance that Hallow has a rather thin head. Is this on purpose or shadow error? If so, I have to say he'd look more like a dinosaur if he were 3-D.

Yes, you mustn't do anything, it is fine as it is... Congrats...

This did too. :3

Did it take you the whole day? OK, so I had to do my daily life in between, but that's not the point...
As for the &quotencil artists...?" thing, I'd like to state that I do frequently sketch on paper, with either a pencil or a ball point pen. I also occasionally pain a little with acrylics and sculpt stuff in play-doh. It's just so much harder to get any of that on here than it is with a digital drawing that I mostly don't bother.

Doodling and sketching is relaxing for the mind. They've even proven doodling helps listening... But most teachers don't believe me when I have to explain my landscape drawings...

Not all art has to be public. Though I bet the stuff you don't show is as good as the stuff you do, it doesn't have to be (Shouldn't even) posted up.

What are you thinking of drawing next, Zoph? Something awesome, no dought about it... Unless you've 'run dry' at the moment.
3,386 posts


I love that stuff. Except when you mix the wrong colors and it gets all weird looking... and then you can't seperate them again...

I have looked through all 50 some odd pages and I have to say. You are a really good artist. I really wish I could draw something like this. but I can barely draw smiley faces in a note XD Good Job Zophia!

How long did the dragon take for you btw?
3,035 posts

Hmmmmmm... me wonders when this thread got started... Anyway, love the dragon but I wonder why there's no pupil. And why did you decide on giving a dragon a mullet. I didn't think dragons went with the business in the front and party in the back look. And isn't it impossible for reptiles to have hair? However, the shading on this is phenomenal and I really love the dark green you put on the ends of the wings. It gives it a nice look.

9,434 posts

Back, after a few days of being very absorbed in an MMO when I was around my computer...

Say, the shadow gives the appearance that Hallow has a rather thin head. Is this on purpose or shadow error? If so, I have to say he'd look more like a dinosaur if he were 3-D.
He does indeed have a rather narrow head. I could do some scribbles of it from different viewpoints, if you'd like to see it?

Doodling and sketching is relaxing for the mind. They've even proven doodling helps listening... But most teachers don't believe me when I have to explain my landscape drawings...
I used to complain in my Danish lessons when we were doing dictation stuff... I was awesome at spelling, so while most of the rest of the class were still thinking hard about a word's spelling, I was sitting there bored for a minute or three. Eventually I was allowed to have a doodle paper next to the dictation papers. >.>

What are you thinking of drawing next, Zoph?
I'm considering a "Cute-Terrifying" scale... Of dragons. For the lulz. But have some other stuff I should work on too...

I have looked through all 50 some odd pages and I have to say. You are a really good artist. I really wish I could draw something like this. but I can barely draw smiley faces in a note XD Good Job Zophia!
Hehe, thank you!

How long did the dragon take for you btw?
I think it was around 4 hours, possibly less (especially when considering I wasn't working nonstop).

me wonders when this thread got started...
There's a date on the OP, y'know. :P

love the dragon but I wonder why there's no pupil.
It's faded because of a kind of blindness. It's actually still visible as some milky-blue something, but that's really hard to see when not zoomed in.

And why did you decide on giving a dragon a mullet.
It is not a mullet. If you must view it as a human haircut, it's more of a mohawk. But really, it's more of a mane-thing. Kind of like a horse mane, but -
And isn't it impossible for reptiles to have hair?
- stiffer, as it isn't actual hairs but a speshul kind of scales. Very long and thin and quite resembling hair, but... They aren't actual hairs.
Also, dragons can have hair. And feathers. And amphibious skin or whatever, for that matter, dragon designs vary a lot. While western dragons have a lot of reptilian traits about their looks, I wouldn't normally call a dragon a reptile... They're dragons.

However, the shading on this is phenomenal and I really love the dark green you put on the ends of the wings. It gives it a nice look.
But there's almost no shading. Still, thank you^^
9,434 posts

I was digging through my Photobucket album...

And found this:

(Couldn't find the title for #8)

Old art is old, and all the scribbles were rather quick ones (times noted).

9,434 posts

Also, old drawing of miniHallow, just because.

This was before his design revamp. Long before.

2 posts

Is your entire iPod Evanescence, Nightwish, Falconer, and soundtracks? >_>

Also, mini-Hallow is cute

One last question . . . even though I clearly state that this is an alt and I link to my other two accounts, is three accounts too much? If it is, then please permaban this one.

9,434 posts

Is your entire iPod Evanescence, Nightwish, Falconer, and soundtracks? >_>
I don't have an iPod, i just put iTunes on random... And duuuude, you missed the Mike Oldield and Gorrilaz. I'll admit there's a comparably large amount of Nightwish, though... Only that one song from Evanescence. More random stuff... Yeah.

Also, mini-Hallow is cute
Hatchling's inherent cuteness. :3

You'd have to ask Carlie about the alt thing.
9,434 posts

Darn. *Gorillaz

Random: One of my wisdomteeth are torturing my jaw. :<

Something from last summer:
9,821 posts

Dragon pirates?

. . . awesome.

And no, I didn't miss the gorillaz, I just forgot about them when I typed that post D:

My short-term memory is a whiny b*tch, so yeah.

Showing 496-510 of 772