I will post here my drawings and inferior poems. Some times I will post paintings of my uncle or grandfather too. Or sculptures made by my grandfather. So the first thing I will post is a drawing witch I made for learning how to use colors in a painting.
for the sunset (sun rise?) painting, what did you use? acrylics? paint? I'm an art lover too. for the super villan one, the only advice i can give you is, i think the legs could be a bit longer. In comparison to to body, its a bit disproportioned.
Now I will post a sketch of Daredevil the Marvel character, which is one of the few I colored after drawing them with pencil with ink. I think is one of the best comic book characters I ever draw.
If we could travel to the end of space Trying always to keep the same pace Some would say that there life can be found But the day we arrived we could hear no sound
Nothing was there only colored dust We tried to take a sample of that stardust But that strange thing had something magic So we decided to leave that place with no logic
Until that day we can only wait to discover What planets hide and how we can them uncover We have just to wait time to quickly pass To see the hidden secrets through the glass