I will post here my drawings and inferior poems. Some times I will post paintings of my uncle or grandfather too. Or sculptures made by my grandfather. So the first thing I will post is a drawing witch I made for learning how to use colors in a painting.
I made this for maverick, for the awesome thing he did. I think that is my masterpiece. But this one is way better, it's impossible to make something better than this. Sorry Mav.
I am flattered. I have to post all my happiness pictures but I will not. I will post only two. This one. The classic one And a song, I have my reasons for that choice.=)
He is too awesome to be in a paper, he would escape. More drawings. When the teacher is boring I draw. Here is something I made while my economy teacher (he is a good person, but boring some times) was talking. it's something Disney-like. A tree that flies away.